Love Without a Home. Shari Mong
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Название: Love Without a Home

Автор: Shari Mong

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы


isbn: 9781938768378




      Sissy walked out of the building and up to the man that Elisa had pointed out to her. “Excuse me sir,” Sissy said. Kyle turned around and stared into the face of a curly haired blonde woman with what looked like a one hundred dollar bill in her hand.

      “What?” Kyle asked her.

      “I was told to give you this.” Sissy put her arm out to give Kyle the one hundred dollar bill.

      “By who were you asked to give me this?” Kyle asked her.

      “I was told not to say who it was, but they would like for you to take this and move to another sidewalk and off of this one.”

      Kyle was furious. “Well, you tell whoever gave you that one hundred dollar bill to tell me themselves. Until then, I will stay on this public sidewalk.” Kyle said defiantly. “They cannot push me off of here just like I was some stray dog.”

      Sissy wasn’t sure what to say to him or to Elisa for him refusing it. “Take it sir; I am sure that you could use it. I mean a hundred dollars to someone like yourself could get you through for a while. Maybe get yourself a hotel room, new clothes, or anything else.”

      “I am not taking it ma’am. If it were out of the kindness of their heart, if they even have one, then I would. But this, this is to try and get me off this sidewalk, a public sidewalk that I have fought for so people could walk on it, is insulting.”

      Sissy was not sure what he meant by fighting for this sidewalk, but she saw that he was not going to take the money. “Well then, I shall be going back to work. I will leave you to do whatever it is you do.” Sissy piped.

      “Good then,” Kyle said angrily. “Continue with your work and I will continue with mine.” Kyle turned his back to her and she walked back into the building still holding Elisa’s money. Elisa was concentrating hard on the reports when Sissy knocked on her door.

      “Come in please,” Sissy walked in and Elisa was still looking at the paperwork on her desk.

      “Miss Drinnings,” Sissy said, “he would not take the money, he said he felt insulted.” Elisa sighed and looked up at Sissy.

      “How did he feel insulted?” Elisa asked almost with a laugh.

      “Well I told him, without giving your name of course, to give you this one hundred dollar bill and to remove yourself from this sidewalk.” Sissy said.

      “And what was his comment to that Sissy?” Elisa asked.

      “He said to tell whoever gave you that money to tell him yourself and that he will stay on this sidewalk. That it was a public sidewalk and one he had fought for so people could walk on it. I am not sure what he meant by that.”

      “Me neither,” Elisa retorted. “I told him that it could get you a hotel room, more clothes, or anything else. He said if it were out of the kindness of their heart then he would. He said they are not going to kick him off as if he were some stray dog. So I told him that I would continue my work. And he said good and he would continue his work.”

      Elisa laughed hard. “Not only is he homeless, but he is a stubborn ass homeless man. What he would call work is not work; it is begging and taking advantage of us who do actually work for a living. He would not know what work was if it came and bit him in the ass. Maybe he is not really homeless, but he just does this to make people feel sorry for him. What a shame. What if he actually has a nice place somewhere here in Manhattan?”

      “That could be true,” Sissy said in response.

      “Well thank you anyway Sissy, I will be busy for the rest of the day so hold my calls. I am not going to leave the office for lunch so could you order me some Chinese from that Chinese place in Soho?” Elisa asked Sissy.

      “Sure Miss Drinnings. What time would you like me to order it?” Sissy had given Elisa back the one hundred dollar bill.

      “Order it about one o’clock Sissy.” Sissy was about ready to go. “Wait a minute Sissy,” Sissy turned back around to face Elisa.

      “Take this one hundred dollar bill that that stubborn pig on the sidewalk would not take and buy you some lunch too. Just give me back the change.” Elisa handed her back the money.

      “Oh thank you Miss Drinnings, I certainly will.” Sissy took the money, in all the time that Sissy had worked for Elisa; she could count the number of times on one hand that Elisa bought lunch for her workers.

      Sissy did not want to look a gift horse in the mouth. Sissy left the office. Elisa walked back over to the window to stare down at the man on the sidewalk. She could have sworn he was looking up at her. Elisa thought, What a loser, people do not know generosity when they see it. She went back to work.

      Kyle had looked up at Elisa from where he stood. He could have sworn she was the one who sent the curly blonde haired lady down to give him the money and ask him to leave the sidewalk. Well, he would not give her that benefit. It was just as much his sidewalk as hers. Even if she came down herself and tried to give him the money and asked him to leave, he would still refuse.

      He was not going to let some hot-headed, beautiful, high society woman wield her power over him. Someday he would show her. To him, she was as heartless as she was beautiful. The only question was, would that someday come when he could show her?

      CHAPTER 4

      Elisa was so engrossed in her reports, that she did not realize that it was late when she looked at her watch. She had gone over the quarterly reports until she could no longer see straight. According to the reports, the magazine was again doing well.

      She put the reports away and got up to leave. She walked over to the window and did not see the man on the sidewalk. Good she thought I do not have to see him or deal with him tonight. She was tired and she had called her cook Emilio to have her dinner ready when she got home. She told him that she did not know how late she would be working. Emilio told her that he would have her dinner ready for her and leave it warming for her.

      Cora said, when Elisa was ready, she would draw her a hot bubble bath. Elisa loved Emilio and Cora, they were good workers. Elisa had put an ad in the paper for a housekeeper and she had interviewed many different ones until she found Cora. She gave Cora a probation period and had been happy with Cora so she kept her on.

      Emilio and his family had immigrated to America when he was nine from Guatemala. His mother had taught him to cook as a young boy. He had been looking for work as a cook when he responded to an ad in the paper by Elisa. She had interviewed him and let him cook for her. He had made her many of his family’s recipe dishes. She loved them and hired him.

      She had given Emilio an offer that he could not refuse. She and Emilio had become good friends along with her and Cora. She gathered up her belongings and left her office. Elisa’s driver was outside waiting on her when she walked out. It was a beautiful night. She headed home after a long day.


      Kyle had gone back to his usual spot, feeding the birds. It had become a daily routine besides being on the streets collecting money to get him through another day. Mildred had given him СКАЧАТЬ