Second Time Around. Carol Steward
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Название: Second Time Around

Автор: Carol Steward

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ never went out.”

      She dropped herself into a seat that barely cleared the ground. “Because she was married.” Emily looked at him. “You just don’t understand, do you, Bob? That is bordering on harassment.”

      “No harm in a little flirting.” He shrugged, ignoring her warning.

      She shook her head and closed her door to Bob’s lame explanation. He’d blown any chances of a relationship with her, or any woman in their office. And now Emily was getting a headache, complete with a sudden case of the jitters. The last thing she needed was Bob next to her whining all evening.

      Everyone in the clinic would be there to kick off the renovation. It was critical that she and Kevin be on their best behavior. Neither could take a chance of endangering their positions by revealing their past relationship.

      Kevin’s employees would be there, as would his silent partner and best friend, Bryan Beaumont. At least she would have Laura to visit with.

      When they arrived, Emily walked into the restaurant as quickly as she could to avoid being paired up with Dr. Casanova. She was immediately greeted by Laura.

      “Emily, I thought you’d never get here,” Laura exclaimed. “Is this your new boyfriend?”

      Emily turned around to see who Laura was referring to, praying it wasn’t Bob. I can’t believe I ever even considered dating him, she thought. “No, he’s not. In fact, if Bob is any indicator of men these days, I’m through looking. Men just can’t be trusted.” She glanced at Laura, realizing she’d stuck her foot in her mouth already. “Oh, I know Bryan’s different.”

      Laura smiled. “Yes, he is. But he isn’t the only trustworthy man alive, you know.”

      There was a dreadfully long silence before Emily explained the situation with her car, ignoring Laura’s comment altogether. She didn’t need to expose her jaded opinions of men to a woman who’d found another wonderful husband after the death of her first husband. Just because all the men in my life walk out when I need them most doesn’t mean a thing, I’m sure. Who needs them, anyway? “Would you and Bryan be able to give me a lift home?”

      “I’m sure Bryan wouldn’t mind. Let’s go find him. Kevin was introducing him to some of your partners. I went to the ladies’ room and haven’t caught back up with him.”

      “Laura, I’d rather not…”

      Laura touched Emily’s arm sympathetically. “Kevin brought a date, so there’s no reason to feel awkward. She’s actually pretty nice.”

      A date? Why was she surprised? There was no reason Kevin shouldn’t bring someone. In fact, she should be thrilled. What better way to avoid him?

      They made their way through the crowd and to the hors d’oeuvres, finally finding Bryan at a table near the front of the room. Laura invited Emily to sit with her, which Emily was glad to do, until she realized Kevin and his date were seated at the same table. She glanced around, quickly realizing that most everyone had quit mingling—she had a choice between Bob’s table, or Kevin’s.

      Friends had informed her that Kevin had started dating soon after their breakup. That knowledge was unsettling, especially now that she was sitting across from him and his gorgeous girlfriend. Laura was right: Kristen seemed amazingly likable. If nothing else, Emily would love watching Kevin squirm.

      Emily sat down, and was soon listening as Kristen explained her work as an interior decorator, though her attention drifted to Kevin and Bryan joking together. Emily remembered with fondness their friendly banter. Ignoring the emotion building inside, she distracted herself from admiring how handsome Kevin looked in a suit and tie. The khaki blazer and baby-blue shirt accentuated the color of his eyes and complimented his curly golden hair.

      She turned toward the raucous sound of laughter and the clinking of silverware against china across the room. Toasts were made to a successful project. Platters of shrimp scampi emerged from the kitchen. She and Kevin exchanged a glance. Déjà vu. Unexpectedly, the years between disappeared, and Emily found it impossible not to return Kevin’s disarming smile.

      Emily heard a pager beeping, and to her relief noticed Bob leaving the party.

      Laura quickly jumped up and headed toward the ladies’ room. Bryan quietly asked Emily to check on her, explaining that his wife had been battling the flu for a couple of weeks. Emily wanted to laugh, surprised at the naiveté of this father of four. Taking into consideration that his wife had left their marriage before telling him she was expecting, she simply patted his shoulder and followed Laura.

      She went into the ladies’ room, and wasn’t surprised to find the newlywed blotting her face with a cold paper towel.

      Laura looked up, a wan hint of embarrassment coloring her cheeks. “Are you here as a friend, or a doctor?” Laura took a mouthful of water, swished it through her mouth and spit it out.

      “I’m not sure which you need more right now.” Smiling, Emily stepped closer to the trim woman and felt her forehead. “No fever. Your husband seems to think you need a doctor. He hasn’t a clue what’s wrong, does he?”

      Laura shook her head. She leaned her elbows on the edge of the sink. “He’s had so much to adjust to. And contrary to what you think, we weren’t trying yet. He wanted to wait a few more months,” she mumbled through the soggy paper towel.

      Emily let out a long sigh, struggling between her instincts as a doctor to agree with Bryan and the brief jealous longing of a woman. “Have you taken a test?”

      “Who needs one? This is my fourth, Emily. The flu doesn’t last two weeks. Besides, the office doesn’t usually want to see a patient until they’re ten weeks, right? I wanted to wait another week or two to tell Bryan. I don’t want to worry him.” Laura took a deep breath and exhaled.

      “With your recent history, it wouldn’t hurt to come in earlier, Laura—make sure everything’s settled in the right place.” Emily suggested Laura sit down in the soft chair in the corner for a few minutes before going back to the party.

      Laura stood up straight and smoothed the front of her column dress, then brushed her hair back into order. She took a compact from her purse and applied some color to her pale cheeks. “That shrimp sounded so good, but when I smelled it…”

      Emily could sympathize with a missed dinner.

      “I wish I could see the look on Bryan’s face when you tell him,” she said to lighten the mood.

      Laura’s face paled again as she looked toward the creaking door behind Emily. “Looks like you may get your wish,” she whispered.

      Bryan peeked into the ladies’ room and looked around uncomfortably. “Are you okay, honey?”

      The concern in his eyes was obvious.

      Laura closed the gap between them and hugged her husband, whispering in his ear. His face creased into a heartwarming smile. Bryan’s hands were on her waist, and he pulled her closer.

      Emily felt like an intruder watching the tender exchange of their kiss. Yet, much as she tried, she couldn’t look away.

      Bryan gave his wife one more hug, then held her at arm’s distance and looked into her eyes. СКАЧАТЬ