Your Chinese Horoscope 2015: What the year of the goat holds in store for you. Neil Somerville
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Название: Your Chinese Horoscope 2015: What the year of the goat holds in store for you

Автор: Neil Somerville

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Эзотерика


isbn: 9780007579464


СКАЧАТЬ and purchases, especially concerning his accommodation. However, with many outgoings likely, he will need to control his budget carefully. Also, if entering into an agreement at any time, he should check the terms and, if appropriate, obtain professional advice. Financially, he can fare well this year, but he does need to be thorough.

      As far as his personal interests are concerned, this can also be an encouraging year. Wood Rats who are creatively inclined should make full use of their talents and consider promoting their ideas and work. Also, no matter what interests the Wood Rat may have, it is important that he sets time aside to pursue them. The Goat year favours personal growth, and developing his personal interests can bring the Wood Rat pleasure and keep his often busy lifestyle in balance.

      This Goat year can also be personally memorable. Some Wood Rats may decide to marry or settle down with their partner or see an addition to their family. Affairs of the heart are splendidly aspected and Wood Rats who are unattached will have an excellent chance to meet someone who is destined to become significant.

      Throughout the year the Wood Rat will also value the support of his family and close friends. With ideas to consider, decisions to take and work changes likely, he may be particularly grateful for their first-hand knowledge and assistance. Throughout the year he should not hesitate to ask for advice should his situation warrant it.

      In addition, he will enjoy his social life, including the way certain interests bring him into contact with others. New friends and contacts can be important both now and in the future. May, June and August to early October could see the most social opportunities and the Wood Rat should aim to make the most of them. This is a year to be active and involved. Much can be gained as a consequence.

      Domestically, too, this will be a busy year. Accommodation matters could be prominent, with some Wood Rats deciding to move to more convenient accommodation or carry out improvements on their home. A lot of time and effort is likely to be spent on practical activities and while these may sometimes be exasperating, by the year’s end the Wood Rat will often be surprised and delighted by how much has been achieved.

      Another feature of the Goat year is the sudden opportunities it can bring and throughout the year the Wood Rat needs to keep alert, particularly as unforeseen developments can make certain tasks and decisions easier. In some instances, just mentioning an idea can set important wheels in motion or lead to a helpful suggestion being made. Serendipity, luck and an unexpected helping hand can all play a welcome part in this domestically fulfilling year.

      With his determined nature and many personal strengths, the Wood Rat has great potential and this year will offer him the chance to make more of himself. To reap the benefits he will need to look to move his situation forward, but throughout the year he will value his relations with others, and personal developments can help make this a splendid and memorable time.

      Tip for the Year

      Follow through on your dreams. With your abilities and the excellent opportunities that will come your way, you can achieve a lot this year. This is a time for action and for realizing your potential. You have a lot to gain.

      The Fire Rat

      The significance of this Goat year for the Fire Rat should not be underestimated. With many Fire Rats embarking on important stages in their education, seeking to establish themselves in their work and/or facing key personal choices, the decisions they take during it can shape the next few years. In many of his undertakings, the Fire Rat will be assisted by the year’s favourable aspects, although to make the most of his potential he will need to apply himself and take charge.

      For the many Fire Rats involved in education, there will be considerable amounts to study, new subject areas to master and some exacting deadlines. Although these Fire Rats will sometimes be daunted by what is expected of them, by remaining organized and working consistently, they can make valuable progress and discover new talents. In some cases, what they study now could alert them to subjects they will choose to specialize in later. In others, there will be the chance to switch to a more appropriate course. For many Fire Rats, this will be a year of self-discovery in which they gain strengths and knowledge they can build on in the future.

      With a lot resting on what they choose to do now, it is important these Fire Rats make the most of the resources available to them, including the facilities in their place of education. They may also benefit from seeking advice from their tutors on the choices they have to make or asking for assistance if facing difficulties.

      For Fire Rats in work, again the year can bring far-reaching decisions. Those already established in a position will often be offered the chance to take on greater duties. By being willing and showing commitment, they may well find one opportunity paving the way for another. Taking advantage of training schemes can also help both their present and future prospects.

      For Fire Rats who are unfulfilled in their present work and keen to move on, as well as those seeking a position, the Goat year can open up interesting opportunities. To benefit, these Fire Rats may need to consider types of work that are different from their original choice. However, by keeping alert, actively following up vacancies and seizing the chances they are offered, they can not only gain valuable work experience but also establish an important base which they can build on, sometimes quite quickly. March, April, August and October and January 2016 could see particularly encouraging developments.

      The Fire Rat can also see an improvement in his financial position over the year and may benefit from a gift or extra sum of money. However, in view of his busy lifestyle and the many plans and purchases he will have in mind, he will need to be disciplined in spending and budget ahead for certain requirements. Also, rather than rushing into purchases, if he takes the time to make comparisons and wait for favourable buying opportunities, he can save himself unnecessary outlay. This is a year for careful financial management.

      It can, however, be an encouraging time for personal interests. Fire Rats with creative talents could derive particular pleasure from taking their ideas further. Many will also benefit from the encouragement of others and be on inspired form. By being willing to embrace what becomes available to them, all Fire Rats can make this a satisfying and potentially successful year.

      For many Fire Rats, affairs of the heart can also bring some glorious times. Love, romance and special friendships can all play a big part this year. Changes in the Fire Rat’s situation can also lead to new friendships. May, June and August to early October could see the most social activity. However, in this busy and full year, a note of warning does need to be sounded: with a busy social life and some demanding days and late nights, the Fire Rat does need to give himself the chance to catch up. Overtiring himself, overindulging himself or paying scant attention to his diet could leave him not at his best. This can be an exciting year, but the Fire Rat does need to strike a sensible balance.

      Also, although he is often immersed in his own activities, he would do well to share his thoughts with family members as well as contribute to family life. Not only will good dialogue help rapport, but if the Fire Rat is able to express his ideas, he will find those close to him better able to understand and assist. In addition, some expertise the Fire Rat may have, whether technical or in some other capacity, could prove useful to a more senior relative and be of more value than he may realize at the time. In this respect, as with so much this year, a great deal can follow on from the Fire Rat’s willingness to be open and involved.

      Overall, the Year of the Goat is rich in possibility and there will be chances for the Fire Rat to show more of his potential as well as make important headway in his education or work. This will require discipline and application, but by believing in himself the Fire Rat can make valuable progress as well as help determine the course of the next few years. On a personal level, СКАЧАТЬ