Even in the Darkness. Shirlee McCoy
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СКАЧАТЬ in.” He pulled the back door open and everything inside Tori stilled. This was it. Her chance. Maybe the only one she’d get. All she had to do was slide across the seat, shove the door open and jump out the other side of the car. With the crowd bustling around, she might just get lost in the hubbub and escape.

      “Go on.” Noah spoke close to her ear, his breath warm against her neck, his arm lifting from her shoulders. There was something in his tone—a question or a dare.

      There wasn’t time to wonder what it meant. She scooted across the seat, her muscles stiff, her fingers itching to try the door handle. She waited as Noah said a few more words to their driver. Then, as Noah put his hand on the door frame, bent down his head and started to get into the car, Tori shoved the door open and jumped out. Two steps took her into the street, her feet pounding against the pavement as she dodged motorcycles and tuk-tuks, not daring to look back.

      Noah watched her go, grim satisfaction not quite overriding worry. Courier or not, Tori was an American woman in a place she didn’t know well, running from men who’d do more than torture her if they got their hands on her again. And she was an easy mark. She’d forgotten her hat, and her hair shone deep burgundy in the fading light, her tall, slim figure towering over most of the Thais.

      Noah fought the urge to race after her and drag her back to the safety of the car. The plan Jack had outlined was simple, almost foolproof. Free the courier from Lao’s prison, follow her to the box, secure the information and bring both the woman and the box back to DEA headquarters in Chiang Mai. Easy. Except Noah wasn’t convinced Tori was the courier.

      “You going after her?” Simon Morran looked relaxed as Noah stepped back out of the car, but there was a tension in him that said he was ready for action.

      “Just giving her a head start.”

      “Don’t make it too much of one. Sang Lao’s men are eager to get their hands on her.”

      “I don’t plan to let her out of my sight. Tell your brother I appreciate the ride.” He didn’t bother with goodbye, just started across the street, ignoring the beep of a horn and the unhappy glare of a tuk-tuk driver.

      “Better watch it. You get run over and who’s going to protect the woman?”

      Simon had moved into step beside him. Except for the coldness in his face, he looked nothing like Hawke. Rumor had it they were stepbrothers. Could be it was true. Not that it mattered. What mattered was that Simon was as quick and lethal as his brother. A strong ally and a dangerous adversary. And for that day, he and Noah were on the same side.

      Noah looked at the other man, made a quick decision. “You up for a game of cat and mouse?”

      “Got nothing better to do. Besides, Hawke said I’m supposed to get you out of the city.”

      “I could use another set of eyes and ears.”

      “We trying to catch her?”

      “Trying to keep her safe without letting her know we’re following.”

      “That shouldn’t be hard. She isn’t even looking back.”

      It was true. Tori raced through the crowd with blind determination, perhaps hoping that speed would be enough to keep her safe. After a few blocks, she paused, glanced around and then pushed open the door of a store.

      “She’s going into that shop. You know the owners?”

      “An elderly widow and her son. Quiet, honest people.”

      “Not friends of Sang Lao then. Let’s split up. You take the back, I’ll take the front.”

      Simon nodded, breaking away from Noah and disappearing around the side of the building.

      The shop looked ordinary—a jewelry smith with sparkling wares displayed in wide, clean windows. Was the box here? Perhaps being kept by a partner of Tori’s who had yet to be discovered by the DEA or Lao? It didn’t seem likely. Not if what Simon said about the owners was true. Not if Noah’s gut instinct about Tori was right. Still, his body hummed with anticipation as he moved past the store and took a seat at a bus stop a few buildings away. From there he had a clear view of the shop door. If Tori walked outside, he’d know. And if any unwanted company arrived, he’d stop them before they made it into the store. Noah prayed it wouldn’t come to that. Not here, on a busy street with so many people around. If it did, though, he’d be ready.


      Tori stood in the tiny bathroom she’d been led to and splashed her face with water. A small, hazy mirror sat above the sink, the face reflected in it one she barely recognized. Bruised, hollow-eyed, she looked nothing like the healthy veterinarian she knew herself to be. She patted a soft towel against her cheek, wincing a little as the fabric brushed against her swollen jaw. Every bone in her body ached, but nothing compared to the ache in her heart. Chet had rushed to complete the locket, hoping to please both Tori and Melody’s family, and had delivered it to the clinic yesterday. Now there was no chance that the teen wouldn’t be touched by the evil that had touched Tori.

      If anything happened to Melody…

      But it wouldn’t. Tori wouldn’t let it.

      A soft knock sounded at the door, and she pulled it open.

      “My son will come soon.” Parinyah Preteep spoke quietly, her face lined with age and worry.

      “Thank you. I’m sorry for bringing this trouble to you.”

      “The trouble is no fault of yours. Here—” she handed Tori a thick fold of fabric “—you put on.”

      Tori shook out the garment—a dark blue gown that looked similar to a nun’s habit—took off her sweater and pulled the material on over her T-shirt and jeans.

      “Now this.” Parinyah held out a silky white scarf. “Over hair.”

      Tori draped the scarf over her hair and let the older woman fashion it into a head covering that wrapped around the lower part of her face. When she glanced in the mirror, she could see that nothing but her eyes were visible.

      “Now you ready.”

      “Thank you.”

      “Go safely and have peace.” The words were a benediction, and Tori squeezed the other woman’s hand, wishing she had something more than thanks to offer.

      Somewhere outside a horn beeped, and Parinyah hurried to the back door of the shop, calling out a question as she pulled it open. She got an answer, then turned to Tori and waved her forward. “Chet says okay. He sees no one outside.”

      Tori wasn’t sure that meant much. Noah had watched her, followed her, been close enough to grab her, and she hadn’t known he was there until it was too late. But she couldn’t think on that. She needed to focus her energy on getting to Melody, making sure she and her family were safe. Then getting the box away from them and to the consulate. She’d worry about the rest after that.

      A gray-green mist touched the air with moisture, and Tori shivered as she stepped out the door of the shop. Clothes hung from lines that stretched from building to building across the alley, colorful banners limp in the moist air. Voices called back and forth, children СКАЧАТЬ