Hearts Under Construction. Diann Hunt
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Название: Hearts Under Construction

Автор: Diann Hunt

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ looked at them and smiled. She would call the Wilsons when she got home to schedule a meeting, then she would inform Cole at the office in the morning. If he couldn’t meet them, so be it. If he could, fine. She’d be there, too. She drank her pop and allowed herself to relax a little. Maybe it would work.

      Cole Preston might try to get the better of her, but she was not about to make it easy for him.

      Chapter Four

      The next morning Ellie felt almost exhilarated with the challenge of facing Cole. She’d stand her ground and he would no doubt back out, not wanting her to go to Jax. He might be able to schmooze his way with other people, but she would not be so easily fooled. Besides, he was there to help Jax with the business, not gather his own list of clients.

      She walked into the office with confidence and marched right over to Cole who was standing by Alex’s desk, chatting with her. “I need to talk to you, Cole, when you have a minute.”

      Ellie watched as he shot Alex an oh-brother-here-we-go look. Her resolve started to melt. She caught herself. No, she couldn’t give in now. She was almost there.

      They walked over to Ellie’s desk. She tried to ignore the curious stares coming their way. Dropping her purse down on her desk, she pulled a chair up for him, sat down, and waited for him to sit. “I called the Wilsons last night, and we are to meet them at Fine Floors at six-thirty tonight to talk over their selection together.”

      Cole gave her a grin as if he knew exactly what she was doing. “Great. I’ll be there.”

      His comment took her by surprise. She had at least expected some sort of confrontation.

      “Do you want to work overtime and just leave together from here?” he asked.

      She had to think quickly. The last thing she wanted to do was ride with him. “Um, no, I need to go home first.”

      “Okay, rather than have two cars, I’ll swing by and pick you up at your house around six o’clock,” Cole said.

      Great. This was not going at all the way she had planned. “You don’t know where I live.”

      “Yeah, I do.”

      How did he know that? Why did he know that? “But—”

      “I’ll see you then, Ellie.” Cole got up and walked away.

      No matter how hard she tried, she could not figure him out one bit and it made her crazy. Well, she’d be on her guard. Regardless of what anyone else said, she didn’t trust him.

      Ellie spent the day in a flurry of work, for which she was grateful. It gave her less time to worry about Cole and his latest antics.

      She walked up to Jax in the kitchen. “I’m leaving now, is that all right?”

      He glanced at the clock above the sink. “So soon?”

      She followed his gaze. “I know it’s fifteen minutes early, but remember, I told you Cole is picking me up at six o’clock to meet the Wilsons. I was hoping to have a little time to freshen up before we go.”

      “Oh, right. I forgot.” He opened the refrigerator. “Do you know who brought in all this grapefruit?”

      She bit her lip.

      “Another diet?”

      She shrugged.

      He shook his head and grabbed a chocolate bar tucked in the back of the top shelf. “Whose are these?”

      Ellie hated being caught. She looked around the room as if she hadn’t a clue what he was talking about.

      “Ellie?” He peered at her over the rim of his glasses.

      She could almost feel herself seated in the middle of a dark, empty room with a bright incandescent bulb hanging over her. She imagined sweat forming over her brow. The pressure caused her to crack. “Okay, fine. They’re mine.”

      He shook his head and began to unwrap the bar.

      She ignored him. “So, is it okay if I leave? I’m not going to have time to eat dinner before then the way it is.”

      “No dinner? Be kind to the customers.”

      “Ha, ha,” she said with exaggerated sarcasm.

      “You want one of these?” He extended the candy bar toward her.

      “No, thanks. I’m on a diet.”

      Jax shook his head. “You’re pathetic.”

      She smiled at his teasing. “I know.”

      “Ellie?” He grew serious a moment. “You be careful. I mean, Cole’s my best friend and all, but he’s broken a few hearts.”

      “Don’t you even talk like that. I can barely stay in the same room with the man, let alone feel any attraction to him.”

      Jax shrugged. “Okay, just wanted to make sure. I’ve seen him change the mind of more than one woman.”

      “I’m not easily changed, remember?”

      By the time Ellie heard Cole’s car pull up to her house, she had just completed the finishing touches on her makeup. She took one last glance at herself in the mirror. After changing from the blue dress she had worn to the office, she’d put on her black pantsuit. Though professional, it appeared more casual than the dress and much more appropriate for visiting a carpet store. She fluffed the back of her hair and grabbed her purse.

      Thinking Cole was waiting in his car, Ellie started to bolt out of the door only to bump into him standing in the doorway. “Oh, I’m sorry.” Their noses were inches apart. He held her arms to steady her.

      “We seem to do this a lot.” His eyes teased her.

      Very uncomfortable with the feeling that shot through her, she pulled away. “I thought you were in your car.”

      “Dost thou think me not a gentleman, fair lady?”

      She couldn’t help but smile.

      “How could I not escort one so attractive?”

      Uh-oh, Jax was right. This man was spinning his web. No doubt to get her to share her commission. She ignored his comment. She fairly shoved him out of the way so she could lock the front door. When she turned around, she found him still standing close beside her. She straightened, and in businesslike fashion, walked to his navy SUV. He followed close behind and opened the door for her.

      He made her feel like a teenager going on her first date. The sooner she got this appointment over, the better. Oh, why had she agreed to ride with him?

      They made their way down the road, talking of surface matters. She tried not to look at him. She told herself it had nothing to do with being afraid of getting caught by his spell.

      The appointment passed quickly. The Wilsons were happy with СКАЧАТЬ