Family Drama 4 E-Book Bundle. Leah Fleming
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Название: Family Drama 4 E-Book Bundle

Автор: Leah Fleming

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература


isbn: 9780007532445


СКАЧАТЬ bother,’ he shouted, ‘and, Pearl, do as I say. Get Johnny away from her.’

      Dolly’s face was white as she turned to Pearl. ‘He’s upset, and you mustn’t take any notice of what he said.’

      ‘Please, I just want to get out of here.’

      Dolly nodded, becoming quiet, and she hardly spoke on the way home. Pearl too was deep in thought. Kevin has said some strange things. He said that Dolly was sick, that she had made sex into a dirty word. What did he mean? Had Dolly interfered with him in some way? Oh God, it was awful. He had told her to get Johnny away from his mother and, somehow, she intended to do just that.

      The following day Dolly was morose, hardly speaking and, wanting to get out of the flat, Pearl got Johnny ready, wheeling him across to Bessie’s shop. She wanted to talk to the old lady, to tell her what Kevin had said.

      ‘Hello, love,’ Bessie said as Pearl pushed the pram inside, her head cocking to one side. ‘What’s up?’

      Pearl took a seat by the counter. ‘It’s Kevin. I had a bit of a shock when we went to see him.’ She went on to tell Bessie what had happened, finally saying, ‘He told me to move out, to get Johnny away from Dolly.’

      ‘Well, love, I must admit I don’t like the sound of it. Are you going to take his advice?’

      ‘Yes, of course I am, and I want to move out as soon as possible.’

      ‘Can’t say I blame you, but before we work out what you’re going to do, I must tell you about another vision.’

      ‘Was it about Kevin again?’

      ‘No, this time it was about you.’

      ‘Me! What did you see?’

      Bessie’s forehead creased. ‘It was odd. All I saw was a woman sitting in bed looking at a newspaper, and your face was on the front page.’

      ‘But I’ve never been in the newspaper, and who was this woman?’

      ‘I have no idea. All I can say is that she looked ill, but happy.’

      ‘Is that all?’

      ‘Yes, but I have a feeling she’ll come into your life.’

      Pearl rubbed a hand across her forehead. Why would a strange woman be happy to see her? ‘Maybe I’ll meet her when I move out of this area?’

      ‘Have you any money, Pearl?’


      ‘So how do you think you can move away? You’d need to find a home, a job, and you can’t work with a baby to look after.’

      Pearl knew Bessie was right. She’d been stupid, living in a dream world, and now she was facing reality, tears stung her eyes.

      ‘Don’t get upset, love. Why don’t you come back here? I know it’s only a stone’s throw from Dolly, but it’s a start.’

      ‘I can’t expect you to keep me.’

      ‘Keep you! Leave it out. There’s work for you in the shop and it’ll be nice to put me feet up for a while.’

      Pearl’s heart surged with gratitude. This lovely old lady was offering her a way out, and she grabbed it. ‘All right, Bessie, I’ll come back, and thank you.’

      Things didn’t work out as Pearl expected, her happiness short-lived. During her absence Dolly had collapsed and Pearl returned to find Bernie in a dreadful state.

      ‘She’s hardly said a word since seeing Kevin yesterday and when you went out she just sort of folded. It was weird, Pearl, and she won’t stop crying.’

      ‘Have you called the doctor?’

      ‘Yes, and he should be here shortly, but what happened to bring this on?’

      She told him that Kevin had said he didn’t want to see his mother again, blaming her for all that had happened. Her face reddened, too embarrassed to tell Bernie the bit about Dolly being sick and making sex a dirty word.

      ‘I can’t believe that he doesn’t want to see his mother again, and no wonder she’s upset.’ There was a knock on the door. ‘That’ll be the doctor,’ Bernie said. ‘Would you let him in, Pearl?’

      She went downstairs, returning to wait with Bernie whilst the doctor examined Dolly.

      Bernie scratched his head. ‘I reckon that, like Dolly, Kevin is looking for a scapegoat. He’s done wrong, but it’s easier to blame someone else than face his own actions. Dolly spoiled him rotten, but that doesn’t mean she’s responsible for what he did.’

      Before Pearl could respond, the doctor emerged, Bernie jumping to his feet. ‘Is she all right?’

      ‘I think your wife is suffering from nervous exhaustion.’

      ‘What the hell is that?’

      ‘It’s caused by stress. Has she been sleeping?’

      ‘No, not really, but she’s a strong woman and always has been.’

      ‘Everyone has a breaking point, Mr Dolby, and I think your wife has reached hers. I’ve given her a sedative, and if you keep her free of any further worries, I’m sure she’ll be fine.’

      ‘Gawd, how am I supposed to do that? She still has our son’s trial to face.’

      ‘Don’t let her go. Keep her at home.’

      ‘Huh, if she wants to go there’ll be no stopping her.’

      The doctor sighed. ‘You can tell her it’s against my advice, and until then keep her as quiet as possible. Call me if you have any worries.’

      When the man left, Bernie went in to see Dolly, but he soon returned. ‘She’s asleep, but what about when she wakes up? I don’t know how I’m going to cope with her, Pearl.’

      Bernie looked sick with worry and, with a sinking heart, Pearl realised she’d have to remain. Bernie had always shown her kindness and she was fond of her father-in-law. She couldn’t abandon him now. She’d stay for a while, just until Dolly recovered, and then she’d be out of there like a shot.

      Dolly was up in less than a week, but she still looked awful and hardly spoke. Bernie seemed lost, creeping around his wife as though she was made of china. However, later that morning both he and Pearl were surprised when she suddenly surged to her feet, her voice strong and assertive again.

      ‘I’m going to see Kevin.’

      ‘You’re not up to it, love,’ Bernie protested.

      ‘I have to see him. He’s my son.’

      ‘All right, if it means so much to you, I’ll come along.’

      ‘No, Bernie, I want to see him on my own.’