Even in the Darkness. Shirlee McCoy
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      “There aren’t many. Ten. Twelve.”

      “What are they hunting?”

      “A woman. An American with red hair and brown eyes. It seems she took something from Sang Lao. Something he’s desperate to retrieve.”

      That confirmed what the DEA’s informant had reported. A local businessman, Lao had been suspected of drug trafficking for years. So far he’d eluded the DEA and the Royal Thai Police. It looked like his luck might be running out. “What about the Wa?”

      “We’ve yet to see any of them.”

      “That’s something to be thankful for.”

      “A small thing. And something much bigger to worry about.”


      “There’s a price on your friend’s head. Fifty thousand baht.” Again he glanced at Tori, his eyes speculative.

      “A lot of money.”

      “Yes, but most people here despise Sang Lao and wouldn’t help him for all the riches in the world.”

      “It’s the rest of the people I’m worried about. We’ll need an escort out of town.”

      “It’s been arranged.”

      “Hawke’s ahead of the game.”

      “Your people are not the only ones who want to bring Lao down. Hawke has been patient. It seems his time might be at hand.” Apirak spoke as he stepped to the door and pulled it open. “There’s a car waiting for you at the entrance to Market Street. It will take you wherever you want to go.”

      “Tell Hawke we’re even.”

      “It will take more than this for Hawke to think he’s repaid the debt he owes you.” With that, the light went out and Apirak disappeared.

      “What’s going on? What did he say?” Tori’s words were just above a whisper.

      “Not here.” Noah tugged on her hand, pulling her outside.


      “There’s a price on your head. Fifty thousand baht.”

      If the news surprised her, she didn’t show it, just nodded, her dark eyes shadowed. “Now what?”

      “We go meet our ride.”


      “We’re going back to Chiang Mai. It’s time for you to go home.”

      If he wanted a reaction, he got one. Her body tensed, and he thought she might run. Instead, she nodded. “Good idea.”

      The words were hollow, empty of enthusiasm.

      “For someone who’s running for her life, you don’t seem very happy about getting an escort home.”

      “It’s the escort I’m opposed to. Not the trip home.”

      “Sorry. You’re stuck with me.” Until you decide to make your move. He didn’t say the last part, though he was thinking it. If Tori was guilty, she’d make a break for the box eventually. When she did, Noah would be right behind her.

      They moved back into the dank walkway, the silence heavy between them. Tori fought the urge to break it, afraid if she started talking she’d say too much, reveal more than she should. With her wrists throbbing, her head pounding and what few ideas she had muddled by fatigue, Tori figured the best she could offer herself and Melody was silence.

      Noah glanced her way, his face cold and unyielding. “It would save us both a lot of trouble if you’d tell me where the box is.”

      “I already told you—”

      “I’ve heard that story before. Why don’t we try a new one?”

      “Why don’t you try telling me who you are and why you freed me? Why you want the box and what you’re going to get out of having it? Maybe then we’ll have more to talk about.”

      Noah smiled, a feral curve of his lips that sent a shiver down Tori’s spine. “Seems we’re at a stalemate.”

      She shrugged, determined not to waste more time talking. Her energy was waning and she still had a long way to go.

      “Nothing to say, Red?”


      “What’s that?”

      “My name is Tori. Not Red.” She bit out the words, angry with herself for responding to his bait, angry with Noah for refusing to tell her who he worked for and why he wanted the box.

      “Tori. Red. It won’t matter if Lao gets his hands on you again.” The coldness in his voice chilled Tori to the core, but she couldn’t let it shake her resolve.

      She might not know who Noah was, but she knew what he wanted. Unfortunately for him, she didn’t plan to give it to him. Not when doing so might lead danger to Melody and her parents. Better to retrieve the box and bring it to the U.S. embassy in Bangkok. Let anyone who wanted it follow her there. Including Noah. Including the man called Lao. If they weren’t one and the same. She glanced at Noah. Was it possible he was the ringleader of the men who’d kidnapped her? That he’d freed her because he’d known she would go after the box? And once he had the box, would he kill her or let her live?

      Tori had no intention of staying with him long enough to find out.

      Up ahead the alley opened into a wide street, the sound of motorcycle engines growing louder with each step. Tori’s muscles tensed as she and Noah walked out into an open-air market colored amber by the fading sun. People milled about, buying hot noodle soup and succulent fruit from vendors. A normal, busy evening. But somewhere in the midst of it danger lurked. Tori felt it in the churning of her stomach and the goose bumps that leaped to attention on her arms. Her captors were out there, waiting.

      She glanced around, trying to put a face to the warning that hummed along her nerves. That’s when she saw the hotel. Two stories, well maintained. She knew it immediately. She’d been shopping on this street before. Market Place. Market Road. She couldn’t remember the name, but it didn’t matter. What mattered was that Chet’s store was just a few blocks away, an easy walk. All she had to do was lose her escort.

      Noah scanned the crowd, his face set in hard lines as he searched for signs of trouble. She could run now, make a break for it while he was distracted. Before she could take a step away, he grabbed a fistful of her sweater. One hard tug brought her up against his side. Then he dropped his arm across her shoulders, and any hope of escape was gone.

      “There’s the car. Let’s go.” He urged her toward a dark sedan that idled in front of the market. A man leaned against its fender, a dragon tattoo circling his biceps, a machete sheathed at his waist. He straightened as they approached, offering a brief nod in Noah’s direction. “Hawke says you need a ride.”

      “Hawke’s right.”