All the Romance You Need This Christmas: 5-Book Festive Collection. Romy Sommer
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СКАЧАТЬ listen,’ Zac began, reaching out to take my hand, even though the only thing either of us could feel were our gloves. ‘You only have a couple of days left here in Lapland and I don’t know what’s happening, I really don’t, but I just need to spend some more time with you and I don’t care if that sounds desperate or sad or… I don’t care, okay? Because you have brought something into my life that I never thought I’d have again and it’s crazy and sudden and I can’t really get my head around any of it but… but the second I saw you, at The Ice Tree that afternoon, I don’t know, I can’t really explain it because it sounds so crazy but… but it was like something was drawing me to you. It was like there was some invisible force pulling me towards you, telling me I had to find you, I had to talk to you and… Jesus, does that sound as crazy as I think it does?’

      I couldn’t help smiling as I looked at him, his eyes confused, filled with questions I wasn’t sure I could answer because I was just as confused as he was. ‘No. Not really.’

      ‘Come with me tomorrow, Jess. Please.’

      I gripped his hand as best I could through the thick material of my thermal gloves. ‘Okay. I’ll come.’

      His smile was one of relief, his face lighting up as I said yes and a sudden whirl of excitement filled my head, making me feel slightly dizzy, so much so I had to quickly grab onto him to keep upright.

      ‘Whoa, you okay?’

      I looked down at the snowy ground for a second, trying to compose myself before I looked at him again, the glow of the myriad fairy lights that lit up the streets of this wonderful little town making everything seem ethereal and magical. ‘I’m fine,’ I whispered, neither of us saying anything more as snow started falling lightly from the sky, the sound of more people leaving the bars and restaurants around us fading into the background as his mouth moved closer to mine, my eyes closing. I could feel his breath warm on my cold cheek, my heart beating faster and faster, a million and one conflicting emotions jostling for space inside my head until they were silenced by the most beautiful kiss. A kiss so soft and gentle it made my eyes fill with tears as I remembered the way Jase had kissed me and I never wanted to forget that, despite this kiss feeling oh so different. And I found myself kissing him back, wanting to feel him close to me but that was practically impossible given the amount of layers we were wearing.

      ‘I’m sorry,’ he whispered, pulling away slightly. ‘Maybe it’s too soon but…’

      ‘No,’ I smiled, shaking my head, looking up at the sky as the snow started falling heavier and thicker, covering the ground around us with a fresh, crisp layer. ‘No. It’s not too soon.’

      ‘I don’t know where we go from here,’ he said quietly, his hands returning to his jacket pockets as he watched the snow as it covered our feet.

      ‘We go snowmobiling, don’t we?’ I replied, willing him to look up, to look at me. Just so I could be sure this was okay. Be sure this was right.

      ‘Yeah,’ he smiled, a smile which sent my heart racing and my stomach flipping as long-forgotten feelings started making their reappearance with a vengeance. ‘Yeah. I guess we do.’

       Chapter Eight

      ‘Hold onto the grab rail at the back, just like you would on a motorbike,’ Zac said, quickly inspecting the snowmobile we were about to ride through the forests that lined the outskirts of this wonderful little resort; the early afternoon dusk slowly creeping across the pink-and-orange-tinged sky.

      ‘And we’re really gonna be riding this thing over frozen lakes?’ I asked warily, staring at the huge hulk of a machine.

      Zac smiled at me. ‘It’s an experience,’ he grinned, pulling his helmet on, his eyes shining with excitement. ‘It’s fine, Jess. Honest. You are gonna love this, I promise.’

      ‘Okay,’ I half-smiled, pulling my own helmet on before climbing onto the snowmobile behind Zac, my fingers gripping the handrail behind me, even though my hands were covered with huge, black gloves. My stomach was in knots. I’d ridden pillion with both Jase and Matthew a couple of times on their bikes but it had always unnerved me slightly, and anyway, Jase had died on a vehicle not dissimilar to this, hadn’t he? And just that thought made me feel more anxious than I wanted to, a slight panic taking over. ‘I need some air,’ I said, climbing off the snowmobile and yanking off my helmet, not caring that the biting cold was making my head hurt.

      ‘Jess?’ Zac climbed off too, throwing his helmet down onto the snow as he tilted up my chin, gazing into my eyes. ‘Look, if you really don’t want to do this…’

      ‘No, I do. I really do, it’s just…’ Should I tell him about Jase? Was this really the right time to explain that this sudden bout of nerves was because it had brought back memories of the night my beautiful husband had died? I couldn’t tell him that, could I? ‘I’m just being silly,’ I smiled, quickly pulling myself together. No. Now wasn’t the right time. ‘I’m sorry, I’ll be fine. I’m fine.’

      ‘You sure?’ Zac asked, gently stroking my cheek with his thumb, an action I wasn’t even sure he was completely aware of himself.

      ‘I’m sure.’

      ‘Okay, well. Let’s get going then.’

      I pulled my helmet back on, climbing back astride the snowmobile, taking a deep breath as Zac revved the engine, leaning forward in preparation to setting off at speed as soon as the guide was ready to go. And immediately as Zac pulled away, right behind the guide, I felt an exhilaration I’d never experienced before as we sped through snow-covered trees, scenery more beautiful than I’d ever seen before flashing past me. It was an incredible feeling of freedom as we tore through the fresh layers of snow that had fallen overnight, all the nerves I’d felt before now long gone as I looked around me, taking everything in, like mental pictures I could store away in my mind forever. It truly was like riding through a winter wonderland. Everything around us was white – the ground with its layers of fresh powder, the trees that towered above us, their branches heavy with snow, the image almost eerie as they reached up into a cold, grey sky that was now close to turning black as the minimal daylight hours once more looked towards their early end. It made me think of fairytales and magical forests as we continued our journey through this spectacular landscape. I felt as though I’d been transported into another world, and I liked that feeling, liked the cold air on my face as Zac picked up speed, determined to keep up with the guide ahead of us, I liked the way this world bore absolutely no resemblance to the one I’d left behind. I liked all of that. And I liked being here, with this incredible man, who was still, to all intents and purposes, a stranger to me. But a stranger who was fast becoming someone I wanted to get to know. For whatever reason, I knew I was meant to be here. Was Zac that reason?

      After an exhilarating ride through the frozen forests we stopped at a clearing, in front of a huge tepee-like structure, and at first it felt as though we’d arrived in the middle of nowhere, so remote it all seemed. But as we were led into the tent – that we were duly informed was called a “kata”, the Sami version of a tepee that was used by Sami reindeer herders all over the Arctic Circle – it was like walking onto another page of my own personal fairy story. In the centre of the kata was a huge, open fire which filled the whole space with a warm, orange glow, the heat it gave off a welcome respite from the freezing temperatures outside.

      ‘This is beautiful,’ I breathed as we were all invited to sit down on a comfortable, circular СКАЧАТЬ