The Reluctant Bride. Meg Alexander
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Название: The Reluctant Bride

Автор: Meg Alexander

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература




СКАЧАТЬ of the Vicar’s proposed visit had been a lie, designed to prevent her visiting Hester.

      “We are always glad to see you,” she said truthfully.

      “And this offer? How do you feel about it?”

      “It came as a shock to us.” India would go no further, but the Vicar was concerned.

      He had never had much time for Mrs Rushford—a hysteric and a hypochondriac if ever he saw one. He was well aware of the means she used to get her way. Not for the first time, he gave thanks to heaven that his brother had chosen her sister rather than herself to be his wife.

      As for the girls…Poor Letty was looking distraught and India, though controlling her emotions, was clearly under a great strain.

      There was little he could do to help them, without appearing to interfere too obviously. For the moment he contented himself with observing that as marriage was for life even the dazzling prospect of this unexpected offer should be given a great deal of thought.

      Mrs Rushford frowned at him. “Why, Vicar, as their uncle I expect you to have the welfare of my girls at heart. What is there to think about? Such a chance is unlikely to come their way again…”

      “And do my nieces agree?” he asked lightly, aware of the air of tension in the room.

      The ensuing silence gave him his answer, and Mrs Rushford gave him a dagger-look, which she then attempted to hide.

      “What do young girls know of these things?” she asked. “They must be guided by their elders.”

      “I see.” It was no more than the truth. He saw very well how matters lay. The girls were to be hounded until one or the other accepted Lord Isham. Well, in the last resort he would refuse to marry an unwilling bride, however wealthy her suitor.

      Mrs Rushford saw his set expression and made haste to change the subject. “Have you heard no more of the Marchioness?” she asked. “That is a strange business.”

      “Indeed it is. Rumour is rife, but we cannot place any reliance on such gossip. So many months have passed since she was seen that we must pray that no harm has befallen her.”

      “It is said that Sywell himself has murdered her,” Mrs Rushford announced with relish.

      “A rumour entirely without foundation, Isabel. The Marquis is ill-tempered, and capable of violence, but I cannot believe that he would visit it upon his wife. He doted on her.”

      “Then where can she be?”

      “No one seems able to answer that question. I attempted to question the Marquis, but I am unwelcome at the Abbey. As you know, I was against this marriage from the start. The union of May and December will never serve, and Louise Hanslope was little more than a child when she took it into her head to marry a man three times her age. It could only lead to disaster.”

      “You think it important then, for both parties to be in complete accord?” India asked quietly.

      “I do.” The Vicar smiled at her. “Marriage is a difficult state at the best of times. In the first flush of passion most people do not think it so, but it demands self-control, tolerance, and sometimes heavy sacrifice. Such qualities are not common in our society. Best of all, a life partner should also be a friend.”

      “It seems idyllic, but almost a fantasy,” she agreed.

      “It can happen, my dear. And when it does nothing can be more fulfilling. Well, I must save my sermon until Sunday, but you must come to see me if you feel the need.”

      The door had scarcely closed upon him before Isabel Rushford voiced her displeasure.

      “Why, I wonder, would your uncle consider that either of you girls might wish to see him privately? Your own mama is the person to advise you.”

      “I think he meant only to be kind,” Letty murmured. “After all, it is his calling…”

      Mrs Rushford sniffed. Her regular attendance at the Abbey services owed nothing to religion, but she enjoyed her role as the tragic widow, and the opportunity to gossip. Now she turned on India.

      “I must hope that you intend to change your gown before his lordship’s visit,” she snapped. “That bombazine is positively dreary.”

      “It is the warmest thing I have,” India told her simply. “Mama, the weather is so bitter, and this house is very cold. You will not expect me to freeze to please Lord Isham?”

      “Must you defy me at every turn? I know that the black silk with the inset trimming has been turned and dyed, but it is more becoming. You will please wear it.”

      Delighted though she was by Isham’s offer, Mrs Rushford viewed his coming visit with some apprehension. Privately she expected him to choose Letty as his bride, in spite of his suggestion that the girls should decide between them. At all costs India must be prevented from seeing him alone. She had given her promise not to cause him to withdraw, but would she be able to keep to it?

      She now felt that she must play her highest card. “Think of your brother,” she coaxed. “He is sure to learn of something through Isham. His lordship must have several livings in his gift.”

      Even Letty giggled. “Giles as a parson, Mama? He would not hear of it!”

      “Hold your tongue, you foolish child! Giles will decide for himself.”

      “Most certainly he will!” India gave her sister a speaking glance. The transformation in their mother was extraordinary.

      Vanished was yesterday’s shrinking invalid. Mrs Rushford was already relishing her position as mother of the future Lady Isham. Naturally, her influence would be welcomed by her powerful relatives.

      “Isham does not strike me as a man who will be easily persuaded,” India murmured.

      “Perhaps not at the moment, but a wife is in a privileged position. Then it will be different, mark my words!”

      The prospect gave India no comfort. The sinking sensation in the pit of her stomach was increasing by the minute as the dreaded interview approached. Now she prayed that his lordship had reconsidered his outrageous proposal. He had had time to sleep on it. Perhaps he had already changed his mind.

      She could not rely upon such a happy outcome, and she could do no more than pick at the simple meal of cold meats which awaited them.

      “Eat up, my girl!” her mother urged. “A lack of food will cause you to feel faint. Isham must not believe you to be subject to fits of the vapours and you are already much too pale. It is such a pity that we are still in mourning. I wonder if you should change again…perhaps the grey?”

      India rebelled at that. “Mama, it cannot matter. What we wear is not of the least importance. Lord Isham met us yesterday, when we wore our plain round morning-gowns. He can be under no illusion as to our looks.”

      “Do as I say!” came the furious retort. “Letty must change too. At present you remind me of nothing so much as washerwomen.”

      There was nothing more to be said, but when they reached Letty’s room she seized India’s hand СКАЧАТЬ