Family Drama 4 E-Book Bundle. Leah Fleming
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Название: Family Drama 4 E-Book Bundle

Автор: Leah Fleming

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература


isbn: 9780007532445


СКАЧАТЬ myself at Kevin, but I do like him. When I was living in my bedsit, he came up to my room and … and it just sort of happened.’

      ‘Did he force you?’

      She shook her head in denial, but then Dolly’s head emerged from behind the kitchen door. ‘Pearl, get in here!’

      With a swift, frightened look at Bernie, Pearl hurried to do her bidding, but instead of yelling in anger, Dolly’s voice was surprisingly calm. ‘Right, to start with I’ve managed to talk Derek Lewis into keeping his hands off Kevin.’

      ‘Oh, I hadn’t thought of that, but I … I didn’t tell him the baby was Kevin’s.’

      ‘Well, he knows now, and if it wasn’t for me he’d be looking for blood.’

      ‘What … what did you say to him?’

      ‘I had to convince him that my son isn’t to blame.’


      ‘If Derek thinks that Kevin took you down against your will, he’ll give him a beating. Anyway, the truth of the matter is that Kevin didn’t force you, and you can’t deny that.’

      Pearl lowered her head. Dolly was right. She had allowed it to happen. She should have been more forceful in her protest, yet in reality she hadn’t really wanted Kevin to stop. She had given in too easily, and what did that make her? Self-loathing made her stomach twist. ‘No, Kevin didn’t force me, and I don’t want Derek to hurt him.

      ‘I should think not. Derek knows you weren’t forced, but he still wants to give Kevin a hiding. I had to concoct a story, lay the blame on you, and if you want to keep Kevin safe, you’ll just have to go along with it. It ain’t gonna be easy for you. Derek is well liked around here and you’ll probably face some aggravation, but for Kevin’s sake, keep your mouth shut.’

      ‘All right,’ Pearl whispered, wondering what story Dolly had come up with. She was about to ask when the woman spoke again.

      ‘Now, there are other things to sort out. A lot of people around here would like to see me brought low, so I don’t want them thinking I’m against this marriage.’ Her lips tightened. ‘I ain’t happy about it, but nevertheless we will all put on a happy front. Is that clear?’

      Pearl bent her head in acquiescence, but then, hearing voices, Dolly spoke quickly. ‘That sounds like Madge and, despite being my cousin, she’s another one who would like to see me brought low. Mind you, I know how to put her straight. Now get that look off your face and replace it with a smile. We’re about to put on the show of our lives and make sure you follow my lead.’

      With that, Dolly beckoned Pearl to follow her, and together they emerged into the dining room. ‘Morning, Madge. Have you heard the wonderful news?’

      ‘What news is that?’

      ‘Blimey, you must be the only one around here who hasn’t heard that I’m to be a grandmother. I can’t tell you how thrilled I am. Of course, it’s a shame that Pearl and Kevin aren’t married yet, but that’s the way things seem to be happening nowadays and can soon be remedied.’

      ‘What … you’re pleased?’ Madge sputtered.

      ‘Why shouldn’t I be? I’m dead chuffed that Pearl is to be my daughter-in-law and, as I said, I can’t wait to be a grandmother.’

      ‘Well, stone the crows. I thought you’d go barmy.’

      ‘Oh, so you had heard?

      ‘Well … yeah … and I can’t believe you’re taking it so well. After all, Pearl’s engaged to Derek Lewis.’

      ‘Oh, that was just a fleeting thing,’ Dolly said, beaming as she placed an arm around Pearl’s shoulders, hugging her with affection as she told a few more lies. ‘You see, Pearl went out with Kevin first – in fact she threw herself at him, but they had a falling out. She didn’t think he’d take her back and that’s why she agreed to go out with Derek. Isn’t that right, Pearl?’

      ‘Er … yes.’

      Madge frowned. ‘Going out with him is one thing, but getting engaged is another. If you ask me, it was a bit quick.’

      ‘Pearl tells me that she was heartbroken when she and Kevin broke up and she agreed to marry Derek on the rebound.’

      ‘Oh, yeah?’ Madge said, her voice registering disbelief.

      Dolly’s face darkened. ‘Madge, you of all people should understand. After all, when that bloke you were courting ran off, you married Eddie almost immediately.’

      Madge reddened, but before she could say anything, Dolly spoke again. ‘When Pearl found out she was carrying Kevin’s baby, she told Derek and broke off the engagement. She didn’t try to pass the child off as Derek’s, unlike someone I could mention.’

      Madge’s colour deepened. ‘I can’t believe you’re bringing that up after all these years. If you want to start mudslinging, I could say a few things about your hasty marriage too.’

      Dolly gasped, eyes narrowing in anger, but thankfully Bernie stepped in. ‘Now come on, you two, there’s no need for this. We’re all family and should stick together.’

      Obviously fighting to stem her fury, Dolly heaved in a great gulp of air. ‘Yes, Bernie’s right. I shouldn’t have said that, Madge, so let’s forget it and start again. As my husband has pointed out, we are all family, and as your marriage worked out well I’m sure you wish the same for Kevin and Pearl.’

      ‘Of course I do, but what you’ve told me is a different story to the one on the grapevine.’

      ‘What have you heard?’

      ‘Most people are saying that Pearl is a nice girl, and if Kevin got her pregnant it must have been against her will.’

      ‘That’s rubbish and I won’t stand for my son being blamed! As I said before, Pearl threw herself at Kevin. All right, he shouldn’t have taken things as far as he did, but you know what men are like, Madge. They’re not going to turn it down when it’s handed out on a plate.’

      Pearl had listened quietly, but now gasped. She’d agreed to take the blame, but Dolly was making her sound awful.

      Madge looked at her disdainfully, her lips curling. ‘I’m surprised at you, Pearl.’

      ‘Now then, Madge,’ Dolly rebuked. ‘Pearl is to be a part of this family and I don’t want you being funny with her. All right, what she did was wrong, but what’s done is done. From now on I want us all to put on a united front. I want everyone to see that we’re happy about this baby, and the forthcoming marriage.’

      ‘Right – if you say so, Dolly.’

      ‘There’s one other thing, Madge. You’ve heard what happened from the horse’s mouth, so if you hear any further gossip that Kevin is to blame, I hope you’ll put them straight.’

      ‘Of course I will.’

      ‘Good. Now then, the СКАЧАТЬ