A Sheltering Heart. Terri Reed
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Название: A Sheltering Heart

Автор: Terri Reed

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ of woman.

      And if he did anything to hurt her, his father would skin him alive. Not what he was going for.

      He had to stay focused. Life was an adventure that he fully intended to live.

      Without the burden of a relationship.

      He prayed, something he didn’t do often, that he’d find the will to keep from acting on the attraction sizzling between them.

      Gwen decided not to spend any more time worrying about Derek and his mood. She’d had enough of that growing up, trying to determine when she was safe and when she should hide. She’d vowed never to be at the mercy of someone else again.

      Their flight would be taking off soon. Once they reached their destination, she’d fulfill her promise to her mentor and focus her energy on making this mission a success. Though her definition of success wouldn’t match that of world opinion.

      Success meant knowing she’d made a difference in the world, demonstrated God’s love in a real and tangible way.

      “Hey, guys, let’s pray before we board,” she said to the group.

      “Good idea.” Joyce stood. Craig and Ned followed suit. Gwen rose, took Joyce’s hand in her left hand and then waved Derek over with her right hand.

      He pushed off the pillar and slowly made his way to join their circle. He frowned as his gaze took in their linked hands. “What’s this?”

      Gwen pinned him with her gaze. “We’re going to say a prayer for a safe journey.”

      “Can’t we each silently say our own prayer?”

      Was Dr. Harper wrong about his son’s faith? He’d said Derek had accepted Christ as his Savior as a teen, but that didn’t necessarily make him a believer.

      “‘For where two or three are gathered,’” Gwen quoted Matthew 18:20 softly, then narrowed her gaze. “What’s the problem?”

      Derek glanced around. “I just don’t think we need to advertise.”

      “Uh-oh,” murmured Joyce. She and Ned exchanged a knowing glance.

      Fire erupted in Gwen’s belly. She raised her brows. “Excuse me?”

      “This whole ‘public prayer’ thing makes us look like religious fanatics,” he said.

      There was a challenge in his eyes that grated on her nerves. When it came to the faith that had saved her life, she didn’t cut any slack.

      She dropped Joyce’s hand and moved in front of him. “Would you rather we slinked off to some dark corner to pray? Are you that ashamed of your faith?”

      His eyebrows drew together. “I’m not ashamed. I just don’t like public prayer.”

      “Because of what other people, people you don’t know or have any relationship with, will think?”

      “I don’t think it’s a good witness to nonbelievers to appear like fanatics.”

      She dropped her chin, remembering the way Claire and her aunt Denise had worn their faith out in the open and had taught Gwen the power of faith. She’d not understood at first. In fact, she’d thought the two women were out to lunch for sure. Slowly, with time and patience, they’d softened her heart.

      Claire had done that not only for her, but for a myriad of other teens with her teen shelter. Teens like Tyler. He wasn’t Gwen’s brother but if she had to have one, she’d choose him. He started out rough and pure rebel, but now he’d made them all proud by graduating from college. Unlike Derek, Tyler would never shrink from showing his faith.

      She struggled to contain her temper. “So it’s a better witness to hide our faith? Like we’re doing something wrong and shameful? That doesn’t make sense.” Shaking her head, she stepped away. “You can pray with us or not. Free will, that’s what it’s called.”

      Retaking Joyce’s hand, she then reached over to take Ned’s, closing Derek out of the circle. “Craig, would you, please?”

      Craig’s stunned expression cleared and he nodded. “Sure. Dear Father in heaven, we ask for a safe journey to our destination…”

      Gwen tried to concentrate on the prayer and agreed with Craig’s softly spoken words in her heart, but she was too aware of Derek standing just a few feet behind her. His presence like a menacing cloud.

      Dear Lord, she silently prayed, soften his heart.

      How was she going to show him the true good that Hands of Healing International did if he couldn’t even demonstrate his faith in public?

      Derek felt like an idiot as he stood alone outside the prayer circle. He hadn’t meant to make such a big deal about the prayer.

      He’d never been comfortable with public worship. Maybe it was pride. Or that to him communing with God seemed such a personal thing, reserved for special occasions.

      He didn’t get the whole God and man relationship jargon his father and mother preached. How could he have a relationship with Someone who wasn’t there, at least physically?

      He’d read parts of the Bible, understood the basic fundamentals. The Ten Commandments sounded like a good idea. If everyone followed them, there’d sure be less crime and destruction in the world. He did get that God loved him, but he’d never felt that love. Not like his dad apparently did.

      As he watched his four travel companions, their heads bowed and their hands linked, he suddenly had the strongest yearning to be included.

      Strange, since he wasn’t much of a team player. He liked working and competing alone.

      But he’d signed on to be a part of this team. Time to act like a team player and honor the bond started the night before.

      He forced himself not to glance around to see how the general populace was reacting to his companions’ public display. Moving to stand between Gwen and Ned, he slipped his hands between theirs.

      Gwen’s delicate hand fit perfectly against his palm.

      A little too perfectly for comfort.

      She started, her amber gaze surprised, then pleased. Ned winked at him before returning to a humble posture of prayer. Derek closed his eyes and let the rest of Craig’s prayer wash over him.

      “…we ask for guidance and wisdom as we work together as a team to provide care to those in need. We thank You for this opportunity, Lord. In Jesus’s name, amen.”

      “Amen,” Derek murmured.

      Gwen squeezed his hand before abruptly letting go. A warmth spread through him. Oh, boy, he would be in trouble if her approval started to mean something to him.

      No way was he letting himself go down that treacherous path. Approval was one step away from commitment. He never wanted to be in a position where he could disappoint anyone.

      From now on, keeping his distance from the pretty redhead was priority СКАЧАТЬ