The Arts in the Middle Ages and at the Period of the Renaissance. P. L. Jacob
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СКАЧАТЬ 361 Stone Tomb 343 The “Beau Dieu d’Amiens” 355 The Entombment 371 Tomb of Dagobert 349 Seal of the Goldsmiths of Paris 159 “ King of La Basoche 419 Seal of the University of Oxford 478 “ University of Paris 417 Seals 166 Seats, Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries 8 Sedan Chair of Charles V. 120 Shrine in Copper-gilt 132 Shrine in Limoges 131 “ of the Fifteenth Century 147 Soldiers, Gallo-Romano 76 Spurs, German and Italian 113 Staircase of a Tower 398 Stall of the Fifteenth Century 33 Stalls in St. Benoît-sur-Loire 35 Sword of Charlemagne 126 Syrinx, Seven-tubed 197 Table of King Artus of Brittany 5 Tapestry:— Construction of Boats for the Conqueror 44 Hunting Scene 49 Marriage of Louis XII. and Anne of Brittany 46 Mounted Men of Duke William’s army 45 The Weaver 50 Tintinnabulum, or Hand-bell 206 Toledo, Gothic Architecture at 393 Tour de Nesle, Paris 400 Tournament Helmet, screwed on the Breastplate 82 Tournament Saddles, ornamented with Paintings 116 Tree of Jesse. From a Miniature 195 Triangle of the Ninth Century 222 Trumpet, Curved, Eleventh Century 200 “ Straight, with Stand 200 Tympanum of the Thirteenth Century 208 Vase of Rock-crystal, mounted in Silver-gilt 152 Vases of ancient shape 54, 55 Vielle, Juggler playing on a 220 “ Oval 220 “ Player on the 220 Watches of the Valois Epoch 181 Water-jug, Four-handled 72 Water-marks on Paper 421 Window with Stone Seats 398 Wood-block cut in France, about 1440 488 “ Print cut in Flanders 486 Writing Caligraphic Ornament 442 “ Cursive, of the Fifteenth Century 439 “ Diplomatic, of the Tenth Century 438 “ of the Eighth Century 436, 437 “ of the Fifteenth Century 442 “ of the Fourteenth Century 440 “ of the Seventh Century 435, 436 “ of the Sixth Century 435 “ of the Tenth Century 437 “ Tironian, of the Eighth Century СКАЧАТЬ