The Reluctant Bride. Meg Alexander
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Название: The Reluctant Bride

Автор: Meg Alexander

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература





      “Nonsense, you silly goose! Have you no faith in him? If he loves you truly he will not give up so easily. Now bathe your eyes. We’ll go down and hear what Uncle has to say. Isham has probably suggested sending us to the salt mines to earn a crust…”

      This outrageous statement finally brought a smile from Letty. Still protesting at the ridiculous notion she followed her sister down the stairs.

      “You think Isham capable of anything,” she teased.

      Yet even India was unprepared for the news with which Sir James greeted them. He looked so serious that both girls were alarmed.

      “What is it?” India asked. “Is Isham demanding more? We have nothing left to give…”

      “Sit down, my dears. It is nothing like that. Now what I have to say concerns each of you. Lord Isham came to offer for you…either of you. He wishes you to decide between yourselves which of you is willing to become his bride.”

      Chapter Two

      For a few moments India was too stunned to speak. Then she found her voice and began to smile.

      “Uncle, I believe you mean to punish us for our rudeness to Lord Isham. You have hit upon the very thing to frighten us. What a fate for any girl! It is a dreadful prospect, even if you mean only to tease.”

      Still smiling she looked up at her uncle, but saw no answering amusement in his face.

      “India, I do not tease. His lordship has made a serious offer, and I must insist that you treat it as such.”

      India stared at him in disbelief. “You cannot mean it! If this is Lord Isham’s idea of a joke it is in the worst of taste. Hasn’t he done enough to harm our family? Must he indulge in mockery too? I hope that you ordered him from the house.”

      “I did no such thing. This is no joke. I am surprised at you, my dear, though I will make allowance for the shock. Your manner towards Lord Isham left much to be desired. I had not expected such a want of courtesy from any of my family.”

      “A want of courtesy?” India cried wildly. “That man is our enemy. Would you have us fawn upon him?”

      “You forget yourself, I fear. Must I remind you yet again that Isham did not force your father to sit at the tables with him? I am disappointed in you. Reason is needed here, not an exhibition of ill-temper.”

      His tone was severe, but India was too distraught to heed his displeasure.

      “You can’t believe that he is serious,” she pleaded. “I have never heard of such an offer. Are you saying that Isham has no preference? That either of us will do? It is insulting. Forgive me if I question his motives.”

      “India, you are not a child. The offer is unusual, certainly, but Isham needs an heir. Should aught happen to him the title goes to his half-brother, and Henry Salton is scarce fit…” He left the sentence hanging in the air.

      India struggled to regain some semblance of composure.

      “So Isham needs an heir? That I can accept, but why offer for Letty or myself? All the matchmaking mamas in London have been hanging out for him for years. He might take his choice of a dozen girls.”

      “I am sorry to see that you will believe no good of him. Perhaps you might consider that Isham has a conscience. He is well aware of your present circumstances.”

      “Then this offer is an act of charity? A sop for his guilt? What poor creatures he must think us! I for one will have none of it. He may peddle his offer elsewhere…”

      “This is foolish talk. You think only of your own pride. What of your mama and Letty?”

      India glanced at her sister and was stricken. Letty seemed on the verge of collapse, but she struggled to speak.

      “Uncle is right,” she whispered. “If his lordship’s intentions are honourable we must not sneer at him.”

      “That’s right, my dear.” Sir James gave the younger girl an approving glance. “You should listen to what I have to say before you reject this offer out of hand. Isham is prepared to be generous. He will settle the Grange upon his bride. Your mama may return there with a handsome allowance to enable her to live in comfort. Your own portions will be restored, though much enhanced, and the future Lady Isham will be the recipient of several other liberal settlements.”

      “He’s trying to buy us!” India cried indignantly. “Mama will not allow it.”

      “Please try for a little conduct, India, and do not get upon your high ropes. I intend to speak to your mama when she is a little restored. In the meantime I shall be obliged if you will restrain your comments. As Letty has pointed out it is quite wrong to censure a man who is trying to make amends for circumstances which are not his fault.”

      India hung her head. “I’ve been quick to judge,” she admitted. “But this offer seems so casual. It would appear that any woman will do.”

      “That is not so, as you yourself have admitted. Isham must be all of thirty-five. He might have chosen a bride at any time these past fifteen years.”

      With all her heart India wished that he had done so, but she would not antagonise her uncle further.

      “So what is to happen now?” she asked.

      “Isham is staying at the Grange. He will return tomorrow for your answer.”

      “So soon?” Letty cried in a faint voice. “Will he not give us more time to consider?”

      “Apparently not. My dears, I must leave you now, but I shall visit you again this evening. By then your mama may be feeling better. We shall speak further on this matter.”

      All thoughts of visiting Hester had vanished from India’s mind. Her manner was abstracted as she took leave of her uncle. Then she sat in silence for a time. Letty’s scared voice recalled her to the present.

      “India, what are we to do?” The great blue eyes were wide with apprehension.

      “Why nothing, dearest. We must not worry. Mama will be as shocked as we are. She won’t consider such a proposition.”

      India was wrong. She entered her mother’s room that evening to find her parent closeted with Sir James.

      More animated than she had been for months, Isabel Rushford greeted her daughters with a radiant smile.

      “Now, my dears, is this not a piece of great good fortune? It is all that I had hoped for you. What a match! Even in London I had not thought to aim so high.” She reached out her hands towards her girls. “Now which of you is it to be? You must have spoken of it whilst I slept.”

      “We have spoken of naught else.” India stared at her mother in amazement. “Mama, pray do not set your heart upon this scheme. It is sheer folly. What do we know of Isham, apart from the fact that he has ruined our family?”

      She watched in dismay as her mother’s smile disappeared.

      “Isham СКАЧАТЬ