The Odysseys of Homer, together with the shorter poems. Homer
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Название: The Odysseys of Homer, together with the shorter poems

Автор: Homer

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4057664634764


СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">       ‭ And had, by turns, their pow’r t’ exclude the sun.

       ‭ Here enter’d our Ulysses; and a bed

       ‭ Of leaves huge, and of huge abundance, spread

       ‭ With all his speed. Large he made it, for there

       ‭ For two or three men ample cov’rings were,

       ‭ Such as might shield them from the winter’s worst,

       ‭ Though steel it breathed, and blew as it would burst. [6]

       ‭ Patient Ulysses joy’d, that ever day

       ‭ Show’d such a shelter. In the midst he lay,

       ‭ Store of leaves heaping high on ev’ry side.

       ‭ And as in some out-field a man doth hide

       ‭ A kindled brand, to keep the seed of fire,

       ‭ No neighbour dwelling near, and his desire

       ‭ Serv’d with self store, he else would ask of none,

       ‭ But of his fore-spent sparks rakes th’ ashes on;

       ‭ So this out-place Ulysses thus receives,

       ‭ And thus nak’d virtue’s seed lies hid in leaves.

       ‭ Yet Pallas made him sleep as soon as men

       ‭ Whom delicacies all their flatt’ries deign,

       ‭ And all that all his labours could comprise

       ‭ Quickly concluded in his closed eyes.


      ‭[1] ᾽Επἱ σχεδἰης πογυδἐσμον, in rate multis vinculis ligatus.

      ‭[2] The piner—Hunger.

      ‭[3] This four day days’ work (you will say) is too much for one man: ‭and Pliny affirms, that Hiero (a king of Sicily) in five-and forty ‭days built two hundred and twenty ships, rigged them, and put to ‭sea with them.

      ‭[4] Συναγεἰρω—Mendicando colligo.

      ‭[5] Ὤιδεε of ὠδἰνω ἁ partu doleo.

      ‭[6] A metaphorical hyperbole, expressing the winter’s extremity of ‭sharpness.

       Table of Contents


      ‭ Minerva in a vision stands

       ‭ Before Nausicaa: and commands

       ‭ She to the flood her weeds should bear;

       ‭ For now her nuptial day was near.

       ‭ Nausicaa her charge obeys,

       ‭ And then with other virgins plays.

       ‭ Their sports make wak’d Ulysses rise;

       ‭ Walk to them, and beseech supplies

       ‭ Of food and clothes. His naked sight

       ‭ Puts th’ other maids, afraid, to flight;

       ‭ Nausicaa only boldly stays,

       ‭ And gladly his desire obeys.

       ‭ He, furnish’d with her favour’s shown,

       ‭ Attends her and the rest to town.

      ‭ Ζη̑τα. ‭ Here olive leaves ‭ T’ hide shame began, ‭ The maid receives ‭ The naked man.

      ‭ The much-sustaining, patient, heav’nly man,

       ‭ Whom Toil and Sleep had worn so weak and wan, [1]

       ‭ Thus won his rest. In mean space Pallas went

       ‭ To the Phæacian city, and descent

       ‭ That first did broad Hyperia’s lands divide,

       ‭ Near the vast Cyclops, men of monstrous pride,

       ‭ That prey’d on those Hyperians, since they were

       ‭ Of greater pow’r; and therefore longer there

       ‭ Divine Nausithous dwelt not, but arose,

       ‭ And did for Scheria all his pow’rs dispose;

       ‭ Far from ingenious art-inventing men

       ‭ But there did he erect a city then,

       ‭ First drew a wall round, then he houses builds,

       ‭ And then a temple to the Gods, the fields

       ‭ Lastly dividing. But he, stoop’d by Fate,

       ‭ Div’d to th’ infernals; and Alcinous sate

       ‭ In his command, a man the Gods did teach

       ‭ Commanding counsels. His house held the reach

       ‭ Of grey Minerva’s project, to provide

       ‭ That great-soul’d Ithacus might be supplied

       ‭ With all things fitting his return. She went

       ‭ Up to the chamber, where the fair descent

       ‭ Of great Alcinous slept; a maid, whose parts

       ‭ In wit and beauty wore divine deserts.

       ‭ Well-deck’d her chamber was; of which the door

       ‭ Did seem to lighten, such a gloss it bore

       ‭ Betwixt the posts, and now flew ope to find

       ‭ The Goddess entry. Like a puft of wind

       ‭ She reach’d the virgin bed; neat which there lay

       ‭ Two maids, to whom the Graces did convey

       ‭ Figure and manners. But above the head

       ‭ Of bright Nausicaa did Pallas tread

       ‭ The subtle air, and put the person on

       ‭ Of Dymas’ daughter, from comparison
