Unlacing Lilly. Gail Ranstrom
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Название: Unlacing Lilly

Автор: Gail Ranstrom

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература




СКАЧАТЬ odious man in the garden the night of Olney’s proposal was likely right. Olney would marry her to have what he otherwise could not. Well, as far as she was concerned, it was a fair trade. He would have access to her body, and she would have social and financial security for Mama and Gina. Even Mr. Hunter and Bella would benefit from that association, though it was clear to her that Mr. Hunter did not like Olney in the least.

      “Perhaps later you could join Lilly and Olney,” Bella was suggesting. “When they are settled.”

      “You are a fine one to talk, Bella. You and Mr. Hunter have been married, what, a month today? Are you not newlyweds yourselves?”

      “Andrew feels—”

      “That you need the protection and presence of a man,” Andrew finished for her. “Surely you can see the benefit to Miss Gina and yourself in having a male presence to protect you from unscrupulous tradesmen and other bothersome details, not to mention the troublesome events surrounding the disgraced queen’s funeral procession yesterday? People were hurt in those riots, Mrs. O’Rourke. My servants are more than adequate for your needs. And, of course, you will bring Nancy with you, and Cook if you wish.”

      Her mother looked mildly surprised. “So this is your idea, is it, Mr. Hunter?”

      “Bella and I have discussed it at length and believe that it is the best possible place for you. Once you are out of mourning, you will require a safe place to entertain Miss Gina’s callers and freedom from the cares of running your own household. Surely you can see the attention that two attractive women alone would draw from scoundrels.”

      Mama gave him a little smile, almost flirtatious. “And who better to recognize them than another scoundrel?”

      “Precisely,” Mr. Hunter replied, not in the least put off by Mama’s veiled barb.

      “Well, in that case…I suppose I could always go to Lilly after she and Olney have settled and are accustomed to one another.”

      Mr. Hunter gave Lilly a quick glance, and she was surprised by the concern she saw in his eyes. “Yes, you could. And, of course, Miss Lilly will always be welcome in my home, as well.”

      What an odd way of phrasing such a sentiment. Lilly wondered if he was hinting that Olney would not be welcome. He and Bella had tried to talk to her about her impending nuptials several times, but she had changed the subject. She really did not want them planting doubts in her mind. Why could they not see that Olney was a dear in so many ways? Yes, she knew that he would be a challenge to handle, but she was certain she could manage. And the benefit of the lofty connection for Mama and Gina was immense.

      “Gina? What do you say? Shall we remove to Mr. Hunter’s house?” Mama asked.

      Gina looked up from her needlework and swept a stray strand of dark hair back. “Will there be servants about? And locks on the doors?”

      Bella smiled encouragingly. “Yes, Gina. And you shall have your own room. I picked a bright and sunny one for you, with a sitting area where you can do your needlework or read.”

      “Then, yes. I should like that very much. I have missed having you about, Bella.”

      “Then it is agreed!” Mr. Hunter rubbed his hands together. “I shall send servants to pack you up this very afternoon. No sense putting it off. You shall be settled before the wedding, Mrs. O’Rourke.”

      “But Lilly has her last fitting for her wedding gown this afternoon. And I had hoped to shop the stalls at Covent Garden for ribbon.”

      “By all means, do your chores. Bella tells me there is not much to be done since you leased this place fully furnished. Your Nancy can supervise the packing of your personal belongings.”

      “This is so sudden….”

      Lilly touched her mother’s arm. “I think this is for the best, Mama. I do not mind in the least, and I shall feel better leaving knowing that you will have someone to look after your needs and that you will have the protection of family.”

      Mama’s eyes grew sad and Lilly knew she was thinking of Cora, and how she might still be alive if there had been more people about to see what she’d been doing. Mama took a deep breath before speaking. “Yes, then. Thank you, Mr. Hunter. We shall be delighted to accept your hospitality.”


      “Miss Lilly, may I go look at the gewgaws? I’d like to find some little trinket to send my sister. I shall be right behind you.”

      Lilly glanced at her rosy-cheeked, plump maid, Nancy, then down the row of stalls at Covent Garden and nodded. “I shall be looking at the ribbons. Mama asked me to find some greens and lavenders. Stay within calling distance.”

      Nancy nodded and disappeared into a stall selling fairings and Lilly continued down the row, feeling wilted in the late-afternoon heat. Even Mama had decided to stay at home to supervise the packing and sent Nancy to the fitting as her escort instead. It was just as well. Her fitting had taken more time than she’d planned. It seemed she’d lost weight since the first measurements had been taken—enough weight to warrant alterations to the nearly finished wedding gown.

      She hated the garment. It was heavy with the frills, flounces, lace and bows reminiscent of court gowns of old, and made her look like a parody of a bride. Olney’s parents had chosen the pattern, saying it was the only design befitting their wealth and consequence.

      In fact, she had not been allowed to choose anything for her wedding. The duchess had decreed that, since the O’Rourkes were new to town, they would not have the slightest idea about who should be invited, what to do or how to proceed. The duchess had handled it all. Mama had been relieved. Lilly, however, was growing very tired of their interference and the constant harping on their consequence in society and wondered if she was cut out to be a marchioness, let alone a duchess.

      But it was too late to turn back now. Her future in-laws would just have to accept her as she was. She was committed to her course and nothing could change that. She had remained resolute in the whirlwind of the past three weeks because of Mama’s delight in such a good match and the thought that Gina would have her pick of men. That was all she cared about.

      Of course, she could find happiness with Olney.

      She blew a drooping strand of hair away from her face as she looked down to inspect a row of rainbow-colored ribbons. She found the exact shade of lavender her mother wanted and asked the merchant to cut a length. The green she found was near to Mama’s shade, but a bit lighter. Still, rather than shopping in the heat, she ordered a length of that, too. The merchant announced, “Sixpence, if you please. Three for each.”

      When she opened the drawstrings of her silk reticule, she was confounded. She could have sworn she had taken a one-pound banknote before she left the house. “Sir, if you will hold those ribbons for me, I shall return with payment.”

      The man narrowed his eyes as if he suspected trickery. “Tryin’ to cheat an old man, are ye?” he asked in a loud voice.

      “No!” The heat of a deep blush stole up Lilly’s cheeks. “I promise I will be back. I must find my maid. She will lend me what I need.”

      “Yer maid? She’s got money when you don’t? The ribbon is cut, Miss Hoity-toity. Ye’ll pay fer it or I’ll call the charleys.”