One Mother Wanted. Jeanne Allan
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Название: One Mother Wanted

Автор: Jeanne Allan

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы





      The girl nodded and reached out her hand again. With a huge sigh, Davy took it.

      Giving Davy a smile in which commiseration mingled with approval, Allie crouched down so her face was level with the child’s. “Hi. I’m Allie and this is Davy. What’s your name?”

      The little girl popped her free thumb into her mouth.

      “She won’t talk,” Davy said. “Maybe she don’t know how.”

      The child gave him an indignant look.

      Allie swallowed a laugh. “Do you like weddings?”

      The child shrugged. A second later her thumb shot out of her mouth and she fleetingly touched Allie’s dress. “Pretty.”

      “Thank you. Your dress is pretty, too.” The neon pink monstrosity of ruffles and ribbons was too big and the wrong color. A torn ruffle had been inexpertly mended.

      The little girl lovingly patted the acres of skirt. “Daddy bought it.”

      “Who is your daddy?” Allie asked.

      The child looked past Allie. Her face lit up like a million candles. “He’s my daddy.” She pointed up.

      “Hello, Allie.”

      Allie’s heart stopped. The room went dim. Her body froze and she forgot to breathe. What was Zane Peters doing here? He couldn’t be here. Not at a wedding. Not when she once believed she’d be the first Lassiter sister to marry. Believed she’d marry him. How dare he show up uninvited at Cheyenne’s wedding? How dare he speak to Allie? He couldn’t possibly think she’d forgiven him.

      She’d never forgive him. He’d hurt her more than any person had a right to hurt another. Past tense. He no longer had the power to hurt her. He had no power over her at all.

      “Allie? You okay? You look kinda funny. Can’t you get up? Want me to get Grandma Mary or Cheyenne, I mean, Mom?”

      Davy’s anxious voice snapped Allie from her trance. “No.” Her voice came out sharply. Giving Davy a smile she hoped was reassuring, Allie said, “I’m okay. My foot went to sleep.”

      “Let me help you up,” Zane said.

      She ignored his offer and his extended hand. Standing, Allie saw her older sister across the room. Concern covered Cheyenne’s face. And guilt.

      Dam Cheyenne. For five years Allie had managed to avoid Zane Peters. She’d taught school in Denver, and when in Aspen, she’d developed a kind of radar that prevented chance encounters.

      Without once looking at the man who had betrayed her, Allie headed straight for her sister.

      “I can explain,” Cheyenne said, as soon as Allie reached her. “Zane was Worth’s best friend.”

      “I’m Worth’s sister.” Allie paused. “Are you telling me Worth invited him?”

      Cheyenne’s color heightened. “I saw Zane in town yesterday. He said ‘hello’ so cautiously, it would have been funny if it wasn’t so sad. You’ve told me a million times you don’t care about him anymore. That he’s nothing to you. But he was one of our oldest friends, and Worth misses him.”

      “He’s never said so to me.”

      “Worth wouldn’t. Okay, so he’s never said anything to me, either, but they were best friends forever.”

      Allie hadn’t been born yesterday. “And that’s the only reason you invited him? For Worth?” She watched her sister’s face. Cheyenne had never been able to tell a convincing lie.

      “Why else? I know you’re not interested in him.”

      Proper decorum prevented one from strangling a bride on her wedding day, even if she was the lyingest bride that ever said her vows. “You know I hate it when you stick your pointed nose into my business.”

      Red flagged Cheyenne’s cheeks. “It’s no more pointed than yours. Besides—” she looked somewhere in the vicinity of Allie’s forehead “—his wife is dead. You and Zane could—”

      “Could nothing. You listen to me, Cheyenne Lassiter, it you want to be some stupid man’s doormat, go ahead. I don’t, so mind your own cotton-picking business.”

      “Personally I can’t see my wife being anyone’s doormat.” A solid arm snaked around Allie’s waist.

      “If you hadn’t been warned,” she said to a smiling Thomas Steele, “I’d feel sorry for you. The rest of us are stuck with her, but you could have walked away.”

      “I may be a stupid man, but I can guess what’s going on.”

      “I’m sorry I called you stupid—” mortification heated Allie’s face “—but sometimes my sister...”

      “What did Ms. Busybody do now?” Thomas smiled at his bride. “I love you, Mrs. Steele, but that doesn’t mean I’m blind to your interfering ways.”

      Cheyenne looked so penitent, Allie shook her head. “It doesn’t matter.” She summoned up a big smile. “I was surprised and overreacted. It isn’t every day my big sister gets married. I guess I’m a little emotional.”

      Cheyenne gave her a big hug. “Liar,” she whispered in Allie’s ear. Taking Allie’s hands in hers, out loud she said, “I blew it. It won’t happen again. I promise. Cross my heart.”

      Allie gave an unladylike snort and they both laughed.

      Thomas looked from one to the other. “I’m never going to understand women, am I?”

      “That’s what puts the fun in marriage,” Allie’s mother teased as she joined them. “My new grandson is going to go berserk if you two don’t hurry up and cut the wedding cake so he and Allie can head for the ranch. Davy rates riding horses much higher than weddings,” Mary Lassiter added with a laugh.


      Short hair suited her.

      She smiled at the groom. Once she’d reserved her warmest smiles for Zane. He’d fallen in love with Allie Lassiter ten years ago. Many things had changed, but not that. Never that

      He had no right to love her, not after what he’d done. He didn’t expect her to welcome him back into her life. Or her arms. Which didn’t stop him from indulging in fantasies.

      “Starving dogs don’t look that hungrily at food.”

      Zane didn’t need to turn to identify the speaker. “When I ran into Cheyenne yesterday and she invited me to her wedding, I thought maybe...” He uttered a short, bitter laugh. “Allie didn’t know I was coming. Cheyenne didn’t tell her.”

      “Cheyenne couldn’t have gotten married without both her sisters in attendance,” Worth Lassiter said.

      “Meaning Allie would have stayed away rather than meet me. How about you? Would Cheyenne have walked down the СКАЧАТЬ