Christmas Elopement. Anne Eames
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Название: Christmas Elopement

Автор: Anne Eames

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ her he was ready to blow a gasket, but he kept moving. Along the way she noticed work areas separated by free-standing beige partitions. Still no plants, no family photos, no doodads. Unsmiling people hunched over their work, only a few giving her passing notice. The more she saw, the more she knew her first impression of this guy had been right—a self-centered, arrogant iceman. A nice outer package with nothing inside.

      When they reached the purchasing department, a middle-aged woman with short gray hair swiveled away from her computer and eyed them curiously. Thank God, a computer! At least he believed in modern technology, Carrie thought as Cash half turned for introductions.

      “Fran Wilson, I’d like you to meet Carrie Sargent, our new Human Resources Manager.”

      Fran stayed seated and peered over her half-glasses.”Nice to meet you,” she said with cool efficiency.

      “Carrie…” His gaze met hers briefly, then flitted away.”I’m going to leave you with Fran. She’ll introduce you around and get your supplies.” He glanced at his watch.”I have an appointment, but I’ll be back just before noon. If you don’t mind working over lunch, we could discuss that list of needs of yours and prioritize a few assignments.” Now he held her steady gaze and awaited a reply.

      “F-fine,” she stammered, not sure why she was still here. Flutie had made a big mistake if he thought she could work for this man.

      He left her staring after him. She forced her gaze away from the doorway and back to Fran, who seemed to be scrutinizing the new kid’s hair and wardrobe. Fran wore a smart gray knit suit the color of her hair, which meant she was in perfect harmony with her drab surroundings.

       Ah, a plethora of challenges. Well, S, if you’re going to stay, there’s no time like the present to meet one of them head-on.

      Carrie took a seat in front of Fran’s desk and heaved a sigh. Leaning closer on her elbow, she looked the woman in the eye, smiled and said,”So, Fran…do you have any pets?”


      Three hours later Cash jogged up the back stairway and went directly to Carrie’s office, wondering if he’d made a mistake in planning lunch with her the very first day. Surely she’d have more questions later, but by then he’d be out of town. Besides, there was no better time than day one to let her know his employees call him”Mr. Cunningham” and that she’d have to tone down her flamboyant attire.

      He pushed a stray hair off his forehead and straightened his tie as he neared her office, never slowing his pace till he crossed her threshold, then he nearly staggered backward. Gone were the folding table and chairs. In their place sat an old oak desk, a typing stand perpendicular to one side, with Carrie pecking away at a computer keyboard atop it. What the—?

      “Cash! Isn’t this great?” She gestured with a sweep of her arm.”Fran and I found the desk under a tarp in the shop. We had to move a lot of boxes off it and clean it up, but I love it. Much better than any new thing. The guys in the shop were real sweet and carried it up here. And look at this.” She turned her palm up toward the computer.”Fran said it’s just been gathering dust in the storage room since she got her new one.”

      With hands on hips, Cash took it all in. It didn’t have the crisp contemporary feel everything else did, but the price was right.

      “I’ll need a new chair, though,” she said, her fingers back at the keyboard, doing who knew what. A person would think she’d been here forever.

      She looked up from her work.”Is it time for lunch yet? I could eat the back end of a skunk I’m so hungry.”

      He knew his mouth had dropped open, but he found it difficult to either move or speak.

      “Oh, I forgot. You’ll probably want to look at your messages first,” she said, pounding away at the computer.

      “Uh…right.” He managed to find his voice.”Just give me a minute.” He walked to his office, feeling as though he’d stepped into some time warp, and this was his first day on the job instead of hers.

      The feeling lingered on the short drive to Fish Hopper’s and all through lunch as he listened to her ideas for—he had to remind himself—his company.

      When she took a breath and drank some iced tea, Cash seized the first quiet moment.”I’m glad you’ve started on the new policy manual, but there’s something else I’d like you to think about.” She set her glass down and waited. Well, what do you know? She can keep her mouth shut.

      “There’s been a higher-than-usual amount of turnover and absenteeism lately. Morale seems a little low, too.” Carrie smiled and leaned forward, resting her elbows on the table, looking as though he’d just offered her dessert instead of a challenge.”Maybe you could come up with a few ideas to help turn things around.” She seemed to vibrate with enthusiasm, as if she might overflow any moment if he didn’t let her speak. He leaned back in his chair and watched her green eyes widen as she took a deep breath and began.

      “I have a couple ideas already.”

       Surprise, surprise.

      “But will you excuse me a minute? Have to go check out the plumbing.” She started to leave the table, then whispered near his ear,”My dad’s company actually did the plumbing here, you know.”

      “No! Really?” He could picture a fleet of work vans with happy-face toilets painted on the sides.

      She smiled and gave a proud nod before swinging her hair around and heading toward the restrooms.

      Through the tinted window Cash watched a sea lion struggle to top a boulder that rose above shallow waters. Each time he tried, a wave would take him back out. With another valiant effort he shimmied higher, finally flopping over on his back, looking exhausted as he prepared for a nap. He knew just how the guy felt, Cash thought as Carrie rejoined the table.

      She turned in her seat and followed his gaze.”Aren’t they adorable?” Then she faced him again.”Do you ever go over to the aquarium and watch the otters? I love the way they groom themselves with their little hands. Kind of like raccoons, don’t you think?”

      Cash leaned forward and rested his elbows on the table, steepling his fingers and trying his hardest to get the conversation back on track.”I’ve never been to the aquarium and I’ve never given much thought to sea otters. Now about—”

      “You’ve never been to the aquarium? Oh, Cash, you don’t know what you’re missing. Monterey has one of the biggest and best in the world. Some of the tanks are thirty feet high…with sharks in them! You know—” she glanced over her shoulder at the sea lion, then back to Cash”—it would be great to have a Saturday or Sunday outing for all the employees at the aquarium…They could bring their families, too.” She slapped the table, seeming proud of herself.”Yep. Just what you need to boost morale.”

      Cash lifted his arm and stared at his watch. Thank God it was time to leave. Just wait till the next time he ran into Flutie. How could that man possibly think she would last at a company like Cunningham?

      He picked up the check and calculated fifteen percent. Standing, he extracted two singles from his wallet, then dug in his pocket for change and counted out the thirty-six cents he needed. When he placed the tip on the table, he noticed Carrie eyeing him from the side of her face.

      “Come СКАЧАТЬ