One Mother Wanted. Jeanne Allan
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Название: One Mother Wanted

Автор: Jeanne Allan

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ daughter messed up my whole life. She’s a baby, and I resented her. Greeley, I hated her.”

      This evening when she’d found the child lying in pain beneath the swing, for the first time Allie had seen Hannah as an individual, not an extension of her mother or the reason why Zane had abandoned Allie. She’d wanted to take Hannah in her arms and hold her close, begging the child’s forgiveness. The realization that she’d sunk so low as to hate a child appalled and shamed Allie. “I couldn’t stand being around Hannah,” she said in a tortured voice. “I couldn’t even say her name. I couldn’t bear talking to her or looking at her.”

      “You won’t have to ever again. I’ll find someone else to work with the filly.”

      Allie’s eyes snapped open, and her stomach plunged to the floor. Zane had heard her confession to Greeley. The hard, angry look on his face told her he’d accept neither an apology nor an explanation. If one could explain the pain and confusion leading to such unforgivable behavior. Allie stared helplessly at him.

      “Don’t go off half-cocked, Zane,” Greeley said. “Everyone’s a little upset right now, but the important thing is, your daughter is all right. She is, isn’t she? Where is Hannah?”

      “The nurse took her to the bathroom so I could come talk to Allie. I was fool enough to think she might be concerned,” Zane said in a clipped voice, his cold eyes never leaving Allie.

      “Here we are.” The nurse’s voice rang cheerfully as she brought Hannah into the waiting room.

      Thanking the nurse, Zane gathered up his daughter.

      “Look, Allie, the doctor gave me a cast.” Hannah’s mouth turned down. “My arm hurts.”

      Allie felt sick. “I’m sony,” she said inadequately to the child.

      Zane’s upper lip curled with contempt, then softened as he looked away from Allie to his daughter. “Let’s go home, honey.”

      “You said I get an ice-cream cone. Allie, too.” Hannah looked at Greeley. “Who are you?”

      “I’m Allie’s sister. My name is Greeley.”

      “You want ice cream?”

      “No, thanks. Moonie can have my cone.”

      “Daddy, Moonie eats ice cream.”

      Allie looked at Greeley in panic as her sister turned toward the door. “You have to give me a ride to Zane’s place. I left the rig and put Copper in his corral so I could drive his truck while he took care of Hannah.”

      “I’ll take you back,” Zane said shortly. “No point in Greeley driving out there, when I’m going that way.”

      Allie took a deep breath. “You’re right.” She’d already delayed her sister. “Thanks, Greeley, for taking care of Amber and Moonie.” At Greeley’s doubtful look, Allie nodded. She didn’t want to go with Zane any more than he wanted to take her, but shut in the truck with her, Zane would have to listen.

      Moonie went crazy when he saw them come out of the hospital. Greeley opened her truck door and the greyhound shot out.

      “The dog’s not going with us,” Zane said.

      “I want Moonie,” Hannah cried. “He’s my friend.”

      “He won’t hurt her. He’s very gentle.” Allie motioned to the dog to sit. Moonie’s quivering tail registered his excitement as he obeyed.

      Zane buckled Hannah into her child seat in the back seat of his pickup. When he straightened, Hannah said, “I want Moonie.”

      Allie released Moonie and the dog leaped into Zane’s truck and lay down, his muzzle on Hannah’s leg.

      Zane frowned. “Put him up front with you.”

      “I want Moonie.”

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