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Автор: Walter Scott

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Книги для детей: прочее


isbn: 9788027201907


СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">       Her fair cheek rested on her hand

       Her blue eyes sought the west afar

       For lovers love the western star.


      Is yon the star, o’er Penchryst Pen,

       That rises slowly to her ken,

       And, spreading broad its wavering light,

       Shakes its loose tresses on the night?

       Is yon red glare the western star?

       O, ‘tis the beacon-blaze of war!

       Scarce could she draw her tighten’d breath,

       For well she knew the fire of death!


      The Warder view’d it blazing strong,

       And blew his war-note loud and long,

       Till, at the high and haughty sound,

       Rock, wood, and river rung around.

       The blast alarm’d the festal hall,

       And startled forth the warriors all;

       Far downward, in the castleyard,

       Full many a torch and cresset glared;

       And helms and plumes, confusedly toss’d,

       Were in the blaze half-seen, half-lost;

       And spears in wild disorder shook,

       Like reeds beside a frozen brook.


      The Seneschal, whose silver hair

       Was redden’d by the torches’ glare,

       Stood in the midst with gesture proud,

       And issued forth his mandates loud:

       “On Penchryst glows a bale of fire,

       And three are kindling on Priesthaughswire;

       Ride out, ride out,

       The foe to scout!

       Mount, mount for Branksome, every man!

       Thou, Todrig, warn the Johnstone clan

       That ever are true and stout;

       Ye need not send to Liddesdale,

       For when they see the blazing bale,

       Elliots and Armstrongs never fail.

       Ride, Alton, ride, for death and life!

       And warn the Warder of the strife.

       Young Gilbert, let our beacon blaze,

       Our kin, and clan, and friends to raise.”


      Fair Margaret from the turret head

       Heard, far below, the coursers’ tread,

       While loud the harness rung

       As to their seats, with clamor dread,

       The ready horsemen sprung:

       And trampling hoofs, and iron coat,

       And leaders’ voices mingled notes,

       And out! and out!

       In hasty route,

       The horsemen gallop’d forth;

       Dispersing to the south to scout,

       And east, and west, and north,

       To view their coming enemies,

       And warn their vassals and allies.


      The ready page, with hurried hand,

       Awaked the need-fire’s slumbering brand,

       And ruddy blush’d the heaven:

       For a sheet of flame from the turret high

       Wav’d like a blood-flag on the sky,

       All flaring and uneven;

       And soon a score of fires, I ween,

       From height, and hill, and cliff, were seen;

       Each with warlike tidings fraught,

       Each from each the signal caught;

       Each after each they glanc’d to sight

       As stars arise upon the night.

       They gleam d on many a dusky tarn,

       Haunted by the lonely earn;

       On many a cairn’s grey pyramid,

       Where urns of mighty chiefs lie hid;

       Till high Dunedin the blazes saw

       From Soltra and Dumpender Law,

       And Lothian heard the Regent’s order

       That all should bowne them for the Border.


      The livelong night in Branksome rang

       The ceaseles sound of steel;

       The castle-bell, with backward clang

       Sent forth the larum peal;

       Was frequent heard the heavy jar,

       Where massy stone and iron bar

       Were piled on echoing keep and tower,

       To whelm the foe with deadly shower

       Was frequent heard the changing guard,

       And watchword from the sleepless ward;

       While, wearied by the endless din,

       Bloodhound and ban-dog yell’d within.


      The noble Dame, amid the broil

       Shared the grey Seneschal’s high toil,

       And spoke of danger with a smile;
