This Time Forever. Carol Steward
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Название: This Time Forever

Автор: Carol Steward

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ was for the most romantic getaway, but the actual contest is over. It was so popular they’ve decided to make America’s Most Romantic Getaways a monthly feature. Actually, I believe this will be in the bridal issue.”

      “The what?” His jaw fell open. He dropped his fist on the table, clanging the dishes. Adam rambled on as if this were the end of the world. “Besides, who’d have thought a half-built lodge would get any attention?” He shook his head and rolled his eyes. “She didn’t mention it again, and I thought the subject was dead.”

      Lisa laughed, ignoring his scowl. “In a town named Loveland? Who’d have ever imagined? You should put her in charge of your PR, if you haven’t already.”

      “Thanks, but no thanks. I have enough trouble keeping my sisters at bay lately. I don’t want the publicity—especially not as some romantic getaway.”

      Panic coursed through her. “What better way to bring in business than with free exposure?” She paused. “The only thing this costs you is putting up with me for a few days. And if that’s a problem, I’m sure my sisters wouldn’t mind company.”

      “That’s not a problem, though I’m sure your sisters would love to see you. I’m sorry I’ve made you feel unwelcome, but I don’t think I can be of much help with your story right now.” Adam took another bite. “Maybe you could come back in the summer?”

      “I can mention that to my editor, but I don’t think they’ll go for it…to be quite honest.” Lisa watched his strong hand lift the comparably tiny spoon to his mouth, picturing herself behind the camera, capturing every nuance of this man’s character.

      Where God closes a door, he opens a window. Her optimistic sister’s words slapped her in the ego—again. In your life, maybe, but not mine.

      Adam cleared his throat. “Mom mentioned some couple coming for the week, but I never thought…” He’d never in his wildest dreams imagined Lisa would spend a week at his ranch. As strong as the attraction had been a year ago, he’d managed to keep a tight rein on his emotions. She’d been seeing someone at the time, and he’d had a huge project to complete. In the thirteen months since Alex and Katarina’s wedding, not a word had been said about that ridiculous bouquet, or getting the two of them together.

      Still, he couldn’t just kick Lisa off the ranch. No matter how badly he wanted to. She was practically a relative.

      As if she read his mind, she became silent. The twinkle in her bright blue eyes disappeared. “I’m sure you’ve had a very long day, Adam. Why don’t we put the article aside for tonight?” She took a spoonful of soup and a slice of cheese. “Tell me what you’ve been up to since the wedding.”

      Lisa had emptied her bowl by the time he’d quit talking about the vast construction project. Despite the fact that he’d deliberately made the year sound as mundane as possible, a sparkle of admiration returned. Eyes like hers could make a weak man sell his soul to the tabloids without one regret.

      “So, you’re a talented craftsman, an industrious businessman and a great cook, too. The soup was delicious.”

      “Thanks. Would you like more?” Adam pushed his chair away from the antique oak table, anxious to put some space between them.

      “I’d love some, thanks. Where’d you learn to cook?” She stood and walked into the kitchen with him.

      Adam watched her refill her soup mug, noting similarities between Lisa and each of her sisters. Like Emily, she hadn’t let her underprivileged childhood keep her from dreaming. And like Katarina, Lisa overflowed with enthusiasm and creativity. He’d seen her work in several magazines.

      He tore his gaze from her as she disappeared into the dining room, recalling her question. Realizing that every word he said played right into her hand, he held back. “My dad liked to cook. I guess I got it from him.”

      “Oh? Do Kevin and Alex cook, too?” she asked as she peeked around the corner, her eyes wide with curiosity.

      And like both sisters, she was what any man would consider attractive. Adam wondered about her life, constantly on the move. “Alex does. Kevin can’t boil water.” Turning the conversation around, he asked, “You still living out of a suitcase, or have you found a place to call home? Between assignments, that is.”

      “I’ve been too busy to settle down.”

      Did he detect a note of sadness in her remark? “I guess that’s good in your business, right?”

      She hesitated. “I can’t complain. It pays the bills.” Lisa took another spoonful of soup.

      He nodded. “Don’t you ever miss going home? Sinking into your own bed? Eating a home-cooked meal?”

      She looked at him as if he were speaking a foreign language. Or at the very least, as if he’d asked her to spill some deep dark secret.

      Lisa held up the soup mug. “I am eating a home-cooked meal. I’m in a beautiful home, and the company isn’t bad, either.” Her pink lips turned up stiffly at the corners. “Don’t you ever long to see all those wonderful sights to be appreciated out in this vast world?” Her voice softened. “Don’t you wonder if you’re in the right place, doing the right thing?” It cracked. “Don’t you ever just want to take off and avoid all this responsibility?”

      Now it was his turn to look at her as if she were from another world. He couldn’t believe the regret he felt, exposing the pain he heard in her soft voice. “My roots are in this soil, and I’ll do everything it takes to keep them planted right here. The last thing I want is to disrupt the peace with chaos of the outside world. I thank God every day for taking me out of the corporate world and bringing me home.”

      “How nice.” She stood up, cleared her place and took her dishes to the kitchen.

      Her icy response instantly made him recall Kat and Emily’s concern about their little sister’s hurried life and Lisa’s distance from God. He winced. This wasn’t going well at all.

      “Adam, it’s been a very long day. I think I’ll call it a night.”

      “I didn’t mean to say anything to offend you, Lisa.” He wanted to reach out to her, to take his words back, or at the very least, have the chance to ease their discomfort. “I promise it won’t—”

      Without turning around, she said, “Don’t bother, Adam. Promises mean nothing to me. I’ll see you in the morning.”

      Chapter Four

      Adam locked the front door, ready to put the day behind him. He needed sleep. It looked as if tomorrow would be another long day.

      He turned around, greeted by the coat rack. Lisa’s coat instantly reminded him of how nice she had felt in his embrace. She was tempting as homemade apple pie—a perfect mixture of sweet and tart.

      What was he thinking? He hadn’t as much as been on an official date in three years. And if he planned to see someone, a woman who spent her life on the road would not be the one for him.

      Lisa had a portfolio full of dreams, and enough talent to make them come true. Despite the challenges of her early years, she, like her sisters, had stomped on the restrictions their meager background could have inflicted on them. СКАЧАТЬ