Unlacing Lilly. Gail Ranstrom
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Название: Unlacing Lilly

Автор: Gail Ranstrom

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература




СКАЧАТЬ took her banknote and pushed it back in her reticule. “The note is all I have. Can you make change for it?”

      He shook his head. “You may pay me the next time we meet, Miss O’Rourke. Meantime…” He tossed another coin to a flower vendor they were passing and plucked a dewy pink rose from a bucket with a natural grace that belied his size.

      When he presented the rose to her, she knew she should refuse, but she found she couldn’t. The hypnotic hold of his eyes compelled her to accept. Their fingers brushed when she accepted the flower, and the heat of his touch spread up her arm to make her cheeks burn.

      “Thank you, Mr. Devlin. If you will give me your address, I shall send payment once I am home.”

      He seemed almost as unsettled as she had been. He waved one hand in a gesture of dismissal as he backed away. “Never mind, Miss O’Rourke. I can wait until we meet again.” He turned and wove rapidly through the crowds.

      Nancy tapped her shoulder. “I say, Miss Lilly! Who was that? A real looker, he is.”

      “His name is Mr. Devlin. I barely know him, Nancy. I met him a few weeks ago at Lord Olney’s ball.”

      Nancy gave her guarded look. “We had better get you married soon or ’twill not be the last we see of him, I warrant. He looked at you like you were a cherry tart, miss, and he had a very big spoon.”

      Cherry tart? Nancy’s assessment was unnerving. In truth, Lilly did not know what to make of Mr. Devlin. Why, she had recently thought of him as an “odious man,” and mere moments ago she had thought him quite gallant to come to her rescue. But perhaps Nancy was right. She had better marry Olney soon, before her vague misgivings took root.

      Chapter Three

      Devlin separated his papers into stacks. One for his barkeeper, one for his solicitor, one for his valet and his own private list. Within a day or two he’d be ready to put his plan in action, and just in time.

      A soft knock at his study door as the clock chimed eleven drew his attention. This would be Basil Albright, his solicitor, prompt to a fault.

      The door opened a crack, and Knowles, his valet, announced, “Mr. Albright, sir.”

      Devlin nodded and Knowles widened the gap to allow the solicitor through, then closed them inside. A smallish, balding man, Albright looked meek and ineffectual, but in reality, he was a shark. Nothing got past the man, and he was ruthless in dealing with his opponents.

      “Mr. Farrell, what is this nonsense about drawing up a will? Has someone challenged you?”

      How interesting that Albright would think in those terms. And yes, it was a very distinct possibility someone would, considering what he was about to do. Nonetheless, Albright’s impertinence should not be indulged. “I am simply trying to tie up loose strings before I turn my attention to other matters.” He gestured to the chair across the desk from him.

      Albright gave him a sharp look as he sat down, opened his portfolio and withdrew a lead pencil. “Give me the particulars and I shall have it drawn up immediately. If it is not complicated, I should have it ready for signature tomorrow.”

      “Not in the least complicated. First, I wish to leave the gin house, both business and building, to Knowles.”

      “The valet? But what does he know of running a gin house?”

      “We’ve lived above it for five years now, Albright. Do you think he’s absorbed nothing?”

      Albright looked around and Devlin knew he was assessing his apartments above The Crown and Bear. He’d said on more than one occasion that he found Mayfair quality above a Whitechapel slum to be a poor investment. But Devlin liked living above his business. He hadn’t acquired wealth by delegating responsibility to others. No, he’d learned early to cling tight to what was his.

      “The contents, as well?” Albright asked.

      “Everything as it stands at the moment I cease to breathe.”

      “Mr. Farrell, the furnishings alone must be worth—”

      “As it stands,” Devlin repeated.

      He waited until Albright finished making his notes, then continued. “My investment portfolio to Mick Hadden.”

      “Why, that’s—”

      “He wasn’t always a barkeeper, Albright. Michael Haddon. M-i-c-h—”

      “I can spell Michael, sir. And what of your cash accounts?”

      Devlin turned in his chair and gazed out his window to the teeming street below. He lived in the midst of poverty and squalor. There was no way to end it, and he hadn’t enough to make a scintilla of difference to the inhabitants of Whitechapel. He was not even certain most of them wanted a better life. But a few did. And he’d already made provisions for them.

      Had his own mother had the wherewithal, she’d have gone back to Wiltshire when she’d found she was expecting him. Instead she’d been discharged into the Whitechapel rookeries to make her way the best she could. At first that had meant sewing and mending for a bawdy house, and when her eyesight began to fail when Devlin had been merely eight, she’d done whatever had come her way to put food in his mouth. Yes, even that.

      “I want you to look into establishing a fund—a foundation, if you will—to assist women who wish to leave a dissolute life.”

      Albright coughed and glanced up from his writing. “Surely I did not hear you correctly.”

      “Surely you did.”

      “But you…”

      He raised an eyebrow, daring Albright to continue. After escaping the orphanage when he was eleven, he’d done many things to build his fortune, most of them illegal, some of them immoral, but he’d never made money off women’s backs. That one sin, at least, was foreign to him.

      Albright wisely bent his head to his notes again. When he was finished writing, Devlin continued.

      “Open a separate account at my bank for a thousand pounds under the name of Mr. Carson. I shall be making withdrawals over the next few weeks and I do not want them traced. During that time, you will not be able to reach me. If you need clarification or direction, meet with Haddon.”

      “He will know how to reach you?”

      “Aye, and he’ll be the only one.”

      “And meantime?”

      Devlin stood and went to the door. “Meantime, I have long-overdue business to take care of.”


      “Farrell! Here you are. I’d have come sooner, but I was tying up some loose ends on a case.”

      Devlin heaved a deep sigh and looked to the side to find that Jack Higgins had occupied a chair at the table next to his. He’d sent word this morning before his solicitor arrived that he wanted to see the investigator this evening. “About time, Jack.”

      Jack СКАЧАТЬ