A Forever Christmas. Missy Tippens
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Название: A Forever Christmas

Автор: Missy Tippens

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ didn’t get to see Drake often since he traveled the world for his photography. He hadn’t even made it home for the wedding.

      But the timing couldn’t have been worse.

      So not only did he have to pull off Christmas, he had to fill Lindsay’s void as well.

      His heart raced, and his chest tightened, a feeling that was getting a little too common lately. Stress-related, he was sure. Nothing to worry about. He just needed to get a grip.

      Maybe his dad was right. He needed to date a nice woman. Go out. Have some fun.

      But if all he could think about was Sarah, he was better off at home. Focusing on his kids. He could do this. He could be father and mother—and Santa—to his kids.

      Yes, the big Santa gifts would definitely take their minds off any disappointment over Lindsay.

       Christmas and all the trimmings, coming right up.

      He’d give anything to see a smile on Hunter’s face again.


      Later Sunday afternoon, Sarah decided to go to Harry’s house to speak with him.

      As she pulled in the driveway, she heard a screen door slam. Harry had walked out to the front porch.

      She couldn’t blame him for his surprise at seeing her at his house for no apparent reason. But he quickly masked the surprise and waved her over.

      She parked, climbed out, then walked up the sidewalk. “Hi, Mr. Jones. Could I speak with you for just a minute?”

      “I guess. Come in.”

      She couldn’t remember ever being inside Gregory’s childhood home. Their dates had all been on the sly since her parents had been so adamant that he was too old and too wild for her. She’d rebelled for a short while, but when he started talking marriage and about her going to college locally, despite her dreams of an out of state private woman’s college, she told him she couldn’t see him anymore.

      Harry eyed her cautiously. “So what did you want to discuss?”

      “I came to ask a favor.” She was surprisingly nervous, but she rushed on. “This is about Gregory. I’m worried about him and the boys. I’ve seen a few issues with Hunter, and I’m afraid his sons need more of his time if they’re going to get over Lindsay’s leaving.”

      A frown was his only response.

      She swallowed and decided to plunge in. “I’d like to help him see that time with his children is more important than making extra money for gifts. And I need your help.”

      “And you’d like to do this because…?”

      “I, uh…I’ve seen parents of one of my students make a similar mistake.”

      “You do realize his working overtime has as much to do with him looking out for his employees as it does with him buying nice gifts?”

      “Well, no. I didn’t know that. But either way, the outcome is the same. Hunter misses his dad. He’s sad. Withdrawn.”

      Harry rubbed his chin. “Have you talked to Gregory about this?”

      She recalled the awkward conversation and the not-so-satisfying result. “Yes. But he ended up angry with me.”

      He studied her. “I’m still trying to figure out your motive, here.”

      “I guess it’s the teacher in me. I see a problem with a child, and I try to fix it.”

      “You know, as long as Gregory thinks you’re trying to fix him, he’s not going to cooperate.”

      She had a feeling he wouldn’t cooperate simply because she was Sarah Radcliffe. “I just want to present opportunities for him to spend time with his boys. That’s all he needs. The rest will happen on its own.”

      Harry nodded. “Makes sense.” He continued to nod as if assimilating all she’d said. “Okay. I’ll help. As long as you don’t hurt my son.”

      “No. Of course not.” She wouldn’t let herself get involved enough for either of them to get hurt.

      “Well, what did you have in mind?”

      “I was hoping I could pick the boys up at school and day care tomorrow to take them to buy a Christmas tree.”

      “How will that involve Gregory?”

      “We’ll need him to bring the truck to haul it home. And then he’ll have to help put it up. And decorate it.” Just telling of her plan made a grin twitch at her lips.

      One side of Harry’s mouth lifted into a crooked smile. “Leave the details to me.”


      The next afternoon, Sarah arrived at the Jolly Time Day Care Center after picking up Hunter from kindergarten. Hunter remained silent as they drove to pick up Chase, but he hadn’t complained.

      “Come on, let’s go get your brother.” She held out her hand to him, trying to act as if she wasn’t anxious. After all, she hardly knew these children. And they didn’t really know her.

      “What are we going to do?” Hunter asked, ignoring her outstretched hand.

      “That’s a surprise. I’ll tell you once we get Chase.”

      “Hi, Miss Sawah,” Chase called as soon as they walked in.

      “Hi, Chase. I’m here to pick you up today.”

      She was relieved to see the day care center was bright, cheery and clean. The children seemed happy and well cared for.

      “I’ll get my book bag.” He ran to his cubby while she provided her driver’s license to the worker and signed Chase out.

      “So why didn’t Granddad pick us up today?” Hunter asked.

      “Well, I asked him if I could take you shopping for a Christmas tree.” She clapped her hands together, hoping they’d get excited.

      Chase didn’t disappoint. He hopped up and down, clapping his hands as well. But then he noticed his brother’s lack of reaction.

      Hunter stood stock-still. “I thought Dad would take us.”

      She hadn’t expected Hunter’s reaction. Had assumed he’d be thrilled. “Well, would you mind if I take you? I thought we’d pick it out, then call your dad to help us take it home and decorate it.”

      He shrugged. “He won’t come.”

      “Why don’t you let me worry about that part, okay?”

      He shrugged again. “Okay.”

      She buckled them in the car seats provided by Harry and drove to the tree farm outside of town. She’d always bought trees shipped in from North Carolina, but this was a cut-your-own СКАЧАТЬ