Letters of Not. Dale Shaw
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Название: Letters of Not

Автор: Dale Shaw

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Биографии и Мемуары


isbn: 9780007533084



       Captain Scott’s other last letter to his wife

       An eviction notice from St Francis of Assisi’s landlord

       Patti Smith’s gym application

       Salvador Dali’s to do list

       A benefactor contacts Baden Powell

       Art Garfunkel writes to Vampire Weekend

       Joan of Arc’s note to her captors

       Notes for Bill Gates’ first High School reunion

       Edgar Allen Poe vs. The Baltimore Sanitation Department

       A lover replies to Vincent Van Gogh

       Biddy Baxter writes to a viewer

       Neil Young’s shopping list

       Agatha Christie’s jury duty notes

       Galileo gets a reply

       Gandhi writes to his dry cleaner

       Bo Diddley writes to his publicist

       Ivan Pavlov contacts his local pet store

       A letter from George Orwell’s publishers

       Harold Pinter moves into greeting cards

       Beatrix Potter tries to get an overdraft extension


       About the Publisher

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       April 2014

      My friends.

      I can’t quite remember why I decided to write a note purportedly from cult German film director Werner Herzog to his fictional cleaning lady. I know where I was: in the kitchen of my flat in Walthamstow, which I was eventually driven out of by an upstairs neighbour with an insatiable love of Speed Garage and lengthy Call of Duty sessions … but that’s another introduction entirely.

      Being able to correctly identify the inspiration and mechanics involved in the moment of that letter’s construction would have come in handy when I had to write a book full of similar material (spoiler alert: It’s this book). But anyway, I couldn’t. Though the moment definitely happened, because I wrote the letter, had it rejected by someone, felt a bit sad, then wisely sent it to Sabotage Times, where it quickly ‘went viral’, as I believe the young people say. I had no idea people are as enamoured of Herzog as I am, but it seems the masses can’t get enough of that crazy Bavarian and his delightful antics. What baffled me most was the volume of readers who thought it was actually written by him. Even though, as Herzog himself pointed out in an interview, it had my name right next to it.

      It seemed sensible to try again, so I went on to write ludicrous missives from other figures I have a healthy obsession with, including Mark E. Smith, Brian Eno, George Orwell, Neil Young and more Brian Eno (I love Brian Eno). Soon, I had unwittingly developed into, as writer Joel Morris put it, ‘the BBC4 version of Mike Yarwood’.

      However, though a number of these collected letters have been seen before, circulating around the darker reaches of the internet, most are shiny and new. A few didn’t make the cut due to legal issues or for reasons of baffling obscurity. You can find some of these at lettersofnot.com, where you can also send your complaints and gift baskets.

      A hearty thanks to everyone included in the book who decided not to sue me. You are good eggs. To the others – see you in court.

      Dale Shaw

      P.S. Full disclosure – I was listening to Ram by Paul McCartney as I wrote this.

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      Rosalina. Woman.

      You constantly revile me with your singular lack of vision. Be aware, there is an essential truth and beauty in all things. From the death throes of a speared gazelle to the damaged smile of a freeway homeless. But that does not mean that the invisibility СКАЧАТЬ