Family Drama 4 E-Book Bundle. Leah Fleming
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Название: Family Drama 4 E-Book Bundle

Автор: Leah Fleming

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература


isbn: 9780007532445


СКАЧАТЬ a routine again. Perhaps open the café.’

      ‘Dolly refuses to talk about the business and I’m really worried about her. She’s becoming almost a recluse, only leaving the flat when she went to see Kevin. If we continue to live and work around here, I can’t see her ever getting back to her old self.’

      ‘Given time, she’ll bounce back.’

      ‘No, I don’t think so. She’s been brought too low, and I’ve been giving it some thought. I reckon we should sell up and move out of the area.’

      ‘Sell up! But where will you go?’

      ‘I ain’t thought that far ahead, but a nice little teashop in Devon or Cornwall would suit me. That nipper seems Dolly’s only comfort now, and as long as you’re with us, I reckon she’ll be happy to move anywhere.’

      Pearl drew in a breath. It was time to tell him, but she dreaded his reaction. ‘No, I’m sorry, Bernie, but I won’t be coming with you. My marriage is over, and though I feel sorry for Dolly, it wouldn’t be right to go on living with you.’

      ‘Don’t be daft. You’re family, and how you can bring Johnny up on your own? You’d need to earn enough to support you both, and you can’t work with a baby to take care of.’

      ‘I wouldn’t be on my own. Bessie has asked me to live with her.’

      ‘Well, yeah, you could do that, but do your really want to stay in this area? If you come with us it would be a fresh start, and nobody need know about the past.’

      ‘I admit I’d like to get out of Battersea, but I can’t face living with Dolly.’

      ‘Look, I know she gave you a rough time of it, but she’s different now. Please, Pearl, I need you. Until Dolly gets back to normal, I don’t think I can cope with her.’

      ‘Yes you can. You’re doing fine, but what about when she is back to her old self? She’ll try to take Johnny over again, undermining everything I do.’

      ‘I’ll see that she doesn’t,’ Bernie said, and, seeing Pearl’s expression, he smiled faintly. ‘There’s no need to shake your head in doubt. Things have changed, Pearl. I let Dolly get away with dominating me in the past, but I don’t intend to let it happen again.’

      ‘I’m sorry, Bernie, but Kevin urged me to get Johnny away from his mother, and though I don’t know what made him say that, he must have had his reasons. I don’t want my son hurt.’

      ‘Leave it out. Dolly loves the nipper – we both do – and neither of us would do anything to harm a hair on his head.’

      ‘I know you wouldn’t, Bernie, but when it comes to Dolly I can’t take that chance.’

      He shook his head sadly. ‘It’s madness, if you ask me, but it seems you’ve made up your mind. I just hope that I can still persuade Dolly to move.’

      Dolly didn’t surface until the following morning, her long hair hanging lacklustre down her back, and her complexion wan.

      ‘How are you feeling, love?’ Bernie asked as he lowered his newspaper.

      ‘I’m all right.’

      ‘Did you take your pill?’

      ‘Not yet.’

      ‘Well then, how about having a cup of tea and a couple of slices of toast first?’

      ‘I’ll do it,’ Pearl offered, rising to her feet with the baby in her arms.

      ‘Can I hold him?’ Dolly asked.

      With Bernie in the room, Pearl didn’t mind, ‘Of course you can.’

      Bernie waited until Pearl left the room and then leaned forward, speaking earnestly. ‘Dolly, how do you feel about moving out of the area? We could sell up and buy a little tearoom in the West Country. Nobody would know about us and it’d be a fresh start.’

      ‘But that’s miles away! No, I need to be near Kevin.’

      ‘Dolly, he’s in prison and doesn’t want to see you.’

      ‘I know that, but he’s sure to come round. When he does, I’ll be able to visit him.’

      ‘Maybe, but even so, you won’t be able to see him every day. I’m only talking about moving to Devon or Cornwall, not Timbuktu.’

      With infinite gentleness Dolly stroked the baby’s cheek. ‘It might be nice for Johnny to grow up in the country.’

      Bernie knew there was no putting it off. Pearl had made up her mind to leave and he couldn’t see her staying for much longer. ‘No, love, Pearl won’t be coming with us. She’s moving in with Bessie.’

      A spark returned to Dolly’s eyes, her voice indignant, ‘She can’t take Johnny away from us. We’re his grandparents.’

      ‘She can, love. Now that the marriage is over, Pearl can do what she likes.’

      ‘Who said it’s over? Pearl is still Kevin’s wife and it’s her duty to wait for him until he comes out of prison.’

      ‘Dolly, for Gawd’s sake, you’re talking rot! He beat up a man, raped a woman and, if you ask me, Pearl’s better off without him.’

      Before his eyes, Bernie saw the transformation in his wife’s demeanour. The spark in her eyes turned to fire as she spat, ‘He didn’t rape that woman, and I am not talking rot. Like it or not, Pearl must stay with us. I’ve already lost my son, and I don’t intend to lose my grandson too.’

      ‘It’s Pearl’s decision,’ Bernie said.

      ‘She’ll move in with Bessie over my dead body.’

      ‘Dolly …’

      ‘Enough! I don’t want to hear another word about it.’ Dolly stood up and, finding a clean nappy, she laid the baby on the rug to change him.

      Pearl came back into the room, carefully balancing a tray, smiling at her son’s antics. He loved being free of the binding, his chubby legs kicking, and hands waving before going down to pull on his little penis. Dolly slapped it away, her voice loud. ‘Stop that, you dirty little boy,’ she cried. ‘Bad boy, it’s nasty to do that.’ Then, seeing Pearl, she added, ‘What’s this about you moving in with Bessie Penfold?’

      Dolly looked surprised when Pearl slammed the tray down before moving swiftly to her side. She picked the baby up, her face and voice tight, ‘Yes, that’s right.’

      ‘Well you can forget it.’


      ‘No buts. You’re Kevin’s wife and your place is with us. Bernie has suggested that we move out of the area and I think it’s a good idea. Mind you, Devon or Cornwall is a bit far, but Dorset would be all right. It’ll be lovely for Johnny to grow up in the country and while we’re waiting for Kevin to come home, we can all work together in a nice little tearoom.’

      Bernie СКАЧАТЬ