Watching the Tree: A Chinese Daughter Reflects on Happiness, Spiritual Beliefs and Universal Wisdom. Adeline Mah Yen
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      These five forces or phases are supposed to guide and control all natural phenomena. Sequentially, wood produces fire; fire produces earth (ashes); ashes produce metal (ore is extracted from the earth); metal produces water (dew is deposited on a metal mirror); water produces wood (makes possible the growth of wood). Conversely, water extinguishes fire; fire melts metal; metal cuts wood; wood penetrates earth by the use of the wooden plough; earth soaks up the course of water. The cycle is completed.

      The number 5 is very popular in Chinese culture. A teaset frequently consists of a teapot and five cups. Chinese politicians often promise to accomplish five goals during their term in office. When President Nixon visited China in 1972, the Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai outlined five non-negotiable points before meaningful dialogue could begin.

      Yin and yang and the five forces form the basis of Chinese thought. They underpin many traditional Chinese patterns of life such as feng shui (‘wind and water’ or geomancy), which is practised when purchasing a home, an office or a burial site; exercises such as qi gong and tai chi; the choice of foods; the practice of Chinese medicine; and religious beliefs such as Taoism and Buddhism. I shall expand on all these themes later in the book.

      Before the twentieth century man perceived all matter as being composed of material particles whose movements were governed by partial differential equations and Newton’s laws of mechanics. Western man was preoccupied with causally sequenced events. He was out to conquer nature and fight the forces of evil. The world was thought to be as either for him or against him. Things were black or white. Death was the enemy of life.

      These days, physical reality is represented by continuous fields governed by partial differential equations. At the sub-atomic realm, Newtonian physics has been replaced by quantum mechanics and the ‘super-string’ theory. Matter and energy are interchangeable. Time and space are no longer separate realities but complementary to each other. The three dimensions of space have incorporated a fourth dimension: space/time.

      At the beginning of the twenty-first century our thinking seems to be veering towards the teachings of the I Ching. In contrast to the thinking of the twentieth century, we now agree with the ancient Chinese philosophers that our world is neither static nor absolute. Everything is relative, as in the duality of yin and yang. Change is the only given, nothing remains the same, and all standards are relative. We are born, we mature, grow old and die. Then the cycle begins again. Life and death are but temporary manifestations of the same central reality. Midnight at home just means midday somewhere else. Only the fact of change itself is unchanging. Eventually, everything will return to the beginning of all things – to the tao (way) or Divine Intelligence of the Universe – because that is how the cycle began initially.

      Perhaps it is this belief that no state is permanent but that the pace of change cannot be forced that gives us Chinese our forbearance. I remember being shocked and saddened by my aunt’s poverty and dismal surroundings when I visited her in Shanghai in 1979. She had been driven out of her home by Red Guards during the Cultural Revolution in 1966 and was forced to live in one small room in a neighbour’s house. When I invited her out to lunch, she asked permission to take a bath in our hotel room. She was in the bathroom for so long that I went in to check on her. I found her luxuriating in the tub staring at the ceiling. ‘Are you all right?’ I asked. You have no idea,’ she answered, ‘how delicious it feels to lie in warm water like this unless you have been deprived of a proper bath for thirteen years. It feels so good that it was almost worth the deprivation to have this hour of bliss.’ Then she added, ‘Things are bound to change for the better now. This too will pass. I must not despair when life gets too hard nor be too complacent when I’m too comfortable.’

      The German mathematician and philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646–1716), the inventor of calculus, was introduced to the I Ching through his friendship with the Jesuit priest Father Joachim Bouvet, who served as a missionary in China. Bouvet showed Leibniz the diagram drawn by Shao Yung

(a Song dynasty scholar), an arrangement of the sixty-four hexagrams. When told that the hexagrams were analogous to seeds containing all the potential answers to everything in the universe, Leibniz said of Fu Xi, author of the I Ching, ‘He is the founder of scholarship in China and the Far East. His I Ching table, handed down to the world, is the oldest monument of scholarship.’

      Looking at the hexagrams of the I Ching, Leibniz recognised his own system of binary mathematics in the symbols by representing yin

(the broken line) as zero and yang
(the unbroken line) as one. Thus a hexagram
with one divided (yin) line and five undivided (yang) lines would have the sequence of numbers 011111; whereas a hexagram
with one undivided (yang) line and five divided (yin) lines would produce 100000. Some scholars suggest that Leibniz was inspired by Shao Yung’s diagram to invent binary mathematics in the first place.

      In our time, both the number system in computer science and Larry Fullerton’s recently patented digital pulse technology use Leibniz’s binary mathematics to carry out their functions. Like the computer, the I Ching was also designed by ‘wise men’ as a mechanism to facilitate man’s thinking in processing information. Aptly, I Ching has been nicknamed the ‘poor man’s computer’, the ‘archetypal computer’ and the ‘most archaic computer’.

      Carl Jung began studying the I Ching during the late nineteenth century and continued to consult it frequently until his death in 1961. Jung viewed the conscious and the unconscious as having a correlating function in man’s behaviour, where the unconscious normally plays a complementary role to the conscious. Occasionally, however, this becomes impossible and then the unconscious is forced to be the adversary of the conscious, thereby causing inner conflict.

      Undoubtedly, there are moments in our lives when we find ourselves stuck at a psychological impasse. Inside, we are in turmoil yet we are unwilling to admit the problem to ourselves, let alone discuss it with anyone else.

      At such times, the conscious and unconscious may become successfully reunited through psychotherapy. It is important, however, that the patient in search of peace of mind be healed as a whole person, not treated merely for a particular symptom. Carl Jung agreed with the I Ching that there is a little yin (female) energy in every male and a little yang (male) energy in every female. He advised a holistic approach in treating patients, calling it ‘the process of individuation through a creative integration of opposites’. The key to success, according to Jung, was to make the patient aware of his unconscious as he goes about his conscious everyday life.

      Jungian psychotherapy aims to reveal to the patient certain vague and unformed primordial images which may have manifested themselves in his dreams and fantasies. It is none other than a symbolic quest for his unconscious. The sixty-four hexagrams in the I Ching have been considered by some to be the union of psychic opposites. Each hexagram is composed of two trigrams. This combination may be seen as representing the union of the unconscious (inner trigram) and the conscious (outer trigram).

      Consulting the I Ching

      From time to time we all get stuck in difficult psychological situations. The Chinese recognised many centuries ago that the human mind is often over-burdened and confused. At those moments, the I Ching may offer a way out by providing a method of self-examination. Its hexagrams are symbols СКАЧАТЬ