Hearts Under Construction. Diann Hunt
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Название: Hearts Under Construction

Автор: Diann Hunt

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ morning.” Jax and Alex met her with a smile. She wondered why they both came to the door. Probably afraid I would back out and it would take two of them to haul me, kicking and screaming, to the car. She smiled with the thought.

      “Hi.” Although Ellie did not want to go on this outing, she had to admit she felt a twinge of excitement. The day already boasted of warmth, sunshine and fun. She followed Jax and Alex to the car, taking note of their appearance. Ellie decided Jax looked nice in his navy shorts, a white pullover with a navy collar and stylish sandals.

      Auburn hair fanned across Alex’s shoulders in waves. That color was reflected by a chunky necklace of browns and tans nestled at the throat of her cream-colored blouse. Brown shorts with a matching belt and sandals completed her outfit. At her side, she carried a cream wide-brimmed hat. She appeared to have just stepped out of a modeling shoot.

      Ellie glanced down at her own sensible shorts outfit. They say you can tell a lot about people by the clothes they wear. She imagined her clothes said she hadn’t glanced at a fashion magazine in months. Besides, the inside of a person was what really counted. She tried to ignore the storm gathering around her heart. Come to think of it, she wasn’t exactly model material in that department, either.

      “Beautiful day,” she said, pulling on her seat belt.

      “We’re going to have so much fun!” Alex said with more enthusiasm than Ellie had ever seen from Jax’s date. Ellie had to admit she was glad she had come after all.

      Jax put on his sunglasses then edged the car out of the driveway.

      “Did Cole already make arrangements to rent the boat, or will we have to do that when we get there?” Ellie asked.

      “Oh, it’s all taken care of. Seems he has a friend there who is loaning us his sailboat.”

      “Of course, he would think of everything,” she muttered under her breath. She looked around the car then up at Jax through the mirror. “Did you bring any chocolate?”

      Jax shook his head. “Eat your energy bar.” He pulled into the blur of traffic.

      Finally, at Cole’s house, Jax went up to the door to let Cole know they were there. Alex chattered about what fun they were going to have, but Ellie didn’t hear much once she saw Cole step outside. She watched as he lifted a cooler, placed it on the porch, then closed the door behind him. He caught up with Jax and walked toward the car. His long legs sported khaki shorts and he wore a comfortable shirt, revealing the strong arms of a disciplined man.

      After some small talk, Jax turned on the radio and they settled into a comfortable ride. Ellie took a deep breath and decided now was as good a time as any to get things straightened out with Cole. She whispered so the others couldn’t hear. “Hey, about the other day—”

      “Forget it. I stepped out of bounds and I’m sorry.”

      The apology surprised her. “Me, too.”

      Cole smiled and winked, chasing the dark mood from her heart. She thought the day might turn out all right after all.

      Once settled on the boat, a warm breeze carried them a good ways onto the lake. Ellie sat with her eyes closed, willing herself to relax in the comfort of the summer sun. Though the temperature rose to an uncomfortable degree on land, the wind lifted mists of lake water around them, making the air perfect.

      Hearing Alex laugh, Ellie peeked over and saw Alex playfully jabbing Jax. Ellie turned away, not wanting to intrude upon their private moment, and glanced at Cole. His head was back, his face tilted heavenward. Golden sunlight sprayed across his already bronze body, causing his skin to glisten.

      Confusion plagued her. She closed her eyes. Cole drove her crazy at work. Always changing things, putting new policies into place, new rules, new guidelines. Sometimes she thought he did it because he knew she hated change. Why would he want to make her life miserable? Was she miserable? Yes, though she wasn’t sure why. Maybe she needed a new job. She loved working for Jax, but she knew he wanted to go into teaching someday. Why couldn’t things stay the same? Why couldn’t Jax be happy in the business? Then they wouldn’t have this mess with Cole. Why couldn’t people be content? Changes, changes and more changes. Nothing stayed the same.

      Lord, help me to stop looking at things through negative eyes. I’m sure my attitude has been less than pleasing to You, and I’m sorry. Whatever You want for my future, Father, help me to leave that in Your hands.

      “You still with us?”

      Ellie opened her eyes to see Cole. Her heart jumped like a playful fish on the water’s surface. “Uh-huh.”

      He opened a can of pop. “It’s a great day for this.”

      “It’s absolutely wonderful.” She closed her eyes again.

      “You hungry?” Cole asked. Ellie straightened, attempting to shake off the lethargy. He obviously didn’t know her well.

      “Trust me, she’s hungry,” Jax piped up before she had a chance to answer. They all laughed.

      Alex and Ellie pulled the sandwiches and soft drinks from the cooler while the guys checked the boat’s course.

      “Are you having a good time?”

      Ellie thought for a moment. “Yeah, I really am.”

      Alex chuckled. “You said that as if you’re surprised.”

      Ellie smiled. “I guess I did.”

      “And are you?”


      “Surprised that you’re having a good time.”

      Ellie shrugged.

      “You work too hard, Ellie. What fun is that?” Alex pulled the tab on her pop and took a drink.

      Ellie watched her but said nothing.

      Alex wiped her mouth. “You know what they say, ‘All work, no play makes Ellie a dull girl.’”

      Ellie knew there was truth in what Alex said. Not only that, but Ellie’s hard work hadn’t exactly paid off. She pushed the thought away, not allowing it to spoil her day. “You and Jax seem to be having a good time.”

      Alex lifted a haughty smile. “And why not? We’re practically engaged.”


      “Well, not officially, but I’m sure he’ll pop the question soon.”

      Ellie knew Jax pretty well and didn’t think he was quite ready for that step. In her own spoiled way, Alex seemed to contribute more to the relationship than Jax.

      The rest of the day passed as quickly as the gentle breeze. Weary, but happily so, they finally settled into the car as Jax headed the car toward home.

      “It’s been a great day, Jax. Thanks for driving,” Cole said from the backseat. Everyone agreed.

      Cole looked at Ellie. “I had a great time with you, too.” Before she could linger in the sudden warmth that sprang up at his words, he added, СКАЧАТЬ