A Sheltering Heart. Terri Reed
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Название: A Sheltering Heart

Автор: Terri Reed

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы





      She’d been a bit miffed at first when he’d stated he didn’t “do” coach. But after thinking the situation through she realized the coach seating would be uncomfortable for someone so tall.

      Plus she knew from various overheard snatches of conversations of the staff—hard to not overhear in such a small, contained atmosphere—that Derek was a successful world-class runner.

      She shuffled out of the Jetway and spotted her team waiting by a large pillar.

      Her team. She liked the sound of that.

      She didn’t feel she’d proven herself to Dr. Harper well enough yet, but he must have some confidence that she could handle the mission, which really felt good.

      As she approached the group she heard Joyce say, “I’m so glad we have this layover. Usually, we have to rush from one flight to another.”

      “Hey, Gwen, where are we staying tonight?” asked Craig. He looked rumpled and in need of a shave.

      “We’re booked at The Lodge hostel near Paddington Station. It’s a short Tube ride.”

      “Oh, goody. The tube,” Ned said dryly.

      Gwen knew the surgeon wasn’t fond of the London subway any more than he was of the New York one. He’d grown up in a borough of New York City but had moved to the Pacific Northwest to get away from the urban life.

      Derek frowned. “You mean we’re staying at a hotel, right?”

      Gwen adjusted the strap on her shoulder. “No. A hostel.”

      He arched a brow. “Aren’t hostels like boarding houses?”

      “Yes,” Gwen replied as she started walking down the concourse. The others fell into step with her.

      “Believe me, the hostel we’re staying at is a palace compared to the accommodations we’ll have in Moswani,” Joyce commented.

      Gwen noticed the brief hesitation in Derek’s eyes.

      “Where do we stay?” he asked.

      “If you’d made the meetings you’d know we’re staying in an abandoned hospital,” Gwen said over her shoulder.

      “Point taken.”

      She slowed and glanced at him to see if her censure had offended him.

      He shrugged, clearly not offended. “This will be an adventure I’m sure to remember.”

      For some reason his dismissive attitude grated on Gwen’s nerves. She reminded herself of his father’s wish for Derek to see the part of their mission that went beyond just the obvious. “This isn’t a vacation. We’ll be doing a great deal of good for the people of Moswani. They are the ones to remember.”

      Derek gave her a “what’s your problem” look. “Good to know.”

      “Don’t mind her. She’s all work and no play,” Joyce said with a teasing lilt to her voice.

      A good dose of irritation shot through Gwen’s veins. Just because she took life seriously didn’t mean she didn’t know how to relax and have fun. She’d enjoyed swimming in the ocean the few times she had gone to the coast along the Oregon and Washington border.

      She liked to go to concerts and hear jazz or Christian artists. She’d gone to every one of her friend Tyler’s basketball games. Though she had to have the game explained to her. But still, she’d had fun.

      Only, looking into Derek’s amused eyes, she realized their concept of relaxing fun would be vastly different. He’d be off running himself to the max. Or out partying. She’d heard from the nurses that he did the nightclub scene in Seattle.

      So what did it matter if they didn’t share mutual downtime pursuits? What mattered was the work they’d be doing in Africa. Not filling his adventure scrapbook.

      One more hurdle to cross to fulfilling her promise.

      Chapter Two

      Gwen picked up her pace, wanting a breather from her companions. The concourse seemed a mile long and lined with more shops that any airport she’d ever been in. The typical tourist-type stores with hats and T-shirts blazing with the red, white and blue flag of Britain. Stores selling designer clothes, which no doubt cost more than Gwen made in a year.

      Coming into the main terminal, she headed for the Tube station, since their baggage was checked all the way through to Uganda and would be there when they arrived. Unlike the subway of New York, the station was shiny silver with the longest escalator she’d ever seen.

      They boarded the Tube. The eclectic assortment of passengers showed little interest in the Americans boarding.

      Joyce, Craig and Ned took a row of seats beside a sullen teenage boy dressed in black. Gwen chose to stand and Derek halted next to her, his big hand wrapping around the overhead bar just millimeters from her own.

      The Tube shot forward. Gwen braced her feet apart to keep her balance. Outside the window the dimly lit walls of the tunnels whooshed by in a blur. Gwen turned her gaze away because she’d learned the last time she rode on the Tube that watching out the window made her motion sickness kick in.

      Derek captured her gaze and smiled. “So is that true?”

      “What?” Gwen tried not to let his nearness and the killer smile have an effect on her. She told herself it was the excitement of the trip that sent her pulse pounding.

      “That you’re all work and no play?”

      She lifted a corner of her mouth in a self-effacing smile. Now that she’d calmed down after Joyce’s announcement, she decided she’d rather be a hard worker than a flake. “I suppose.”

      “What do you like to do for fun?” he asked, his green eyes alight with interest.

      She shrugged. “Stuff.”

      “Like what?”

      She thought about the question for a moment. “I like to walk on the beach. I read. I bike. Normal stuff.”

      “That’s good. Are you a road bike or mountain bike person?”

      She thought of the shiny blue metallic bike that Claire and Nick had given her when she’d moved to Seattle. “I have a road bike. To be honest, I haven’t ridden in a long time. I tried to bike to work but it didn’t work out. You know Seattle. Too many hills.”

      “Very true. What kind of books?”

      “For fun?”

      He nodded.

      “I’m fascinated with historical fiction.”

      “I’m an action-adventure reader myself.”

      She laughed. “Why am I not surprised?”

      The Tube slowed. СКАЧАТЬ