Family Drama 4 E-Book Bundle. Leah Fleming
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Название: Family Drama 4 E-Book Bundle

Автор: Leah Fleming

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература


isbn: 9780007532445


СКАЧАТЬ say I blame you,’ the man said, turning as a customer came to his stall.

      Derek nodded, relieved that the other costermongers had believed his excuse, but he was tired of putting on an act. It was this that had sealed his decision. He’d miss the market, but at least he wouldn’t have to see Pearl every day. She was married now, and once and for all he had to put her out of his mind.

      Kevin drove to Richmond. He’d booked a table at a pub/restaurant by the river, and as it was early they’d be able to have a couple of drinks before ordering their meal. His mother had stuffed some money in his hand that morning, but she had done so begrudgingly. Kevin was worried, really worried. He hadn’t been to Soho for ages and was desperate for relief. In the past, he’d been able to manipulate his mother for extra money, but nowadays she was punishing him and was being as tight as a duck’s arse.

      It had been hell holding back with Pearl, but until she dropped the kid it would have to remain that way. ‘What did you say?’ he asked impatiently when she spoke.

      ‘I said I can’t believe that we’re really married.’

      ‘Well, we are.’

      ‘You seem upset. Are you regretting it already?’

      ‘For Christ’s sake! What do you want me to do – break out in song and dance? Now shut up and let me concentrate on the road.’

      He glanced round to see that Pearl had lowered her head, and at last he smiled. At least the silly cow didn’t answer him back and that made him feel better. He’d be the man in this relationship, and she might as well learn that from the start.

      When they arrived at the pub Kevin pointed to a table, and as Pearl took a seat he went up to the bar. The landlord was a short, stocky man, looking harassed as he issued orders to several young women in waitress uniforms. It seemed that this wasn’t only a restaurant, there was a function room too, one that had been booked for a wedding party.

      Kevin listened with interest. The pub was in a prime riverside location, and the bloke must be raking it in. An inkling of an idea began to form, but one that would need careful planning – along with insider knowledge. Almost on cue a tall, plain-faced barmaid came to take his order.

      ‘Hello, love,’ he said, giving her his best smile.

      She flushed, but her eyes lit up with interest. ‘What can I get you, sir?’

      ‘A pint of bitter and an orange juice,’ he said, and by the time he was carrying the drinks to their table, he knew he’d cracked it. With her looks, the barmaid would be grateful for any attention, and he’d give her plenty of that whilst he fished for information.

      Kevin sat drinking his pint, his eyes constantly scanning the pub, and then anxious to get to the bar again he turned to Pearl. ‘Come on, drink up.’

      ‘I don’t want another one yet.’

      ‘Please yourself,’ he said, taking his own empty glass and smiling softly at the barmaid as she approached, ready with his favourite chat-up line.

      ‘What can I get you?’ she asked, smiling shyly.

      ‘I’ll have the same again, but I have a bit of a problem that you might be able to help me with.’

      ‘A problem?’

      ‘Yes. You see I’ve forgotten my telephone number, so could you give me yours?’

      For a moment she looked bewildered, but then, pink-faced, she smiled. ‘You … you want my telephone number?’

      ‘Yes, please.’

      As her eyes flicked to Pearl he leaned a little closer over the bar. ‘She’s just a friend.’

      ‘Mary, there’s other customers waiting,’ a voice said, and Kevin scowled as he saw the landlord approaching.

      She quickly pulled on the pump, filling his glass with bitter, her manner brusque now. ‘Sorry,’ she mouthed as he took his money, and quickly scribbling on a scrap of paper, she passed him her telephone number.

      ‘I’ll ring you soon – very soon,’ Kevin told her, smiling as he walked away. She was a good choice, one he was sure would spill the beans.

      When they arrived back at the café, Kevin unlocked the back door to find Nora sweeping the floor. He ignored the woman as he always did, his mind still distracted. He’d lingered over the meal, too preoccupied to take much notice of the food as he‘d watched everything, taking mental notes, but knowing that this was only the start.

      ‘Hello,’ Nora said.

      Kevin grunted, but Pearl smiled, returning the cleaner’s greetings before Kevin ushered her up to the flat. His mother was sitting by the fire as they walked in, her smile tight as she spoke.

      ‘You’re back then.’

      ‘Where’s Dad?’

      ‘He’s putting the takings into the night safe at the bank.’ She then turned to Pearl, her voice clipped. ‘Put the kettle on.’

      Pearl nodded, hurrying through to the kitchen, Dolly speaking again as the door closed. ‘The girl can make herself useful and we might as well start as we mean to go on. For instance, she can help your father with the cleaning up here.’

      ‘Hang on, Mum. She’s already working in the café, and don’t forget she’s five months pregnant.’

      ‘What’s that got to do with anything? Pearl isn’t ill. She’s just having a baby and doesn’t need treating like a china doll.’

      Kevin shrugged, unwilling to get into an argument. If Pearl didn’t want to take on the cleaning it would be up to her to say so but, knowing his mother, he doubted it would do any good. What she said went, both in the café and up here in their flat.

      ‘Hello,’ Bernie said as he returned. ‘How was the meal?’


      ‘Where’s Pearl?’

      It was Dolly who answered. ‘She’s making a cup of tea, and I’ve told Kevin that she can take over cleaning the flat.’

      ‘Blimey, don’t you think that’s a bit much? After all, the girl’s having a baby.’

      Dolly’s face darkened. ‘I worked like a dog when I was carrying Kevin, and I don’t remember you protesting.’

      Bernie lowered his eyes, and Kevin knew that, like him, his father was unwilling to argue with her. Once again his determination rose. There was no way Pearl was going to rule him. In fact, he would start right now, and this might be a way to earn a few Brownie points with his mother. If he could soften her up, she might be persuaded to give him a few quid.

      When Pearl came back into the room, Kevin waited until she had put the tray down before speaking. ‘Now that you’ve moved in with us, I think we need to sort out a few things. My mother’s worn out after working in the café all day, and as she has agreed to let us live here rent free, I think you should take on the cleaning.’

      Kevin СКАЧАТЬ