Second Time Around. Carol Steward
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Название: Second Time Around

Автор: Carol Steward

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ that hasn’t changed.”

      Emily put her hands on her hips and waited. She had changed from the college co-ed he’d fallen in love with, he thought. Her shyness had matured to a quiet confidence, her insecurities had been replaced by a calm determination, and her wide-eyed look of fear reflected a love that hadn’t died.

      “Okay, the truth,” he continued, hoping that reflection was wrong. “I’m working on developing a new image.” He started to tell her about the bid, but she took an abrupt step toward him and flashed him a look of annoyance.

      “I really would have thought you’d grow up a little in eight years.” She turned and walked back inside.

      “Just as I thought, you can’t handle the truth,” he mumbled, once she had turned the corner and disappeared from sight.

      Kevin recalled Laura begging him to come talk to the preschoolers. He glanced through the narrow slat of a window into the preschool and watched as a little boy clung to the teacher, doing whatever he could to get her attention. There was no question in Kevin’s mind that Laura was trying to set him and Emily up again.

      “Better luck next time, lady.”

      Chapter Three

      The conference room was filled with the aroma of gourmet coffee and glazed doughnuts. Sunlight filtered in through the broken slats of the blinds. The chief of staff addressed the doctors and board members, summarizing the top three clinic renovation proposals. At the mention of a small independent builder, Emily let out a quick gasp.

      Her colleague Bob Walker leaned close. “What’s wrong, Em?” he whispered. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

      Ignoring him, Emily examined the different bid summaries with a sudden urgency. Why hadn’t she considered this possibility earlier? Muffled voices buzzed around her. Her heart rate increased. He wouldn’t dare.

      Dr. Bob Walker pushed a note in front of her, a barely legible invitation to join him for dinner scrawled across the prescription pad. Sending him a reprimand from the corner of her eye, she scrunched the note into a tiny ball and tossed it into the trash can.

      She thumbed back through the folders and, with a sudden chill of comprehension, looked again at the unbelievably low bid. Kevin was vying for this job. That’s why he had been so confident he’d be seeing her again.

      “Emily? What are your feelings about the bids?”

      “Yes, Emily, what are you thinking?” Bob added, a mischievous glint in his eye.

      Still dismayed, she cleared her throat and brushed a stray hair off her forehead. With a quick appraisal of the spreadsheets before her, it was hard to argue the obvious. “Since the project committee is behind on fund-raising, I’ll admit it does make this incredibly low bid very appealing.”

      The other committee members nodded. Dr. Roberts agreed, adding, “With the incentives City Council is offering, I think it’s critical that we make the commitment now. Sonshine Medical Clinic is finally gaining the support we need.”

      Emily closed the folder, suddenly aware of what the outcome of this vote could mean to her own peace of mind. No matter what happened between her and Kevin, she reminded herself, this was business. If the contractor was Kevin…she’d learn to deal with it when the time came. If not, her paranoia could cost both the clinic and the company bidding a very important project. She had to keep her personal turmoil out of the way.

      “There isn’t really any question, is there?” Dr. Walker added.

      Not regarding which sealed bid to accept, maybe, but Emily had plenty of questions, doubts and uncertainties.

      The company was offering incredible upgrades that the clinic couldn’t otherwise afford. How could Kevin afford to be so generous? Surely his fledgling company didn’t have this kind of money to donate. And from the way he’d reacted to seeing her at Laura and Bryan’s wedding, he wasn’t trying to win her over again. Surely I’m just imagining this. Kevin doesn’t want to be near me any more than I want him around. He wouldn’t do this.

      There was no question but that she wanted the clinic to flourish. She wanted to help their patients. And despite her and Kevin’s history, she wished him every success, both personally and professionally. She just didn’t like the idea of their goals being mutually dependent.

      Turning her mind back to the meeting, she concentrated on the discussion. Others expressed gratitude at the upgrades, and Emily added suspiciously, “Can we trust his word on that?” The faces around the table looked puzzled by her sudden lack of enthusiasm. “It’s just—I’m merely concerned that we be sure the company will follow through once it has the job in hand. Well, it does seem determined to win this bid, doesn’t it? Question is, how many promises would the company make in order to get the job?”

      Everyone began talking at once, and Bob leaned close. “You know something about this company, Em? I’ve never seen you so feisty. To be honest, I like it.”

      “What’s wrong, Bob? Did the new receptionist break your date?” She edged away.

      He smiled. “Come on, have dinner with me. No one need find out.”

      Emily looked around the table, then turned her head so that only Bob could hear. “I think you’re making a big mistake, Bob. Your third strike with me was two receptionists and six months ago. One more, and you’ll strike yourself out of the clinic, as well.”

      The doctor sobered, and leaned back in his chair, nonchalantly pretending he hadn’t heard anything she’d said. That was fine with her. Just so he understood.

      Emily let her mind wander back to Kevin as the board’s discussion progressed without her.

      Thirty minutes later the chief of staff spun his pen on the chipped tabletop. “I think it’s obvious that number two believes in our mission. Unless there’s any disagreement, I’ll share our feelings with the board and let them make the announcement.” All present turned and looked at Emily, anticipating another argument.

      What if it’s not Kevin? Can I take that chance? She shook her head.

      As the others made their way through the conference room door, she opened the folder again, looking more carefully for some inkling of proof. Could Kevin believe in the clinic’s mission? She saw no evidence, but decided he deserved a chance. She thought back to their conversation at the wedding. Trust me, Emily. We will see each other again. Kevin had gloated. But why did he want this job?

      Unfortunately, her emotional struggle would have to be sacrificed for the good of the patients. She would learn to ignore Kevin, and his charming antics.

      Silently edging her way past the board members, Emily considered Kevin’s possible motives. Whatever his reasons, one thing was for sure: when Kevin MacIntyre went after something, there was no stopping him….

      She recalled the weeks he had spent trying to convince her to go on that first date with him. Flowers, phone calls, surprising her between classes. Yes, Kevin MacIntyre could write the book on charm.

      Emily wondered how she’d face him each day, then rallied. It’s over now. We’ve both moved on. If he gets the job, well, if I can work with Bob, I can surely handle Kevin. I have to. The clinic’s future depends on this renovation.