Family Drama 4 E-Book Bundle. Leah Fleming
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Название: Family Drama 4 E-Book Bundle

Автор: Leah Fleming

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература


isbn: 9780007532445


СКАЧАТЬ was obvious that Pearl was shocked to see Kevin. He forced a smile. ‘You and me need to talk – and in private.’

      ‘Yes, all right.’

      Bessie pointed to the front room. ‘You can talk in there. If you need me, girl, I won’t be far away.’

      They stepped into the room, Pearl immediately sitting on an old sofa, her body stiff with tension. She opened her mouth to speak, but Kevin interrupted.

      ‘It’s my baby, ain’t it?’ he said without preamble.

      Her eyes widened. ‘Yes, but how did you know?’

      ‘You told my mother that it wasn’t Derek’s so it didn’t take much working out. Anyway, that’s why I’m here. She sent me to see you.’

      ‘Your mother sent you? But why?’

      ‘Because I owned up.’

      ‘You told her! Oh, Kevin. What did she say?’

      ‘What do you think? She ain’t too pleased, but she says we’ve got to get married.’

      ‘Oh, thank God.’

      ‘Thank my mother. We’re to make the arrangements straight away, and after the wedding we’ll live with my parents.’

      ‘Live with them! But—’

      ‘You heard me. I ain’t working so we’ve no choice. When I can raise some money we’ll move out, but until then it’s good of my mum to put us up. Oh, yes, and though you can have the weekend off, she wants you back at work on Monday morning.’

      ‘No, please, I can’t face her, or Derek, and—’

      ‘Mum’s had a word in Derek’s ear,’ Kevin cut in, ‘and you’ve got to face her sooner or later.’

      ‘She spoke to him? What did he say?’

      ‘I dunno, I wasn’t there, but he knows we’re getting married.’

      Pearl’s eyes were moist. ‘He’ll never forgive me.’ Her voice rose. ‘Kevin, please, I can’t face him yet. I don’t want to work in the café, I … I’d rather stay here.’

      ‘Well, that’s too bad. Mum said something about damage control and she wants you back – so that’s that. Until we’re married, you can kip down here, but there’s no reason why you can’t return to work.’

      ‘No, please, Kevin.’

      ‘Look, you know my mother. If you don’t show up she’ll come over here and drag you back.’

      ‘She … she’d do that?’

      ‘I wouldn’t put it past her. Anyway, after your shift on Monday, we’re to go to the registry office in Wandsworth.’

      ‘That soon?’

      ‘Yeah, that soon. Pleased, are you?’ Kevin asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

      ‘I … I wasn’t sure that you’d marry me, so yes, but … but you don’t seem very happy about it.’

      ‘I’m being forced to marry you, so what do you expect?’

      Pearl’s eyes widened. ‘I … I’m not forcing you.’

      No, Kevin thought, she wasn’t. It was his bloody mother. Pearl was leaning forward, arms wrapped around her body. Gazing at her, he realised that it might not be so bad after all. Pearl was a meek little thing, the antithesis of his mother, and he found himself looking forward to having her under his control. She’d be on hand whenever he wanted her, the sex free. He’d teach her a thing or two, show her what he liked and, now smiling, he said, ‘Look, I know you’re not forcing me. It’s just come as a bit of a shock, that’s all.’

      ‘You … you don’t have to marry me if you don’t want to.’

      ‘Yeah, I know, but that’s my baby that you’re carrying so we’d better get spliced.’

      She was obviously relieved, a sigh escaping her lips. ‘Oh, Kevin, do you really mean that?’

      ‘Yeah, of course I do, now come here and give me a kiss.’

      Pearl stood up, about to walk into his arms, but then the door opened, Bessie Penfold coming into the room.

      ‘Is everything all right, Pearl?’

      ‘Oh, yes. Kevin knows about the baby and wants to marry me.’

      ‘I should think so too.’

      Kevin hid a scowl. The last thing he wanted was to be in the company of this smelly old cow. He’d wanted Pearl on her own, to have a little taster, but there was no chance of that. ‘Right, Pearl, now that it’s all sorted, I’m off. I’ll see you on Monday.’

      ‘What about tomorrow?’

      ‘No can do, I’m busy,’ Kevin said.

      Pearl looked disappointed, but she nodded, but it was Bessie who moved surprisingly quickly to show him out. He clattered down the stairs, the old woman saying before she closed the door behind him, ‘I’m glad you’re doing the right thing by the girl, and I hope you treat her right.’

      She was looking at him expectantly, but tight-lipped Kevin said nothing. Bessie Penfold was an interfering old cow, sticking her nose in when he had wanted to be alone with Pearl. Christ, he thought. It would be just as bad living with his parents. He and Pearl would have no privacy and with his mother close by, there’d be no chance to indulge his fantasies. He needed to raise money, big money, to find a place of their own, and as soon as possible.

      Pearl was sitting on the sofa when Bessie walked back into the room. ‘Well,’ she asked, ‘are you happy now?’

      ‘Oh yes, except that Dolly’s insisting that I return to work on Monday. Oh, Bessie, I dread facing her.’

      ‘She doesn’t own you and can’t give you orders. You don’t have to go back. There’s work for you here.’

      ‘I’d love that, Bessie, but it’s impossible. After our marriage we’re to live in Dolly’s flat and if I don’t do as she says, it will only make things worse. I have to go back. I don’t have any choice.’

      ‘There are always choices.’

      ‘Not for me.’

      ‘You don’t have to marry him.’

      ‘Oh, Bessie, I was an orphan and know what it’s like to be without parents. I know I said I can bring up my baby alone, but I don’t want to deprive it of a father.’

      Bessie sighed. ‘All right. I can see you’ve made up your mind so I’ll say no more.’

      As Bessie then took a seat, Pearl said, ‘I should get my stuff from Mo’s, СКАЧАТЬ