Your Chinese Horoscope 2015: What the year of the goat holds in store for you. Neil Somerville
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Название: Your Chinese Horoscope 2015: What the year of the goat holds in store for you

Автор: Neil Somerville

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Эзотерика


isbn: 9780007579464


СКАЧАТЬ many high-level meetings that will characterize the year, industrialists and political leaders will be keen to stimulate trade, and significant agreements are likely to be made between countries and other trading communities. Many governments will invest heavily in infrastructure programmes to attract investment and create jobs as well as improve conditions. The accent will be on growth and moving forward, and the economies of many countries will benefit as a result.

      Much attention will also be focused on environmental matters, particularly on protecting the world’s resources, and there will be a corresponding increase in the use of renewable energy, with many authorities promoting a cleaner and greener message. Indeed, the theme of Expo 2015, which will be held in Milan, will be ‘Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life’ and the focus will be on the availability of food and water and the state of nutrition and health in years to come.

      There is also likely to be significant growth in the organic food industry, with many people paying greater attention to their diet and making positive changes to their lifestyle. Humanitarian issues, too, will feature prominently, with international bodies launching major initiatives as well as increasing awareness of the suffering of some of the peoples of the world. Again, some remarkable achievements can ensue, and the year will see some regions transformed as a result. Interestingly, it was in the previous Goat year that the World Health Organisation was alerted to the threat of the SARS virus and what followed was the most effective response to an epidemic in history.

      This will also be an election year in Britain. Over the long campaign, considerable volatility will be seen as the issues are hotly debated. It will be a searching campaign, too, with much attention focused on considering alternative ways forward. The result may not be as clear-cut as some may wish.

      Goat individuals are born under the sign of art, and the arts can look forward to an exciting and innovative year. In many countries, major exhibitions and cultural events will capture the imagination. New artists, with their own distinctive styles, will come to prominence, and in the theatre and cinema major productions that enthral many.

      The fashion industry will also see the emergence of new trends, with some distinctive styles and even some bizarre embellishments being introduced. The Goat year is all for style, colour and experimentation.

      Goat years can be groundbreaking; it was in a Goat year that the Beatles released their concept album Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, which not only featured songs destined to become classics but was famed for its iconic cover. Goat years are times of self-expression and creativity, and a feel-good factor is likely to be evident in much that is produced this year.

      The Goat year will also bring excitement. On the sports field, new records will be created and some particularly competitive tournaments will take place. For the sports enthusiast, the year will contain many delights, with the Rugby World Cup, for example, generating great interest not only in the competing nations but also beyond.

      And the beyond too will be significant this year, as the NASA space probe Dawn is scheduled to explore the dwarf planet Ceres and New Horizons, another spacecraft, to fly by and study Pluto. During the year outer space will reveal yet of its more secrets.

      Another aspect of the Goat year is that it favours relationships and the family. It is a time when many people will spend more time with others and appreciate what they have in their lives. Many people in love will also come together, cement relationships, marry and start a family.

      Overall, Goat years offer hope, although, as is always the way, there will also be flashpoints, tragedy and disasters. During this year, certain territories could be affected by heatwaves and there will also be moments of volatility – goats can, after all, be fickle! – but the underlying trend will be one of consensus, growth and moving forward. Over the year not only will historic agreements be forged and solutions found to some of the world’s concerns, but the individual will enjoy a more balanced lifestyle and realize inner potential.

      For us all, the Goat year offers possibility and I hope that by using your strengths, you will prosper as well as find contentment.

      I wish you good luck and good fortune.


      5 February 1924 to 23 January 1925 — Wood Rat

      24 January 1936 to 10 February 1937 — Fire Rat

      10 February 1948 to 28 January 1949 — Earth Rat

      28 January 1960 to 14 February 1961 — Metal Rat

      15 February 1972 to 2 February 1973 — Water Rat

      2 February 1984 to 19 February 1985 — Wood Rat

      19 February 1996 to 6 February 1997 — Fire Rat

      7 February 2008 to 25 January 2009 — Earth Rat

      The Personality of the Rat

      To see,

      and to see what others do not see.

      That is true vision.

      The Rat is born under the sign of charm. He is intelligent, popular and loves attending parties and large social gatherings. He is able to establish friendships with remarkable ease and people generally feel relaxed in his company. He is a very social creature and is genuinely interested in the welfare and activities of others. He has a good understanding of human nature and his advice and opinions are often sought.

      The Rat is a hard and diligent worker. He is also very imaginative and is never short of ideas. However, he does sometimes lack the confidence to promote his ideas and this can often prevent him from securing the recognition he deserves.

      The Rat is very observant and many Rats have made excellent writers and journalists. The Rat also excels at personnel and PR work and any job that brings him into contact with people and the media. His skills are particularly appreciated in times of crisis, for the Rat has an incredibly strong sense of self-preservation. When it comes to finding a way out of an awkward situation, he is certain to be the one who comes up with a solution.

      The Rat loves to be where there is a lot of action, but should he ever find himself in a very bureaucratic or restrictive environment he can become a stickler for discipline and routine. He is also something of an opportunist and is constantly on the lookout for ways in which he can improve his wealth and lifestyle. He rarely lets an opportunity go by and can become involved in so many plans and schemes that he sometimes squanders his energies and achieves very little as a result. He is also rather gullible and can be taken in by those less scrupulous than himself.

      Another characteristic of the Rat is his attitude towards money. He is very thrifty and to some he may appear a little mean. The reason for this is purely that he likes to keep his money within his family. He can be most generous to his partner, his children and close friends and relatives. He can also be generous to himself, for he often finds it impossible to deprive himself of any luxury or object he fancies. He is very acquisitive and can be a notorious hoarder. He also hates waste and is rarely prepared to throw anything away. He can be rather greedy and will rarely refuse an invitation to a free meal or a complimentary ticket to a СКАЧАТЬ