Family Drama 4 E-Book Bundle. Leah Fleming
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Название: Family Drama 4 E-Book Bundle

Автор: Leah Fleming

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература


isbn: 9780007532445


СКАЧАТЬ in this haven, and now all she had to do was encourage him to ask her.

       Chapter Sixteen

      On Friday, Frank Hanwell set up his stall again, but he was a different man. There were no more jokes, no ribald exchanges with his customers, and when he went into the café the other costermongers became strangely quiet, most keeping their heads down as Frank headed for one of Pearl’s tables.

      ‘Hello, Frank,’ she said quietly. ‘What can I get you?’

      ‘I’ll just have an egg and a couple of rashers of bacon.’

      ‘How’s Eric?’

      Frank reached out to grasp her hand, his eyes agonised and his voice barely above a whisper. ‘He’s coming home next week, but he won’t let me near him. It’s almost as if he blames me for what happened. He’s so quiet, Pearl, but it’s his eyes that get to me. They look blank, as though my son is dead inside.’

      Pearl returned the pressure of Frank’s hand, floundering for something to say. She felt so inadequate, so unworldly, and could find no words of wisdom to comfort the man.

      ‘It’s early days yet,’ was all she could come up with, and after writing his order, she rushed to the kitchen. For a moment she stood just inside the door, reliving that awful moment when she first found Eric.

      ‘What’s the matter, girl?

      ‘Oh, I’m sorry, Mrs Dolby. I’ve just taken Frank Hanwell’s order and—’

      ‘Christ, no wonder you look upset. How is he?’

      ‘He looks awful. He told me about Eric, and … and I didn’t know what to say to him.’

      ‘I’m surprised he spoke to you about it,’ Gertie said as she joined them. ‘He’s hardly said a word to anyone since it happened.’

      ‘Maybe it’s because Pearl found the lad,’ Dolly said, rushing back to the stove to save some sausages before they blackened. ‘We can’t talk now,’ she said impatiently. ‘Pull yourself together, Pearl, and get on with your work.’

      Gertie threw her a smile of sympathy before hurrying away and, taking a deep breath, Pearl picked up a couple of orders, carrying them through to the dining room. It was busy, the breakfast rush well underway, and when Derek came in he had no option but to sit at one of Alice Freeman’s tables.

      When Frank’s breakfast was ready, Pearl placed it on the table, but the man said nothing as he picked up his knife and fork. He’d been joined by costermongers who always sat with him, but as Pearl took their orders the usual camaraderie and jokes were missing.

      Awful though it was, when Frank left, it was as if everyone in the café sighed. The noise level picked up, and occasional subdued laughter could be heard.

      Pearl went over to Derek, shaking her head sadly. ‘Poor Frank, and now everyone seems relieved that he’s gone.’

      ‘It’s human nature, love. It was a terrible thing that happened, and it touched all of us. A lot of people are probably thanking God that it wasn’t their child, and they don’t know how to comfort Frank.’

      ‘I didn’t know what to say to him either.’

      ‘Nor me, and my stall is next to his. He’s still very upset and is losing trade. I wish I could do something, anything, but feel helpless. I can’t imagine what the family is going through, and rumour has it that Eric has been mentally affected. It may take years for him to recover, if he ever does. The poor little tyke.’

      ‘Oh, Derek, why is the world so cruel?’

      ‘I dunno, love, but lots of good things happen too. It’s just that when something like this occurs, we forget them. Count your blessings, Gran says, and she’s right. Come on, cheer up.’

      Pearl forced a smile, leaving Derek to take an order. She turned to look briefly at him over her shoulder, glad that he had come into her life. No matter what, she felt that Derek would always look after her – and was comforted by the thought.

      Kevin came downstairs at eleven o’clock and, seeing Pearl, he smiled. She could pretend all she liked, but he knew she still fancied him. It was a bit of a bugger that she’d left her bedsit. She was staying with Derek, and out of his reach, but once she found another place he intended to sample the goods again.

      Since that first time he’d been unable to dismiss her from his mind. Pearl had been a virgin and for some reason she felt like his property now. It wasn’t easy to get a girl into bed, most insisting on walking up the aisle a virgin, but it hadn’t been hard with Pearl.

      He went through to the kitchen, ordered his breakfast, and made a point of sitting at one of Pearl’s tables. She’d run off last time he suggested seeing her again, so maybe he should change his tactics. She was timid, soft, and a bit of charm wouldn’t hurt.

      ‘Hello, Pearl,’ he said, smiling as she put his breakfast on the table. ‘You look nice. Would you mind getting me a couple of slices of bread and a cup of tea?’

      She said nothing, her lips tight as she scurried off. Kevin eyed her as she went to the counter, admiring her now shapely figure. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad having her as a steady girlfriend. He wouldn’t have to take her out much, and as he’d been the first one to have her, it would be nice if he remained the only one. She would be his own exclusive property and on hand whenever he got the urge.

      Kevin waited until Pearl returned to the table, noticing that her hands were trembling, the cup rattling in the saucer as she placed it on the table. ‘Thanks,’ he said and, glancing around, saw no one in earshot. ‘Pearl, I really would like to see you again. Maybe I could take you out one night?’

      He saw the hesitation in her eyes, but then she shook her head, saying curtly, ‘No, thanks. Derek is my boyfriend and I don’t want go out with you.’

      Unused to girls turning him down, Kevin spat, ‘Yeah, but you slept with me, not him. Perhaps he’d like to hear about it.’

      ‘Oh, no! Please, you can’t tell him.’ She paused momentarily, then begged, ‘Please, Kevin, don’t say anything to Derek. You … you see, we’re getting married.’

      ‘What? You’re going to marry that ugly sod?’

      ‘Derek may not be much to look at, but he isn’t ugly. He’s a good man, a nice man.’

      ‘Nice! And that’s reason enough to marry him?’

      ‘I … I think a lot of him.’

      Kevin’s fingers tightened around his cutlery in anger. So, she preferred that ugly sod to him. Huh, well, he’d see about that. Once Derek found out that he’d had her first, there’d be no marriage.

      ‘Bugger off,’ he growled, and finding that he’d lost his appetite he swallowed only his tea before marching out of the café.

      It didn’t take him long to reach Derek’s stall and Kevin feigned friendliness as he went to his side. ‘Watcha, СКАЧАТЬ