First of the Tudors. Joanna Hickson
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Название: First of the Tudors

Автор: Joanna Hickson

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература


isbn: 9780008139711


СКАЧАТЬ female,’ nodded Gruffydd. ‘William did well there. But she is a Devereux, a family well tied to Ludlow. York’s son Edward is their idea of an heir. He may only be eleven years old but he is Warwick’s cousin and already tall and strong. Marcher folk like the Devereux clan think the lad’s golden hair is spun from sunbeams.’

      Lewys came out of his apparent trance. ‘That is a good metaphor Gruffydd ap Nicholas. I may use it one day.’

      Gruffydd grunted. ‘Not while I am listening, you thieving bard. Not if you want your dinner.’ He glanced irritably around the hall and raised his voice so that the rafters shook. ‘And where is dinner! Someone kick the cook up the arse. I am hungry and so are my guests.’




      London and St Albans

      WHILE I WAS ABSENT in Wales the feud between Lancaster and York reached boiling point in London, fuelled by the Duke of York’s unceasing campaign to be proclaimed King Henry’s heir, and by the constant drip of innuendo from Warwick’s scandalmongers, suggesting an adulterous relationship between the queen and the Duke of Somerset. York’s demands to be named Henry’s heir were halted temporarily when Queen Marguerite was delivered of a healthy boy at Westminster Palace, but the slanders proliferated once more when King Henry failed to recognize the child as his heir.

      At Windsor the little prince had been placed in Henry’s arms but the king’s face had remained expressionless, his grip flaccid. If not for the swift reaction of the nurse in catching him, the infant would have tumbled to the ground. Several subsequent attempts were made to secure the king’s attention but with equal lack of success. In the absence of the monarch’s approval, the boy was hastily baptized Edward after the canonized English king known as the Confessor, whose shrine was in Westminster Abbey, while Parliament agreed to the appointment of the Duke of York as Protector of the Realm. Within weeks York had his rival Somerset confined in the Tower, charged with treasonous negligence for the loss of France under his command. As a royal duke he was housed in the palace rather than the prison but he must have heard the crowds of Londoners, stirred up by Warwick’s agents, yelling for his head.

      By Christmas however the queen had emerged from her confinement and the king recovered his wits enough to acknowledge his son and heir and resume his rightful place on the throne. With power back in royal hands the Duke of Somerset was released from the Tower and the Duke of York relieved of his post as Protector. The Lancastrian star should have been on the rise again but sadly Henry’s malady soon returned and when Marguerite petitioned Parliament to allow her to rule as interim Regent for her infant son they rejected her outright and reappointed the Duke of York as Protector. A fresh flood of pamphlets now turned the people of London against the queen, stirring those who believed their poison to march on Westminster declaring the baby prince to be no son of the king’s but sired either by the Duke of Somerset or the Earl of Wiltshire. Marguerite took her son and fled downriver to Greenwich in fear for their safety.

      Meanwhile my brother recovered again and dismissed the Duke of York, who disappeared in fury to Fotheringhay. Bravely in my opinion, Somerset returned to Henry’s side and decided that the court should move from a hostile London to the Lancastrian heartland of the Midlands. In May I brought my retinue from Pembroke to join the large escorting army deemed necessary to protect the royal family on their journey north.

      Queen Marguerite rode beside the litter that carried her eighteen-month-old son, but once we had cleared London she let him sit smiling on the pommel of her saddle, waving at passers by. The Earl of Wiltshire and I were invited to ride beside her and it was during this time that I learned the details of Henry’s mysterious malady.

      ‘It strikes when it will, out of nowhere, Jasper,’ Marguerite explained. ‘There is no warning and apparently no remedy, and when it passes, after days or even weeks, it leaves him a little more depleted each time. My Édouard must grow quickly if there is to be a king on the throne who can hold England together, for I fear Henry will steadily become more unfit for the task. It is hard enough now to get him to concentrate on matters of state. James here knows how difficult it is to get him to understand the Treasury papers he has to sign.’

      I glanced across at James Butler, Earl of Wiltshire, who rode knee-to-knee with the queen at her other side. He was close in age to Marguerite and had always been about the court in one way or another, particularly in the queen’s company, but his prominence had been but lately achieved. During York’s Protectorate Wiltshire, like Somerset, had been sent to house arrest in the Tower, ostensibly for crimes committed during disputes over his estates in the west country, but he had been swiftly released when the Protectorate was ended and promoted to the office of Treasurer of England. I realized that since then Marguerite had come to rely on his counsel a great deal and for the first time I discerned the roots of the scandal spread by the London mudslingers. Wiltshire was the kind of handsome, dashing figure that King Henry would never be and the favour Marguerite showed him was enough to set tongues wagging both in and outside the court. Remembering Marguerite’s veiled proposal to me a few years before, I even found myself looking for signs of Wiltshire’s blond good looks in the little prince but saw only his mother’s dark eyes and colouring.

      ‘Prince Edward seems to be doing his best to grow at a rapid rate, your grace,’ I responded. ‘He is already threatening to take the reins of your horse I see.’

      Marguerite gently removed her son’s chubby fist from her mount’s reins and bestowed a kiss on the dimpled knuckles. ‘Yes, it cannot be long before he will need his own pony. I must tell you though, Jasper, that I prefer the French pronunciation of his name – Édouard.’

      ‘Then it shall be as you wish, my lady.’ I bowed acquiescence but could not help thinking how badly this would be received in the ranks of England’s xenophobic soldiery.

      ‘Prince Édouard has the makings of a true French “chevalier”, do you not agree, Jasper?’ declared Wiltshire, endowing my own name with a French polish that put me uncannily in mind of my mother. ‘It will not be long before he is riding at the head of his army.’

      ‘Well there is no likelihood of his father taking command,’ said the queen, her tone distinctly flat. ‘I may have to acquire a suit of armour myself.’

      ‘Let us hope such a thing will never be needed, your grace.’ The brilliance of the smile Wiltshire flashed at her then would have lured a cargo ship into a smuggler’s cove and I began to find his celebrated charm somewhat overwhelming.

      I showed my own chipped tooth. ‘No, where we are going, my brother will have the peace and security he needs to make a full recovery.’

      With her free hand Marguerite made the sign of the cross. ‘To that very end, I intend to make offerings en route, at St Alban’s shrine,’ she said. ‘Henry has much need of the martyred saint’s protection.’

      However, when we arrived in St Albans we received the unwelcome news that an army led by York and Warwick was blocking our way north. Shocked, the queen hastily took Prince Édouard to the shelter of the abbey while the Duke of Buckingham, who as Constable of England was in command of the king’s escort, immediately sent heralds to negotiate with the Yorkists. Meanwhile the rest of the escorting nobility rapidly deployed their retinues СКАЧАТЬ