The Hand-Me-Down Family. Winnie Griggs
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Название: The Hand-Me-Down Family

Автор: Winnie Griggs

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература




СКАЧАТЬ smiled and nodded acknowledgment. “Mr. Wilson.” The name was familiar. Oh, yes, he and his wife owned the farm that adjoined Leland’s. Perhaps he could transport her there if Leland didn’t show up soon.

      The farmer touched the brim of his hat, ducking his head respectfully. “Ma’am.”

      When she turned back to Jack, he was studying her intently, as if trying to read something from her countenance. Holding her gaze, he extended his hand. “And I’m Lanny’s brother, Jack.”

      Brother! Of course—Jack Tyler. Julia had mentioned Leland’s brother in many of her letters. It had grieved her friend deeply when the breach had grown up between the brothers, and even more so when Jack had left Sweetgum and all but cut himself off from his family and friends.

      No wonder he was startled by her news. If he was just now returning to Sweetgum after all these years, of course he wouldn’t know about Leland’s second marriage.

      Feeling her anxiety ebb, she grasped his outstretched hand eagerly. “Then you are my brother-in-law. I’m so very pleased to meet you.”

      She smiled, relieved and happy. Jack Tyler. Perhaps he was part of her mission here—maybe she could help heal whatever rift existed between the two brothers. Julia would have wanted that.

      When her newfound relation released her hand, Callie adjusted her bonnet again. “If I’d realized who you were, I would have waited before I said anything. I’m certain your brother wanted to tell you himself.”

      “No harm done.” His expression, however, hinted that all was not well. Did he resent hearing about the marriage from a stranger?

      “Well, it’s a wonderful circumstance that we should arrive together.” She was more certain than ever that the Lord’s hand was in this. “Since your brother is delayed, perhaps you would be so kind as to escort me to his home.” Surely he couldn’t refuse her request, no matter what rift existed between himself and Leland.

      But Mr. Wilson intervened, clearing his throat. “I’m afraid that—”

      Without taking his eyes from Callie, Mr. Tyler interrupted whatever his friend was about to say. “Leland isn’t at home right now.”

      The hairs at the nape of Callie’s neck prickled.

      There was something strangely intense about the look he was giving her.

      And how would he know Leland wasn’t at home when he’d only just arrived in town himself?

      Chapter Three

      “I don’t understand.”

      Jack saw the uneasy flicker in the woman’s expression. Fair enough. He wasn’t sure he knew what to make of her, either.

      How was he supposed to believe her claim that Lanny had married again, had replaced his first wife with someone so unlike the vibrant, delicate and pretty-as-a-spring-meadow woman Julia had been?

      Not that this woman was unattractive. He couldn’t see much of her face, but she had a nice enough smile and a trim figure.

      But she wasn’t Julia.

      In Nell’s last letter she’d mentioned how hard a time Lanny was having dealing with Julia’s passing. It was one of the reasons Jack had been thinking about making a visit home.

      This remarriage thing just didn’t make sense.

      “Excuse me, ma’am.” He tried to keep his voice even. No point fanning her distrust. “I know you have questions. To be honest, I have a few for you as well. But it’s a mite hot out here on the sidewalk.”

      He nodded toward the open door to the hotel. “Why don’t we step inside and find a more comfortable place to talk.” Not to mention less public.

      He saw her hesitation and spoke up again before she could object. “I’m sure Virgil won’t mind watching our bags while we figure this out.”

      “Uh, yes, ma’am.” Virgil gamely followed his lead. “I mean, no, I don’t mind at all. You two just go right ahead. And take your time. I mean, you have a lot—”

      “There, that’s settled.” Jack used his best take-charge tone to cut off Virgil’s rambling. He wanted to give her the news his way, in his time.

      He pointed to the trunk and carpetbag still sitting on the sidewalk. “So, are these yours? We’ll just set them with mine over here out of the way.”

      Once he got her inside they could sort through her story without the whole town looking on. It was a pretty sure bet that once he told her why Lanny wasn’t here to meet her there was going to be a scene of some sort.

      Which was another good reason to get her inside—it would be right handy to have her already seated in case she decided to swoon. He just hoped she wasn’t one of those melodramatic females who were prone to hysterics.

      But her lips compressed in a stubborn line. “Just a minute, Mr. Tyler. I’m not going anywhere until you tell me where my husband is.” She tugged on that bonnet again. “And what exactly did you mean by ‘figure this out?’”

      Just his luck—she was going to be muleheaded. “Ma’am, trust me, you really don’t want to have this conversation out here in the middle of town.” He crossed his arms and raised a brow, trying a bit of intimidation. Couldn’t she see that he just wanted to make this easier on her?

      Rather than backing down, though, the obstinate woman tilted her chin even higher. “It’s a simple question, sir, requiring a simple answer. Where is my husband?”

      Jack dropped his arms and narrowed his eyes. At another time he might have admired her spirit, her stubborn resolve. But not today. He was too tired from four days of travel and frustrating delays—four days of trying to absorb the impact of what had happened—to continue this argument.

      She wanted to know where Lanny was, then so be it. “Have it your way. I’ll take you right to him.”

      “Huh?” Virgil almost dropped the bag he held. “Jack, what are—”

      Jack raised a hand. “No, no, it’s okay.” He gave his friend a tight smile. “I planned to pay a visit when I got here anyway. No point putting it off, and this lady might as well come along.”

      Virgil shot a look toward the far end of town, then shifted his gaze uncertainly from the woman back to Jack.

      Jack clapped him on the shoulder before he could protest again, or worse yet, blurt out something that would set off a scene. “You don’t mind seeing to our luggage while the lady and I take a little walk, do you?”

      “No, of course not. But—”

      “Good.” With a short nod, Jack turned back to Lanny’s self-proclaimed bride and swept his hand out in a gesture that was more challenge than good manners. “Shall we?”

      She didn’t answer immediately. Instead, she drew her lower lip between her teeth and gave that odd-looking bonnet another tug forward.

      Jack’s СКАЧАТЬ