The Boss's Baby Bargain. Karen Sandler
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Название: The Boss's Baby Bargain

Автор: Karen Sandler

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы





      She’d tell him tomorrow. First thing in the morning, when she walked into his office, she’d tell him she’d changed her mind. She’d just have to scare up another source of money.

      Agitated, she missed the turn at Sunrise and had to double back. As she wended her way through the traffic, she tried to rehearse what she would say to Lucas. But despite all her efforts, her mind kept returning to the feel of his lips on hers, the strength of his hand cupping her face.

      Lucas shut the front door behind him and tossed his keys on the small table in the spacious entryway. Through sheer will he kept himself from flinging his briefcase across the acres of Berber carpeting his living room. He dropped it under the table, unwilling for the moment to open it and pull out the work he’d brought home.

      What the hell had he done? What madness had taken control of him, had driven him to kiss Allie? What had possessed him to suggest marriage in the first place?

      He slipped out of his shoes and padded across the glowing oak hardwood of the entryway to the thick living-room carpet. At the far end of the wide room with its high ceilings and expanse of windows overlooking the three-acre lake below stood a fully stocked wet bar. The housekeeper, Mrs. Vasquez, always filled the ice bucket before she left for the day. Lucas pulled down a tumbler and dropped in a handful of ice.

      An array of liquor bottles crowded the shelf above. Why did he keep so much alcohol in the house when he never entertained? Some damn test he supposed. To prove he could resist what had destroyed his mother, to refute the potential in his own genetic makeup.

      Resolutely, he chose a bottle of tonic water and emptied it into the tumbler. A dish of cut lime waited for him in the small refrigerator under the wet bar. After squeezing a wedge into his glass, he moved to the sofa and sagged into it.

      He took a swallow of the tart tonic water then set the tumbler aside. It had all seemed so logical in the moment. He needed a wife, she needed money, just as he’d said. But it was apparent from his lack of control when he walked her to his car that it had been his libido talking, not his brain.

      He picked up the glass again, glided it back and forth against his brow. What now? There was really only one course of action—tell Allie he’d changed his mind, that after giving the matter consideration, he’d realized a marriage between them would be untenable. He’d loan her the money as he’d promised and work out an arrangement to deduct payments from her paycheck.

      And the solution to his problem—the complete unlikelihood that the county would relent and decide him eligible to adopt? He’d have to find another way, through private agencies or contacts made through his attorney, John. Those prospects were just as bleak for a single father and time was certainly against him. But at least he had the money to pursue that route.

      Rising, he walked to the kitchen to check his answering machine. There were two messages, both from John, both since he’d left his office. Without much hope, Lucas picked up his portable phone and headed out the back of the house. This side faced a grove of oak trees and the small vineyard he’d had put in four years ago. Leaning against the porch rail, he speed-dialed his attorney’s home number and waited for him to pick up.

      After the greetings were out of the way, John cut to the chase. “Did I ever introduce you to my cousin, Angela?”

      Lucas pressed his lips into a grim smile. “I don’t want you fixing me up, John.”

      “But I think you two might hit it off,” John persisted. “She’s in her early thirties, absolutely gorgeous and ready to settle down. I told her about you—”

      “Not interested, John.” Lucas paused, sipped his drink. “Besides, I’ve already made my own arrangements.”

      “What arrangements?”

      His hand shaking, Lucas had to set the glass on the porch rail. His decision of a few moments before might as well have never been. “I’ve asked someone to marry me.”

      Total silence on the phone line. Lucas waited for John to muster a response. After several seconds, his attorney asked, “Who?”

      “Allie Dickenson, my admin assistant.”

      “I had no idea there was anything between you and—”

      “There isn’t,” Lucas said flatly. “I explained the adoption situation to Allie and she agreed to help me out.”

      “Just like that.” John sounded dubious.

      “Not entirely. She’s in a financial bind. I promised her some money in exchange.”

      It sounded so crass, laid out like that. He didn’t like the negative light Allie’s promise to marry him shed on her.

      “I see,” John said. “And how long will your…commitment last?”

      Tension tightened in Lucas’s stomach at John’s evasion of the word marriage. “Until the adoption is finalized. I hope things will move faster with the hurdles out of the way.”

      “Even with private adoption, that could be a year or two,” John cautioned.

      “I told her as much.” A year or two of living with Allie filled Lucas with an unexpected excitement. He paced across the porch, moving from one end of the house to the other.

      John’s next statement brought him back to earth. “I assume you’ll want a pre-nup drawn up.”

      A prenuptial agreement? Lucas hadn’t even considered that aspect. Something in him balked at the idea of asking Allie to sign a document protecting his assets. It seemed an insult to a woman who had been nothing but honorable as long as he’d known her. “Is that necessary?”

      “I highly recommend it,” John said.

      Lucas sighed. “How soon can you have it ready?”

      “When’s the wedding?”

      “Last weekend in September.”

      “I’ll have it done by the end of next week.”

      His mind working feverishly, Lucas re-crossed the porch. Beyond him, the gnarled branches of his vineyard glowed orange in the last of the setting sun, each vine heavy with grapes, Chardonnay and Zinfandel. He had so much, surely he could spare more than the twenty thousand he’d promised.

      “I want to include a sizeable settlement for Allie.” Lucas named an amount, then immediately wondered if he should double it.

      “You can’t be serious!” John protested. “Carol didn’t even get that much.”

      “There wasn’t as much to give back then. Allie’s sacrificing one or more years of her life. It’s only fair.”

      A thought niggled at him that it might have been fairest to simply loan her the money without the commitment of marriage. But he pushed it aside, determined to continue.

      After he said his goodbyes to John, he considered calling Allie. He wanted to tell her about the pre-nup, about the additional compensation he was awarding her. He felt an urgency to cement the deal between them.

      Pushing open the French doors leading back СКАЧАТЬ