The Hand-Me-Down Family. Winnie Griggs
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Название: The Hand-Me-Down Family

Автор: Winnie Griggs

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература




СКАЧАТЬ offered an apologetic smile. “Yes, I’m fine, thank you. Just making certain I have all my things.” She adjusted her bonnet once more, squared her shoulders and stepped down from the stagecoach onto the sidewalk’s dusty boards.

      Pasting on what she hoped was a confident smile, Callie waited for her husband to step forward and introduce himself. But, while she received curious glances from some of the passersby, no one greeted her.

      Her smile faltered. Where was he?

      She continued scanning the sidewalk even as she moved aside to allow her fellow passenger to exit the stage.

      Why wasn’t Mr. Tyler here? Surely he wouldn’t keep her standing alone in foreign surroundings where she didn’t know anyone…

      I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.

      The remembered verse calmed her. She wasn’t alone. God was with her.

      Mr. Tyler had undoubtedly been delayed. Poor man. He was likely as nervous about this meeting as she was. And he had little Annabeth to tend to as well. It must be difficult for him to care for a child and a farm all on his own.

      Well, he wouldn’t have to any longer.

      Trying to ignore the stubborn prickling of anxiety that wouldn’t quite go away, Callie turned to study the community that she would now call home. These people would be her neighbors and, hopefully, her friends.

      The town itself was just as Julia had described in her letters. The stage had stopped in front of the Sweetgum Hotel and Post Office. To her left she could see an apothecary shop and the mercantile with a long wooden bench out front. On the other side of the hotel stood a bank, and past that the doctor’s office.

      Callie glanced across the street and frowned in dismay. About a block down the road, one of the buildings had been reduced to charred timbers. She immediately offered up a prayer that strength and healing be afforded to the lives that had been touched by that calamity.

      What business had it housed? It was next to the barber shop, so—

      The sight of a gentleman hurrying toward the stage jerked Callie’s attention away from the puzzle.

      Her heart stuttered a few beats.

      Was this him?

      She stood straighter and adjusted her bonnet. But instead of approaching her, he absently tipped his hat in her direction and stopped in front of her fellow passenger.

      “Jack, welcome back,” he said as the two men shook hands. “I just wish it were under happier circumstances.”

      Callie turned away, deflated. It wasn’t Mr. Tyler.

      Well, at least now she had a name for her traveling companion. Jack. A good, solid name. And, if the greeting he’d received was any indication, she’d apparently guessed right as to his troubled spirit.

      The two men spoke in low tones and Callie immediately focused on other sounds, avoiding the temptation to eavesdrop.

      A buckboard clattered down the street accompanied by the muffled clop-clop of horses’ hooves. A shop bell jingled as a woman emerged from the mercantile with a loaded basket. Two boys raced down the sidewalk, a yipping dog at their heels.

      Such bustling normalcy all around her. Yet she felt isolated, apart from it all, like a stranger peeking in through a window at a family gathering.

      The minutes drew out as the driver unloaded luggage and parcels from the back of the stagecoach. It was hotter here in Texas than it had been in Ohio. Callie longed to loosen her tight-fitting bonnet, or better yet, take it off altogether, but she dared not. Not until she was away from prying eyes and safely inside her new home.

      A number of townsfolk stopped to speak to Jack, but though she received a few friendly nods in addition to more curious glances, no one stepped forward to greet her.

      Finally, the last of the baggage and cargo was unloaded and the driver stepped inside the hotel with a mail sack. The man, Jack, lifted two of the bags, easily hefting the larger one up to his shoulder.

      Callie couldn’t help but wonder—would Mr. Tyler be as fine and strong a figure of a man as this Jack?

      As if feeling her eyes on him, the man paused and met her gaze. His expression was gruff and a muscle twitched at the corner of his mouth. “Is someone meeting you?”

      She smiled, grateful for his show of concern, reluctant though it might be. “Yes, thank you. I’m certain my husband will be along soon.”

      Something akin to surprise flashed across his features but it was gone in an instant.

      “Good.” He nodded and allowed his friend to take one of his bags. “If you’re sure you don’t need any help…” He tipped his hat and turned.

      As she watched him walk away, it was as if the last link to her old life were being severed. A foolish notion, since she really didn’t know this man at all. But before she could stop herself, Callie took a small step forward. “Excuse me.”

      Both men turned, facing her with questioning glances.

      “Ma’am?” Jack prompted.

      “I was wondering if perhaps either of you know a Mr. Leland Tyler? He was supposed to…” Her voice tapered off as she saw their startled reactions.

      Jack’s jaw tightened visibly. “Why would you be looking for Lan—Leland?”

      Callie noticed his familiar use of her husband’s name. “So you do know him.”

      That tic near the corner of his mouth made another appearance. “Yes.” He didn’t expand on his one-word answer, and his expression remained closed, unreadable. “But you didn’t answer my question. How do you know Leland?”

      Callie offered up a quick prayer that Mr. Tyler would arrive soon. He should be the one making the introductions to his neighbors and friends. “I’m Callista Johnson Tyler, his wife.”

      “Wife!” Jack set his bag down with a loud thump and sent a sharp look his companion’s way. “You know what she’s talking about, Virgil?”

      The other man shook his head. “Lanny never said anything about a new wife.”

      They certainly were reacting strongly to her news. She knew Julia had only been gone about four months, but it wasn’t unusual for a widower to remarry so soon, especially when he had a young child to care for.

      For that matter, why didn’t they already know about her? Surely Leland wouldn’t have kept such momentous news from his friends and neighbors? Unless he’d worried she wouldn’t show up.

      Or was there another, more disturbing reason? Her heart beat faster as possibilities whirled through her mind.

      Realizing the men were watching her, Callie tried to hide her confusion behind a confident air. “I’m not certain why Mr. Tyler chose to keep this a secret. Perhaps he was planning to surprise everyone. But be that as it may, I assure you, I am indeed Mrs. Leland Tyler. If you’ll be so good as to tell me where my husband can be found, I’m certain СКАЧАТЬ