The Boss's Baby Bargain. Karen Sandler
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Название: The Boss's Baby Bargain

Автор: Karen Sandler

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ services performs home visitations for prospective parents. They’ll expect husband and wife to be living together.”

      She imagined herself standing in the river below, the swift currents below the surface taking her feet out from under her, sweeping her away. She tried to grasp for some measure of self-control. “When can you give me the money?”

      He gestured peremptorily to the waiter. “After we’re married.”

      “No,” she said, grateful for the opportunity to take a stand, no matter how weak. “I need the money now.”

      “That’s acceptable.” He opened the menu, effectively dismissing her now that he had her concession. “I’ll wire the money to your account tomorrow.”

      He ordered for them both, scarcely pausing to ask her approval of his choice. Shaken by what had transpired in the past several minutes, she realized she would have to strengthen her resolve if she hoped to survive this…this…agreement with Lucas with her self-esteem intact.

      When her salad arrived, she dove into it, suddenly ravenous. She’d been so anxious about her upcoming discussion with Lucas, she’d eaten almost nothing at lunch. Now, with a little food in her stomach, she could wrest some control back from Lucas.

      “Where shall we have the ceremony?” she asked.

      He seemed surprised by her question. “The county courthouse. Or Tahoe. It doesn’t matter.”

      She tipped her chin up stubbornly. “It does to me. I want my family there. They’d never forgive me if I didn’t invite them.”

      “It isn’t a real wedding, Allie. We don’t need your family there.”

      He was right, of course. There was no real commitment between them other than expediency. But she felt a compulsion to include her family. “I need them.”

      “No.” He shook his head. “I don’t want this turning into a circus.”

      “Not a circus, Lucas. Just my sister, brother and their spouses.”

      His gaze narrowed on her and she got the sense he was only now realizing he may have underestimated her. She felt a brief flare of satisfaction. Then he dipped his head in acquiescence. “Fine. We’ll include your family.”

      She ought to be content with that victory, but she pushed on. “And I want the ceremony in a church, not the courthouse.”

      She expected exasperation. Instead she got cold, tightly leashed anger. “Not a church. The courthouse or my own backyard. I won’t say the vows in a church.”

      The bitterness in his tone, the bleak rage in his eyes shocked her. “The courthouse, then,” she said softly.

      Even as he retreated behind his habitual arrogant mask, Allie wondered about the true self hidden beneath the layers of control, wondered if there was anything more to Lucas Taylor than the overbearing persona he showed the world.

      Maybe not. Maybe some men, like Lucas, like her own father, only knew one way—power, control, dominance. Give and take, compromise didn’t exist in their universe. In all the years and all the battles with her father, Allie would have given anything for a truce. But in her father’s eyes, truce meant surrender and surrender meant defeat.

      In the end, his own body had defeated him. As his lucent moments became scarcer, her father might never realize the way his daughter had sacrificed her own freedom on his behalf.

      Leaning back as the waiter came to take away their salad plates, Allie felt the significance of her agreement with Lucas settle on her, a nearly unbearable weight. The delectable broiled salmon the waiter set before her a few moments later could have been sawdust for all the appeal it held for her roiling stomach. As she made a show of cutting a bite of the succulent fish, she glanced over at Lucas.

      He sat motionless, looking out the window, his expression distant, his face emotionless. While she struggled to come to terms with the prospect of marriage, Lucas seemed to have already compartmentalized it as another finalized business decision. It meant no more to him than that.

      Her gaze dropped to the table and saw a different story in Lucas’s hands. Resting on either side of his plate of swordfish, they gripped his fork and knife so fiercely she wondered if he would bend them in his agitation. Tension popped the tendons out in the backs of his hands, set his shoulders into a stiff, rigid line.

      “Lucas.” She reached out, lightly touched his hand.

      He jerked back from her, dropping the silverware. “Excuse me.” Tossing his napkin on the table, he rose and strode off toward the men’s room.

      Allie watched him go, a thousand questions whirling in her mind. She ate a few bites of her salmon, a little of the fresh broccoli beside it on the plate, all the while forcing herself to sit still and wait for Lucas.

      When he returned, he’d gathered his businesslike shroud around him again. “We can have the ceremony at a church, if you like.” He said it as if it mattered little to him, as if his vehement objection earlier had never happened. “I’ll leave it to you to pick the church.”

      He dug into his swordfish then, finishing it off methodically. No explanation of why he’d left the table, no further discussion of the wedding. Allie could scarcely take another bite, he had her so off-balance.

      Later, when he escorted her to her car, he opened the door for her and waited until she’d climbed inside. “Last Saturday in September,” he said. “The afternoon is fine.”

      She might as well have been scheduling a business trip for him. “Have you considered what we should tell people at work?”

      He shrugged. “They know how closely we’ve worked together the past two years. We’ll announce we’ve decided to marry. They’ll draw their own conclusions.”

      It might be that easy for him. Most of TaylorMade’s employees were too intimidated to ask Lucas any personal questions. But she had a half dozen friends at the office who would grill her mercilessly when they found out.

      He gazed down at her, his expression inscrutable. “That’s it, then.”

      She waited for him to back away, to shut the door. Instead, he bent, leaning into the car, brushing his lips against her cheek. Then his hand cupped her chin, turning her toward him. He pressed his lips to hers, softly, his lingering warmth stealing her breath.

      She couldn’t help herself, she kissed him back, slanting her mouth against his, raising her hand to his rough cheek. She heard a low sound in his throat, felt his fingers on her chin tighten. Then the briefest stroke of his tongue against the seam of her lips easing her mouth open. She parted her lips, ready to welcome him inside.

      He straightened abruptly, backing away from her. “Sorry,” he rasped out before slamming her door. Rounding his car, he wrenched open his door, every movement full of anger. He waited until she’d started her engine and pulled out, but he wouldn’t look her way.

      Her entire body shook in the aftermath of his kiss and the anger that followed it. As she navigated the streets back to her apartment, she kept a stranglehold on the steering wheel to keep from veering off the road.

      She’d thought СКАЧАТЬ