Family Drama 4 E-Book Bundle. Leah Fleming
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Название: Family Drama 4 E-Book Bundle

Автор: Leah Fleming

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература


isbn: 9780007532445


СКАЧАТЬ girls went downstairs, Emma broke into song.

      Pearl smiled, recognising ‘Be-Bop-a-Lula’ by Gene Vincent. Emma was mad on it. Mo stood at the kitchen door, doing her best to look stern.

      ‘Now, you two, I want you home by ten thirty and no later.’

      ‘Keep your socks on, Mum. We won’t be late.’

      ‘You’re wearing too much make-up, Emma. You’re skin is lovely and doesn’t need plastering with pan stick.’

      ‘I ain’t got that much on, and anyway, it covers up my spots.’

      ‘You wouldn’t have spots if you didn’t wear that muck on your face.’

      Pearl hid a smile, used to his nightly exchange. In some ways Mo was of the same opinion as Connie about make-up, but Emma would win the argument; she always did.

      ‘All right, I won’t put so much on next time, but we’re meeting the girls and if we don’t get going we’ll be late. ’Bye, Mum, love you,’ she added, planting a smacking kiss on Mo’s cheek and leaving an imprint of pale pink lipstick.

      Mo smiled with pleasure at her daughter’s show of affection. ‘Go on then, off you go, but don’t forget what I said. Ten thirty and no later. ’Bye, Pearl, have a nice time.’

      ‘Bye, Mo,’ Pearl called as she followed Emma outside and, linking arms, the two girls hurried along Pennington Street.

      The dance hall was crowded, the music loud, and already two of the girls in their crowd had been asked to dance. Emma was next, and suddenly Pearl found she was alone. She stood a little self-consciously on the edge of the floor, jumping when she felt a tap on her shoulder.

      ‘Hello, Pearl. I’m surprised to see you here. I didn’t think this was Derek’s scene.’

      When Pearl saw it was Kevin, her first instinct was to walk away, but hiding her feelings, she answered, ‘I didn’t know this was your scene either. Derek’s not here. I came with my friends.’

      His eyebrows lifted and then he looked her up and down. ‘You look a bit tasty tonight. Do you fancy a dance?’

      ‘No, thanks.’ She saw his face darken and shivered, hoping he wasn’t going to turn nasty.

      ‘I insist,’ he said, pulling her on to the dance floor.

      The tempo changed to a ballad and as he put his arms around her, she looked up into his handsome face. As they danced, there were many girls eyeing him and he had the pick of them all, but he didn’t notice them, concentrating only on her. Despite her resolve, Pearl loved being in his arms, melting against him, but when he spoke softly in her ear, she stiffened.

      ‘Do you still think about the night we had it off, Pearl?’

      ‘No … I don’t.’

      ‘Leave it out, you needn’t pretend. You loved it, loved me fucking you, and if you ask me nicely, I’ll do you again.’

      Pearl felt her stomach turn. He made lovemaking sound so crude, animal-like and she’d been mad to let him get through her defences again. ‘No, thanks,’ she snapped, trying to break away.

      He held her arm fast, now trying to pull her from the dance floor. ‘Come on, you needn’t play games. My car’s outside and the back seat is roomy.’

      ‘No,’ she gasped, struggling again.

      ‘Are you all right, Pearl?’ Emma asked, rushing to her side.

      ‘She’s fine, and you can get lost,’ Kevin snapped.

      ‘Let her go,’ Emma insisted loudly.

      Several heads turned in their direction and with a snarl, Kevin released Pearl. ‘Sod you then, it’s your loss.’ But as they made to walk away, he spat, ‘I don’t think your mum would want you knocking around with a tart, Emma. I’ve had Pearl and she was easy.’

      Pearl felt the heat rise in her body and, unable to look Emma in the face, she made a dash for the door, her heels wobbling dangerously on the polished floor.

      ‘Wait, Pearl! Wait,’ Emma shouted.

      As she reached the street, Pearl took in great gulps of air. Her face was still flaming, and she dreaded facing Emma and her friends. She wanted to run, to flee, and jumped when a hand touched her arm.

      ‘It’s all right, love,’ Emma said softly. ‘I don’t know what made Kevin Dolby say that about you but I know you’re not a tart. He can be a nasty bugger and my mum warned me about him ages ago.’

      ‘D … did she?’

      ‘She’s worked in the café for years and has seen him grow up. She said he’s turned into a nasty sod and blames Dolly. Apparently anything Kevin wants, he gets, so my guess is that he asked you out and you said no. Am I right?’

      ‘Yes,’ Pearl said, grabbing the excuse.

      ‘He ain’t used to being turned down, and that was his spiteful way of getting his own back. Come on, come inside and forget about Kevin Dolby. He ain’t worth wasting your breath on.’

      Unable to face going back into the dance hall, Pearl shook her head. ‘I think I’d rather go home, but I need my coat and bag. Would you mind getting them for me?’

      ‘All right, but are you sure you won’t change your mind?’

      ‘I’d rather go home.’

      Pearl slumped against the wall, relieved when shortly after Emma returned with both their coats. ‘Oh, you don’t have to leave too.’

      ‘You’re upset, and my mother would skin me alive if I let you go home on your own. There’ll be other nights for dancing and, anyway, I’ve already told my friends I’m leaving.’

      ‘Did … did they hear what Kevin said?’

      ‘No, they were well out of earshot.’

      Pearl sighed with relief. They spoke little on the way home, and when they arrived Mo looked at them with surprise. ‘You’re early, and what’s the matter, Pearl? Your mascara’s run and you look like you’ve been crying.’

      It was Emma who answered. ‘Kevin Dolby upset her. She turned him down so he called her a tart.’

      Mo’s lips tightened. ‘I’ll see that Dolly hears about this.’

      ‘Please don’t tell her,’ Pearl cried. ‘She’ll sack me, you know she will.’

      ‘Yeah, you’re probably right. Kevin can do no wrong in Dolly’s eyes. All right, I won’t say anything, and as I’ve said to my Emma, keep away from Kevin. He’s nothing but trouble.’

      ‘I … I think I’ll look for another job.’

      ‘You could do that, but if you like working in the café it doesn’t seem fair. Why don’t you hold your hand and if Kevin gets funny again, I can СКАЧАТЬ