A Glossary of Words used in the Country of Wiltshire. George Edward Dartnell
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Название: A Glossary of Words used in the Country of Wiltshire

Автор: George Edward Dartnell

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4057664621078


СКАЧАТЬ woman.—N. & S.W.

      Chawm, Chawn. A crack in the ground (A.).—N.W.

      Cheese-flower. Malva sylvestris, L., Common Mallow.—S.W.

      Cheeses. Fruit of Malva sylvestris, L., Common Mallow.—N. & S.W.

      *Chemise. Convolvulus sepium, L., Great Bindweed.—S.W. (Little Langford.) This name was given us as Chemise, but would probably be pronounced as Shimmy.

      Cherky. Having a peculiar dry taste, as beans (Village Miners).—N. & S.W.

      Cherry-pie. Valeriana officinalis, L., All-heal, from its smell.—S.W.

      Cheure. See Choor.

      Chevil (or Chevril) Goldfinch. A large variety of goldfinch, with a white throat. See Birds of Wilts, p. 203, for a full description of the bird.—N. & S.W.

      Chewree. See Choor.

      Chib. 'Potato-chibs,' the grown-out shoots in spring. See Chimp.—S.W.

      Chiddlens, Chiddlins. Pigs' chitterlings (H.S.Wr.).—N. & S.W.

      Children of Israel. *(1) A small garden variety of Campanula, from the profusion of its blossoms (English Plant Names). (2) Malcolmia maritima, Br., Virginian Stock, occasionally.

      Chilver, Chilver-lamb. A ewe lamb (A.).—N.W.

      Chilver-hog. A ewe under two years old (D.). The word hog is now applied to any animal of a year old, such as a hog bull, a chilver hog sheep. 'Chilver' is a good Anglo-Saxon word, 'cilfer,' and is related to the word 'calf.' A chilver hog sheep simply means in the dialect of the Vale of Warminster, a female lamb a year old. See Wilts Arch. Mag. xvii. 303.—N. & S.W.

      Chimney-sweeps. Flowering-heads of some grasses.—N.W. (Lyneham.)

      Chimney-sweepers. Luzula campestris, Willd., Field Wood-rush.—N.W.

      Chimp. (1) n. The grown-out shoot of a stored potato (S.); also Chib.—S.W. (2) v. To strip off the 'chimps' before planting.—S.W.

      Chink. Fringilla coelebs, the Chaffinch; from its note.—S.W.

      Chinstey. n. The string of a baby's cap.—N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.) A horse's chin-strap.—S.W. Compare:—

      'Oh! Mo-ather! Her hath chuck'd me wi' tha chingstey [caught me by the back-hair and choked me with the cap-string].'—The Exmoor Scolding, p. 17.

      Chip. The fore-shoot of a plough.—S.W.

      Chipples. Young onions grown from seed. Cf. Gibbles and Cribbles.—S.W.

      Chisley. adj. Without coherence, as the yolk of an over-boiled egg, or a very dry cheese. When land gets wet and then dries too fast, it becomes chisley. Compare:—'Chizzly, hard, harsh and dry: East,' in Hal.—S.W.

      Chism. To germinate, to bud (A.B.C.). 'The wheat doesn't make much show yet, John.' 'No, zur, but if you looks 'tes aal chisming out ter'ble vast.'—N. & S.W.

      Chit. (1) n. The third swarm of bees from a hive.—N.W. (2) v. To bud or spring (A.B.C.). 'The whate be chitting a'ter thease rains.'—N.W.

      Chitchat. Pyrus Aucuparia, Gærtn., Mountain Ash.—S.W.

      Chitterlings. Pigs' entrails when cleaned and boiled (A.B.); Chiddlens (H.S.Wr.).—N. & S.W.

      Chivy. Fringilla coelebs, the Chaffinch.—S.W. (Som. bord.).

      Choor. (1) v. To go out as a charwoman (A.); Cheure, Chewree-ring (H.Wr.); Char (A.S.). Still in use.—N.W. (2) n. A turn, as in phrase 'One good choor deserves another' (A.). Still in use.—N.W.

      Chop. To exchange (A.B.S.). 'Wool ye chop wi' I, this thing for thuck?' (B.).—N. & S.W.

      *Chore. A narrow passage between houses (MS. Lansd. 1033, f. 2); see N.E.D. (s.v. Chare).

      Christian Names. The manner in which a few of these are pronounced may here be noted:—Allburt, Albert; Allfurd, Alfred; Charl or Chas, Charles; Etherd, Edward; Rich't or Richet, Richard; Robbut, Robert; &c.

      Chuffey. Chubby. 'What chuffey cheeks he've a got, to be showr!'—S.W.

      Chump. A block of wood (A.B.); chiefly applied to the short lengths into which crooked branches and logs are sawn for firewood (Under the Acorns).—N. & S.W.

      Ciderkin, 'Kin. The washings after the best cider is made.—N. & S.W.

      Clacker. The tongue (S.).—S.W.

      Clackers. A pair of pattens (S.).—S.W.

      Clangy, Clengy, or Clungy. Of bad bread, or heavy ground, clingy, sticky.—N.W.

      Claps. n. and v. clasp (A.).—N. & S.W.

      Clat. See Clot.

      Clattersome, Cluttersome. Of weather, gusty.—S.W. (Hants bord.)

      Claut. Caltha palustris, L., Marsh Marigold (A.H.Wr.).—N.W. (Clyffe Pypard, &c.)

      Clavy, Clavy-tack. A mantelpiece (A.B.C.).—N.W., now almost obsolete. Strictly speaking, clavy is merely the beam which stretches across an old-fashioned fireplace, supporting the wall. Where there is a mantelpiece, or clavy-tack, it comes just above the clavy.

      Clean. 'A clean rabbit,' one that has been caught in the nets, and is uninjured by shot or ferret, as opposed to a 'broken,' or damaged one. (Amateur Poacher, ch. xi. p. 212).—N. & S.W.

      Cleat, Cleet. (1) The little wedge which secures the head of an axe or hammer.—N.W. *(2) n. A patch (A.B.C.).—N.W. *(3) v. To mend with a patch (A.B.C.)—N.W. *(4) Occasionally, to strengthen by bracing (C.).—N.W.

      Cleaty. Sticky, clammy; applied to imperfectly fermented bread, or earth that will not work well in ploughing.—N.W.

      Cleet. See Cleat.

      Clengy. See Clangy.

      Clim. To climb (A.S.). A cat over-fond of investigating the contents of the larder shelves is a 'clim-tack,' or climb-shelf.—N. СКАЧАТЬ