Low Fat, Low Sugar: Essential vegetarian collection. Rose Elliot
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Название: Low Fat, Low Sugar: Essential vegetarian collection

Автор: Rose Elliot

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Кулинария


isbn: 9780008126469


СКАЧАТЬ vegetable and lentil gratin

       spiced lentils

       butter bean cottage pie with thyme mash

       quick bean and sweetcorn pie

       sweet red pepper and chestnut casserole

       vegetable pie

       sweetcorn and courgette bake


       low-fat chips

       fat-free chips

       fat-free fried onions

       low-fat roast potatoes

       fat-free garlicky roast potatoes

       roast butternut squash with ginger

       baked sweet potatoes with chive yogurt

       lemony cabbage

       baked beetroot with horseradish sauce

       carrots with lime and coriander

       roasted mediterranean vegetables

       spicy parsnips and carrots

       courgettes with mint

       broccoli with cherry tomatoes

       baked onions

       cabbage with butternut squash and sage

       brussels sprouts with ginger

       peas with lettuce and mint

       cauliflower with turmeric and cumin

       asparagus with golden pepper sauce

       fat-free ratatouille

       easy fennel niçoise

       carrot and ginger mash

       Savoury Sauces

       béchamel sauce

       tomato sauce

       golden pepper sauce

       butternut squash and garlic sauce

       curry sauce

       dal sauce

       brown onion sauce

       fresh tomato and ginger chutney


       chestnut and carob soufflés

       vanilla mousse

       little rice soufflés with raspberry sauce

       little lemon soufflés

       ground rice pudding with blackcurrant sauce

       butternut squash crumble

       flaked rice pudding

       golden vanilla cream

       red jelly

       soya yogurt

       raspberry sauce

       chestnut and carob sauce

       skimmed milk topping


       Breads and Cakes

       soda bread

       carrot and rosemary flatbread
