Family Drama 4 E-Book Bundle. Leah Fleming
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Название: Family Drama 4 E-Book Bundle

Автор: Leah Fleming

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература


isbn: 9780007532445


СКАЧАТЬ letting me stay with you, but I’m going to miss you so much.’

      ‘I’ll miss you too, but you never know – you may be back.’

      ‘Back! What do you mean? Is it your second sight?’

      ‘Now then, don’t look at me like that. It’s just wishful thinking from a silly old woman. I’ve grown fond of you, girl.’

      The knock was louder this time. ‘I’d best go, but I’ll be over to see you as soon as I can.’

      Kevin stood impatiently on the doorstep. ‘Blimey, Pearl, you took your time. If we don’t get a move on we’ll be late.’

      ‘Sorry, I was saying goodbye to Bessie. I wish she was coming with us.’

      ‘Mum didn’t want any fuss, and once you start sending out invitations, where do you stop? It’s better this way.’

      He took her arm, leading her to his car, where she saw Dolly and Bernie sitting in the back. It was only Bernie who remarked on her appearance, saying kindly, ‘You look nice, Pearl.’

      Dolly was wearing a fitted, brown coat with a turban-style hat that hid every inch of her hair. She looked severe, grim, and nervously Pearl said, ‘You look nice too, Dolly.’

      She didn’t respond, and as Pearl settled, Kevin closed the door. He walked round to the driver’s side, saying as he climbed in and gunned the engine to life, ‘Right, let’s get this show on the road.’

      As they drove through the market many eyes were watching. Pearl had a brief glimpse of Derek, thought he was hurrying towards them, but then they turned the corner. She looked over her shoulder, but couldn’t see him, and decided she must have imagined it.

      ‘What are you looking at Pearl?’ Kevin asked.

      ‘It’s nothing. I just thought for a moment that Derek was chasing after us.’

      ‘Why would he do that?’ Dolly snapped.

      Kevin chuckled. ‘Perhaps he wanted to offer us his congratulations.’

      ‘Huh, I doubt that,’ Dolly said.

      Pearl was quiet during the twenty-minute drive to the registry office. The atmosphere was strained, Bernie trying to lighten it, but Dolly hardly replied, except to complain about the business they were losing that morning. She looked grim as they climbed out of the vehicle, but Bernie tried to jolly her along. ‘Come on, Dolly,’ he cajoled. ‘This is a wedding, not a flaming funeral.’

      ‘Yeah, cheer up, Mum,’ Kevin said.

      ‘Shut up,’ Dolly snapped. ‘What’s to be cheerful about? You’re marrying a girl we know nothing about – well, except that she’s a slut.’

      ‘Now then, Mum, there’s no need for that. Pearl ain’t a slut.’

      ‘Don’t argue with me, Kevin. I won’t stand for it.’

      ‘Sorry, Mum,’ Kevin said meekly.

      ‘I should think so too,’ she snapped. She then glared at Pearl, adding, ‘Huh, well I suppose we had better get this farce over with.’

      Pearl felt frozen to the pavement as she watched Dolly march into the building, her mind racing as all her doubts and fears rose to the surface. It was obvious now that Kevin couldn’t stand up for her against his mother, and she shivered, unable to face the thought of living in the same flat. Kevin took her arm, but she turned wild eyes towards him. ‘I … I can’t do it. I can’t live with your mother.’

      ‘Don’t worry. It won’t be for long,’ he said, moving them forward.

      Pearl clung on to that as they stepped into the building, but she barely took in her surroundings as once again Dolly glared at her. She saw the two witnesses, acquaintances of Bernie’s, and tried to smile, but her lips quivered. Her eyes took in the large desk, the registrar, but as they stood in front on him, she barely heard his words, feeling as though Dolly’s eyes were boring into her back.

      In what felt like minutes it was over, the registrar announcing them man and wife, Pearl at last turning to look at Kevin.

      He smiled. ‘Well, that’s it, love. We’re married.’

      As he leaned forward, their lips meeting, Pearl heard Dolly’s grunt of disgust.

      Bernie, though, came to their side. ‘Congratulations,’ he said, smiling warmly.

      They had to sign the register then, Pearl unable to ignore Dolly, her hand trembling as she held the pen. It had been so quick that it felt unreal, and then the witnesses were called forward to add their signatures. They too offered their congratulations, but Dolly offered none, only saying impatiently, ‘Right, now that’s over with we can get back to the café.’

      ‘Come on, Mrs Dolby,’ Kevin said as he led Pearl outside.

      She looked down at the narrow band on her finger. Instead of being Pearl Button, she was now Pearl Dolby, and it sounded strange to her ears.

      ‘Thanks for coming,’ Bernie said to the witnesses, shaking their hands. ‘I’m sorry that we’ve got to go straight back to the café, but I’ll buy you a drink later.’

      The couple nodded, and after she had said goodbye to them, Pearl thought she saw sympathy in their faces as they walked away.

      Dolly was still morose as they drove back to Battersea High Street, but her expression changed the minute she got out of the car. Many faces were turned their way, and now with a fixed smile she spoke loudly.

      ‘Right, you two, have a nice lunch and we’ll pop a bottle of champagne this evening.’

      Bernie was out of the car too, but he leaned forward to speak to Pearl through the window. Unlike Dolly, his voice was soft. ‘I’m sorry, love. It doesn’t seem much of a wedding day. I still think we should’ve had a bit of a do.’

      ‘It’s all right, I don’t mind,’ Pearl said, and it was true, she didn’t. There had been some discussion with Kevin about a wedding reception, but she’d been unable to think of anyone other than Bessie to invite. The Dolbys weren’t a large family, and though she faced less animosity these days from the locals, she doubted any would want to attend. In the end it had been Dolly who vetoed the idea, saying that she’d spent enough money on the solicitor, and a reception was just a waste of money.

      Bernie smiled sadly, but then Dolly pulled at his arm, saying that it was about time they opened the café. For a moment they both stood on the pavement, Dolly’s smile still fixed as they waved the newlyweds off.

      Derek Lewis surreptitously watched the scene. He knew he was mad – that if anyone knew they’d tell him so to his face – but despite everything, he still loved Pearl. It was hell every time he saw her, her stomach growing with another man’s baby. Kevin’s baby. When he’d seen them leaving for the registry office, he’d reacted without thought, like an idiot running after the car. Christ, what was the matter with him? Pearl was a tart, yet he had actually wanted to stop the wedding.

      The costermonger next to Derek sniffed loudly. ‘Well at least you didn’t chase after СКАЧАТЬ