A Forever Christmas. Missy Tippens
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Название: A Forever Christmas

Автор: Missy Tippens

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы





      “That’s tiny,” Hunter said.

      “Let’s keep looking and see if we can find one you’ll both like.”

      They tromped through row after row of Leyland cypresses and Virginia pines. The boys couldn’t agree on a tree at all. Hunter liked the tall fat ones. Chase liked the short, scrawny ones. As the light started to fade, she looked at her watch. Time to call Gregory.

      “Gregory Jones,” he answered, sending her pulse into overdrive.

      “Hi, Gregory. This is Sarah.”

      After a two-second pause, he said, “What’s up?” He sounded wary.

      “Well, I have your boys with me, and—”

      “What? Why do you have my boys with you?”

      Her pulse continued to race. Only this time it wasn’t due to the familiar sound of his voice. Now she feared she’d made a mistake. “I asked your dad if I could bring them to get a Christmas tree. But they can’t seem to make up their minds. And now I’ve realized it won’t fit in my car trunk, so—”

      “Hold up a second. I’m still trying to figure out how you got my kids out of school.”

      “Your dad gave permission for me to pick them up. I showed my driver’s license.”

      “And took them tree shopping.”


      He sighed. “So now they’ve picked out a tree?”

      “Well…no. Not exactly. They can’t seem to agree. Hunter likes tall and fat. Chase like short and skinny. So, what do you say you come with your truck, help pick one out, and then haul it home?” She smiled, because she was doing a great job of sounding cheerful. Maybe he would get in the spirit.

      “But I have an appointment in…forty-five minutes and need to make a quick shopping trip on the way. Just get them to strap it to the top of your car.”

      Chase started jumping up and down, excited that his dad might be coming. Hunter fidgeted as he tried to listen to the phone call. Of course, they hadn’t heard Gregory’s response.

      Hunter tugged her arm down to move the cell phone closer. “Hey, Dad!” he yelled.

      “Hey, Dad!” Chase echoed.

      She put the phone back to her ear. “The boys really want you to come help pick it out. I know it would mean a lot to them.”

      He sighed—an angry sigh. “I had set aside a day this week to go get the tree. It’s on my calendar.”

      Her heart pounded. What if she’d gone too far? What if he wouldn’t come? “We’re here already. Come on over and help. It’ll be fun.”

      “Pleeease,” Hunter yelled. And of course, Chase echoed. She almost said the same, but instead prepared to watch her plan crash and burn.

      “Okay. But make them pick one before I get there. I won’t have time to shop.”

      She smiled and gave the boys a thumbs-up. They whooped and danced around the trees while she gave Gregory directions to the farm.

      After the celebration, they walked two more rows of trees. Still no consensus.

      “Okay, you two. I have a solution. One wants tall and fat. One likes short and skinny. So how about we get a tall, skinny tree.”

      Hunter looked at Chase. Chase looked at Hunter. Both smiled. Then Hunter held up his hand for a high five from his brother. Success.

      A good while later, way back on the property, about as far as they could go from the parking lot, the boys found their tree. Most of the surrounding trees had been cut, and there stood their perfect tree. Well, perfect in their eyes anyway. Sarah tried not to laugh.

      It was tall.

      It was skinny.

      It was pitifully scraggly.

      “That’s kinda holey,” Hunter said as he shook his head, a gesture so like his dad that it made her heart lurch. “But it looks lonely. Can we take it home, please?”

      Lonely? Her heart hurt once again. Hunter…so sweet, so tender, so…lonely.

      “Pwease,” Chase added, sealing the deal.

      She pushed aside the ache for Gregory’s children and grabbed the saw. “Let’s get started.” She made the boys stand back as she attempted a couple of passes of the saw. Not easy work. Maybe she would wait for Gregory to—

      “Need some help?” he asked from behind her, his deep voice a rumble she could feel as if it were wrapping around her, enveloping her.

      Chase squealed, and Hunter actually smiled, both excited that their dad was taking part in getting the tree. Once he’d patted their heads, he rubbed his hands together and reached to take the saw from her.

      He’d always been the opposite of the men of her childhood dreams. Way back then, she’d imagined her perfect husband in a suit and tie like her dad—a slick businessman. But here he was in his boots, khaki work pants and polo shirt embroidered with the Jones logo, his auburn hair a little too long, his face scruffy with a five o’clock shadow. And so very appealing.

      Before sawing, he stood back and really looked at the tree. He shook his head, just like Hunter had done.

       Please brag on it. Please don’t say anything negative.

      “Why on earth did you pick out a Charlie Brown tree?” he asked.

      “A Charlie Brown tree?” Hunter asked. “What’s that?”

      He gave Sarah a look. “I guess if you’ve already started cutting, we have to buy that one.”

      “It’s perfect. And it needs love,” she said, daring him to say another word.

      “A tree needs love?” he said quietly for her ears only.

      His whisper rustled the hair by her ear and caused chill bumps to travel down her arm. A hint of clean, crisp, manly fragrance teased her nose, and she breathed in deeply. She couldn’t quite bring herself to move away. So she leaned in closer.

      “According to your son, the tree is lonely,” she whispered. “So watch yourself.”


      Gregory couldn’t look away from Sarah. Her nearness. Watching her with his kids. Seeing her protect Hunter. It was overwhelming. So he tried to focus on the tree. He was not at all surprised the tree looked lonely. It had been left behind for a reason.

      Forcing thoughts of Sarah from his mind, he made quick work of cutting the trunk, then carried it to where he’d parked his truck. Once he had paid, he said, “I’ve got to go. I’ll bring the tree home with me tonight.”

      “Ah, man. I wanted to decorate it now,” Hunter said.