Family Drama 4 E-Book Bundle. Leah Fleming
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Название: Family Drama 4 E-Book Bundle

Автор: Leah Fleming

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература


isbn: 9780007532445


СКАЧАТЬ ‘How much are they?’

      ‘Well, now, let me see. You can have the skirt and blouse for a shilling, but I want two bob for the dress.’

      Pearl gasped, unable to believe her luck. Both outfits would have cost pounds new. Afraid the woman would change her mind, she quickly pulled out her purse.

      The clothes were shoved in an old brown-paper carrier bag, and as the old lady handed it over she cocked her head to one side, her eyes narrowing. ‘In the not too distant future, we’ll see each other again.’

      ‘Yes, I’ll definitely come here again.’

      ‘I know you will, but it may not be to buy clothes.’

      ‘What do you mean?’

      ‘Don’t worry about it, duckie. It’s just that I know our paths were meant to cross and one day you and I will need each other.’

      There was something all-knowing in the old woman’s dark eyes and Pearl shivered. ‘I … I don’t understand.’

      ‘You will when the time comes and—’ The door opened, a stout women coming in clutching a bag, garments spilling out of the top. ‘Hello, Maud. I can see you’ve got some stuff for me.’

      ‘Yeah, and it’s decent gear too. That fancy piece I clean for had a clear-out.’

      ‘Right, fetch it over here.’ And turning to Pearl she added, ‘No rest for the wicked.’

      Pearl knew it was a dismissal, her mind turning as she left the shop. She played the old woman’s words over in her mind. Their paths were meant to cross. But what did that mean?

      ‘What have you got there?’ Connie asked as soon as Pearl arrived home.

      ‘I went to the second-hand shop.’

      Pearl pulled out her outfits, gratified by Connie’s approval. ‘You’ve done well there, girl. How much did you pay for them?’

      ‘Only three shillings for both outfits.’

      ‘Blimey, old Bessie must be losing her marbles. She could have asked for more than that.’

      ‘Oh dear, do you think I should have offered more?’

      ‘Don’t be daft. Bessie Penfold has made a mint over the years. If she’s undercharging for stuff, she still won’t lose out. She buys it for next to nothing and, believe me, I should know. When my Derek was a nipper, things were really tight. My old man died and I had no choice but to flog his clothes. Bessie Penfold gave me a pittance for them, but I was desperate and had to take it. She was as tight as a duck’s arse, and it was only enough to feed us for a couple of days. I’ve never forgiven her and if she’s getting her comeuppance now, I’m glad.’

      ‘She said some funny things too.’

      Connie’s eyebrows shot up. ‘Like what?’

      ‘She said our paths would cross and that we’d need each other.’

      ‘There’s people round here who think she’s got second sight. They say she’s from gypsy stock and can see into the future. Now me, I think it’s a load of old tosh. If you ask me you shouldn’t take any notice of anything she said.’

      Pearl smiled with relief. ‘I don’t believe that anyone can foresee the future, but I must admit she unnerved me a bit.’

      ‘Yeah, well, she’s had years of practice. You’re lucky she didn’t ask you to cross her palm with silver. She’s conned a good few people over the years with her so-called predictions.’

      Pearl was surprised. Despite her strange words, she had liked Bessie Penfold, and though she was obviously in a lot of arthritic pain, the woman had been kind and cheerful. Yet Connie made her sound mean and conniving, a woman who fooled people into parting with their money. Would their paths cross again, Pearl wondered, and if so, why?

       Chapter Seventeen

      Pearl scoured the local papers and looked at cards in newsagents’ windows, but her attempts to find another bedsit were half-hearted. She loved staying at Derek’s, and though the sofa was playing havoc with her back, she didn’t want to leave.

      On Tuesday evening, over a week later, and whilst Derek was at the gym, Connie flicked her eyes away from the television, clearing her throat before she spoke.

      ‘Pearl, don’t get upset about what I’m going to say, but I really think it’s time that you found a place of your own place again. Now don’t look at me like that, love. I’ve enjoyed having you here, but you need a proper bed to sleep in. And, well, what with you and Derek courting …’

      Pearl gulped, her voice a whisper: ‘All right, I’ll try harder to find a room. Maybe there’ll be something in the local paper this week.’

      ‘Oh, love, I’m sorry I’ve upset you, but you’re welcome to come round here as often as you like. You’ve become like a daughter to me, but it just isn’t right that you and Derek are sleeping under the same roof.’

      ‘But why?’

      ‘Gawd, girl, do I have to spell it out? My Derek may be a diamond, but he’s still a man. It’s too much of a temptation, love.’

      ‘But he’d never take advantage of me.’

      ‘Pearl, you should listen to yourself. You sound like some sort of old-fashioned heroine in a novel. Derek’s bedroom is next to mine and I’ve heard him tossing and turning all night. He didn’t do that before you came to stay. He loves you and, well, as I said, he’s a man and he wants you. I know you’re an innocent, but surely you understand what I’m getting at?’

      Pearl lowered her eyes. An innocent. No, she wasn’t an innocent now. Kevin Dolby had seen to that. He was leaving her alone, but despite her determination to harden her heart, it still leaped every time she saw him. She had thought about finding another job, but loved the café and was reluctant to leave. As long as Kevin didn’t talk to her, as long as she kept out of his way, she could cope, and surely one day soon she would get over him. She sighed heavily. She didn’t want to leave the safe haven of this house either, but had no choice.

      ‘I’ll find a bedsit as quickly as I can and … and I’m sorry I’ve been so much trouble.’

      ‘Don’t be daft, love. You ain’t been any trouble, and when Derek’s out I enjoy your company. It’s just … well, as I said. Come on now, cheer up. I meant it when I said you can come round as often as you like.’

      That was something, Pearl thought, and maybe, just maybe, she could find a bedsit in a family house this time.

      Pearl found her prayers answered the following day.

      During her break, Mo stuck her head around the kitchen door. ‘Pearl, can I have a word?’

      ‘Yes, of course.’

      Mo bustled over. ‘I told Dolly what I’ve СКАЧАТЬ