Christmas Elopement. Anne Eames
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Название: Christmas Elopement

Автор: Anne Eames

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ Carrie could do was stare at him.

      Dwayne cleared his throat.”Well…it appears we may have a minor problem here.” He rubbed his hands together, then clasped them to his chest.”But surely nothing that can’t be fixed.”

      Cunningham glared at her as if looks could kill.”I’m afraid there’s way too much to fix, the least of which is the front end of my car…thanks to this reckless—”

      “Your car!” The audacity of the man!”Do you know how long I’ll have to wait for Woodie’s parts?”

      “Not as long as you’ll have to wait to get a job at Cunningham Construction.”

      Dwayne clapped his hands together twice, loud and sharp, and they both stared at him, stunned into silence.”Now stop it. Both of you. And sit down. You’re acting like children.”

      “Here we go,” Gus said, with forced gusto.”Some of California’s finest, on the house.”

      Carrie looked at Gus’s desperate-looking smile and knew her freckles had disappeared behind her scarlet cheeks.

      “Well…enjoy!” Gus said and raced off.

      She braved another peek at Dwayne, who was sharing a stern look between his two mismatched clients as they reluctantly slid into the seats across from him.

      “Okay,” he started.”We’re going to begin again.” He took a slow, deliberate sip of Perrier, wiped his mouth with an embroidered handkerchief and then proceeded.

      “Carrie Sargent, I’d like you to meet Cash Cunningham. Cash…you may shake her hand and say something polite.”

      Carrie turned toward Cash, her hand making the long journey from her lap. When she saw his hand slowly rise to meet hers, she let her gaze travel to his face. She caught a slight quiver at the corners of his mouth, and she lost it. She laughed aloud as she clasped his long, elegant fingers. She watched him struggle a second longer before he gave in to his own amusement. She doubted anyone quite like Dwayne had ever crossed this man’s path. The idea of anyone scolding this…this…His hand was still in hers as he laughed and eyed Dwayne. Damned if Cash Cunningham weren’t one of the most handsome men she’d ever met.

      “Now, that’s better,” Dwayne said, and Carrie withdrew her hand quickly.”We’ll just put aside the past and move forward.”

      He turned to Carrie first.”Carrie, maybe you would like to explain to Cash why you are no longer employed at S & S Construction. Yes. 1 think that would be a good starting point.” He folded his arms and waited.

      Carrie turned in her seat and met Cash’s gaze. Those eyes. She remembered noticing how blue they were before. Distracted, she answered the question.”My father had a stroke last year. He owned the company I worked for so…so…” Damn, but this was difficult. She tried again.”So when someone made a good offer to buy S & S, we sold it and my father retired. The new owners had their own management team…”

      Dwayne finished for her.”So here she is, working temporarily for a friend of the family until we find her something suitable.”

      Now he turned toward Cash.”Cash, I’d like you to tell Carrie about Cunningham Construction and the position you would like to fill.” As before, he leaned back and folded his arms, fully expecting Cash to comply.

      Which he did. Carrie listened carefully, surprised at her sudden interest in the job. As Dwayne had told her earlier, it was everything she wanted. Then why, apart from their disastrous first meeting, was she so apprehensive? Maybe it was his too-good looks. Brian had been handsome, and wealthy, too. Yet something told her that was where the resemblance ended, that Cash Cunningham was nothing like her ex-fiancé. But then, her judgment regarding men left something to be desired.

      “There,” Dwayne said, bringing Carrie back to the present.”That wasn’t so difficult.” He opened his planner and held his pen in ready.”Cash, when may we schedule another interview? Perhaps at your office?” .

      Cash twisted his wineglass in his hands and swiped at the condensation.”Why don’t I get back to you on that. I’ll have to check my calendar.”

      Dwayne looked crushed, but put up a brave front.”Very well. I’ll call you tomorrow and we can discuss it then.” He slid out from the booth and Carrie followed suit, Cash right behind her.

      Carrie held out her hand to Dwayne.”Thank you, Dwayne. I appreciate your help.”

      “My pleasure, Carrie,” he said, with another limp shake.

      She turned to face Cash, not certain what to say. As much as another interview would have been encouraging, she felt a measure of relief at having been politely put off. Before she could speak, he took her hand between both of his. He didn’t shake it, but held it there gently. It was something far more intimate than she would have expected from this button-down executive type.

      “It’s…well, it’s been interesting, Ms. Sargent.” A smile lingering on his lips, he turned and left, his hand now on Dwayne’s shoulder, nudging him out the door.

      She stood there a moment longer, staring after them. Cash wasn’t going to call her back; she knew that. There were other jobs. She’d find something else in time.

      So why did his rejection feel like a sharp jab to the solar plexus?


      “What do you mean Sam’s not here?” Cash lowered his voice and tried again. It wasn’t Peg’s fault things were in chaos.”Did you try the yard?”

      “Yes, sir. Uh—” she swallowed hard, then finished in a flurry”—his wife just called. He’s sick and won’t be in today.”

      “Again? How many times does that make this month?” Peg started for the file cabinet and Cash stopped her.”Never mind, Peg. I’ll look into it later. For now, why don’t you try to find Flutie for me? We need to talk.”

      The phone rang and Peg darted back to her desk.

      “Good morning, Cunningham Construction.”

      “Good morning, Peg. Dwayne Flutie here.”

      “Mr. Flutie! I was just about to call you. Just a moment and I’ll transfer you right to Mr. Cunningham.”

      With a blueprint propped open with his elbow, Cash picked up the receiver and barked a greeting.”Hello?”

      “Cash…Peg tells me you wanted to talk. Could this have anything to do with last night’s meeting in Carmel?”

      Cash could hear the dollar signs in Flutie’s tone and mentally calculated how much this decision was going to cost him. He sighed out his answer.”Yes, it does. Why don’t you give her a call and see if we can talk before the lunch crowd arrives? Tell her I can be there by eleven.”

      “Wouldn’t you rather she come to your office?”

      He didn’t have time to wait for her day off, whenever that might be. If he made an offer, she’d probably have to give notice at the pub.”No. I’d rather go there…as soon as possible.” There was a moment of silence at the other end of the line. СКАЧАТЬ