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Автор: Walter Scott

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Книги для детей: прочее


isbn: 9788027201907


СКАЧАТЬ But sparely form’d, and lean withal

       A batter’d morion on his brow;

       A leather jack, as fence enow

       On his broad shoulders loosely hung;

       A border axe behind was slung;

       His spear, six Scottish ells in length,

       Seem’d newly dyed with gore

       His shafts and bow, of wondrous strength,

       His hardy partner bore.


      Thus to the Ladye did Tinlinn show

       The tidings of the English foe:

       “Belted Will Howard is marching here,

       And hot Lord Dacre, with many a spear,

       And all the German hackbut men,

       Who have long lain at Askerten:

       They cross’d the Liddel at curfew hour,

       And burn’d my little lonely tower:

       The fiend receive their souls therefore!

       It had not been burnt this year and more.

       Barnyard and dwelling, blazing bright,

       Serv’d to guide me on my flight;

       But I was chas’d the livelong night.

       Black John of Akeshaw and Fergus Graeme

       Fast upon my traces came,

       Until I turn’d at Priesthaugh Scrogg,

       And shot their horses in the bog,

       Slew Fergus with my lance outright

       I had him long at high despite,

       He drove my cows last Fastern’s night.”


      Now weary scouts from Liddesdale,

       Fast hurrying in, confirm’d the tale;

       As far as they could judge by ken,

       Three hours would bring to Teviot’s strand

       Three thousand armed Englishmen;

       Meanwhile, full many a warlike band,

       From Teviot, Aill, and Ettrick shade,

       Came in, their Chief’s defence to aid.

       There was saddling and mounting in haste,

       There was pricking o’er moor and lea;

       He that was last at the trysting-place

       Was but lightly held of his gay ladye.


      From fair St. Mary’s silver wave,

       From dreary Gamescleugh’s dusky height,

       His ready lances Thirlestane brave

       Array’d beneath a banner bright.

       The treasured fleur-de-luce he claims

       To wreathe his shield, since royal James,

       Encamp’d by Fala’s mossy wave,

       The proud distinction grateful gave,

       For faith ‘mid feudal jars;

       What time, save Thirlestane alone,

       Of Scotland’s stubborn barons none

       Would march to southern wars;

       And hence, in fair remembrance worn,

       Yon sheaf of spears his crest has borne

       Hence his high motto shines reveal’d,

       “ Ready, aye ready” for the field.


      An aged Knight, to danger steel’d,

       With manyaa mosstrooper came on;

       And azure in a golden field,

       The stars and crescent graced his shield,

       Without the bend of Murdieston.

       Wide lay his lands round Oakwood tower

       And wide round haunted Castle-Ower;

       High over Borthwick’s mountain flood

       His wood-embosom’d mansion stood;

       In the dark glen, so deep below,

       The herds of plunder’d England low,

       His bold retainers’ daily food,

       And bought with danger, blows, and blood.

       Marauding chief! his sole delight

       The moonlight raid, the morning fight;

       Not even the Flower of Yarrow’s charms,

       In youth, might tame his rage for arms

       And still, in age, he spurn’d at rest,

       And still his brows the helmet press’d,

       Albeit the blanched locks below

       Were white as Dinlay’s spotless snow;

       Five stately warriors drew the sword

       Before their father’s band;

       A braver knight than Harden’s lord

       Ne’er belted on a brand.


      Scotts of Eskdale, a stalwart band,

       Came trooping down the Todshaw-hill;

       By the sword they won their land,

       And by the sword they hold it still.

       Hearken, Ladye, to the tale,

       How thy sires won fair Eskdale.

       Earl Morton was lord of that valley fair;

       The Beattisons were his vassals there.

       The Earl was gentle, and mild of mood;
