This Time Forever. Carol Steward
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Название: This Time Forever

Автор: Carol Steward

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ child, she wondered if Adam hadn’t yet cut the apron strings, or if he felt obligated to take care of his mother after his father’s death. From personal experience, she knew how difficult that last child leaving home was on a mother, especially a single mother.

      Her stomach growled and Lisa looked at her watch—5:40. She barely had time to freshen up. Adam had stopped chopping wood and was probably preparing supper, just daring her to be late.

      Chapter Three

      Lisa rushed through the great room in search of the kitchen, hoping Adam wouldn’t notice the time. Following the distinct aroma of sautéed onions, she found him.

      She paused silently to admire the damp-haired, barefoot cowboy again. Adam looked as much at ease in the kitchen as he had outside chopping wood. The navy blue T-shirt stretched across his powerful shoulders and the Levi’s hugged his slim hips perfectly. Where’s the camera when I need it?

      “Evening. Beautiful sunset, wasn’t it? Of course, probably doesn’t compare to those you’ve seen.” Without looking up, he knew she was there.

      There was no hope of denying she’d been watching him, as he’d obviously seen her at the window and already made his own assumptions. “Yes, it was. When my editor called this morning, I wasn’t very pleased that I had to miss a photo shoot of the Pacific, but tonight, I have no regrets. Colorado’s sunsets are truly among the most beautiful in the nation.”

      “A mover and a shaker. One day here, there the next,” he snapped. “If God had meant for such a frantic pace, He wouldn’t have created such beautiful sights to be appreciated.”

      Lisa didn’t understand what had upset Adam, but she couldn’t afford to let it continue—she needed this story. Lisa glanced again at her watch. She was only five minutes late. Surely that wasn’t what he was mad about. Nevertheless she apologized.

      “No problem.”

      The lack of conversation echoed through the room as Adam worked, whisking the white sauce to a velvety smooth texture. He combined onions, white sauce, potatoes and chunks of soft cheese in silence.

      “Can I help?”

      He sprinkled seasonings into the pan and shook his head. “It’ll be ready in a minute.”

      “Listen, Adam, I don’t know what I’ve done to trouble you. I’m here to do a job, which I hope ends up helping you as well as myself. Is there a problem?”

      He set two soup mugs by the stove. “Liz suggested advertising in a national magazine. I didn’t approve of the idea then, and to be honest, I still don’t.”

      Perplexed, Lisa shook her head and leaned against the counter across from him. “Why don’t we start at the beginning? First of all, this isn’t an advertisement, it’s an article. Secondly, I received an assignment this morning which called me away from the beauty of the Pacific Ocean—migrating whales, white-capped waves, deep blue water.” She paused, realizing her sisters couldn’t have had anything to do with her coming here. “I left a personal trip to do this article, and you’re telling me you don’t know a thing about it? Nor do you want it done at all?” She crossed her arms over her chest.

      His remorseful gaze met hers and she was struck with a sudden unexpected longing to make Adam understand how important this was to her. In her life, this was more than just another stop. It was a chance to start over. In Adam’s, it was a major interruption to the peace and quiet he took for granted.

      “I’m sorry, Lisa. I’m sure there’s something more important for you to cover than a small-town guest ranch’s grand opening.” He looked away. “Truth is, it’s not a good time. As you can see, this place is nowhere near ready for a celebration, let alone impressive enough for national exposure.”

      Lisa looked at the empty diagonal wood-plank walls, the bare windows, the kitchen cabinets waiting for knobs. “We don’t have to focus on the kitchen. My suite looked beautiful. Coordinating towels and bedding, gorgeous antiques—”

      “Your room is the only one finished,” he interrupted. “Apparently my mother was expecting you.”

      Was she imagining the emphasis he’d put on the word you? Was he upset that she was assigned to the story? “No, Adam, your mother may have been expecting the Greens, but I didn’t even know I was coming until this morning,” Lisa insisted. “And I had no clue it was to your ranch.” She leaned over the counter and sniffed the homemade soup. Her eyes drifted closed with contentment. “The timing couldn’t be more perfect. What could be more romantic than a February grand opening in Loveland, Colorado?”

      “Romantic? Who said anything about romance?” Adam ripped open a pouch of saltines and dumped them into a small basket, then chopped through the chunk of cheese as if it, too, had done something wrong. “What magazine are you with, anyway?”

      “I’m a freelancer. I don’t work for anyone exclusively.” Why did that sound so much more impressive than it was in reality? “This is for a bed-and-breakfast magazine.”

      “Number one…I own a guest ranch, not a B and B.”

      “That’s okay. The column is on romantic getaways. There’s no need to refer to bed-and-breakfast.”

      “Number two…it’s not a romantic getaway. It’s a guest ranch. You know, horses, cows, rustic.” Adam pulled a stainless-steel ladle from the hook over the stove and filled the two mugs. “I hope you like potato soup. It’s my specialty.”

      Not exactly welcoming, but it was most likely as close as she would get right now. “You’re in luck. I love it. How can I help?”

      After an obvious pause, Adam said, “Glasses are in that cupboard. I’ll take water, but there’s also milk and iced tea in the refrigerator if you’d prefer.” He picked up the small cutting board with the cheese on it and headed through the alcove. “We’ll eat in the dining room.” Adam disappeared and an instant later, light filtered through the doorway.

      Lisa filled the glasses and set the drinks on the table. Adam carried baskets of crackers and rolls in one hand and the plates in the other. In a few minutes, Lisa and Adam were seated at the smallest table in the sparsely furnished room. Adam said a prayer, then jumped up and turned the lights brighter. She smiled inside. It didn’t matter to her, in either dim light or bright, Adam was the epitome of “tall, dark and handsome” and looked nothing like his fair-haired brothers.

      Adam became increasingly quiet.

      Lisa took a spoonful of the thick soup, trying to erase her rampant thoughts. This was a business trip, not some romantic escape, and the best way to convince him of that would be to stick to the assignment. “So, tell me what you want this article to say about Whispering Pines.”

      He stared into his soup as he crumbled the saltines over the top. “Which part of ‘no’ do you not understand?”

      She set down her spoon and looked Adam in the eye. “I hear it. I just don’t believe it. We’re talking national exposure, Adam. Do you realize the magnitude of that?”

      He leaned back in his chair, a puzzled look on his face. “Maybe I’m hearing and not quite believing it, Lisa. The family was sitting around one night after working on the landscaping, trying to come up with ideas to promote the place.” He paused, as if thinking through СКАЧАТЬ