Red Shoes and A Diary. Mia Zachary
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Название: Red Shoes and A Diary

Автор: Mia Zachary

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ vacations are always casual. What about you?”

      Someone jostled him from behind. As he turned to look, he took an unconscious step toward her. His right hand bumped her breast and a shock of awareness zinged along her nerve endings. She gasped and he swung around, looking at her curiously.

      Wow. If she reacted like this to an accidental fondle, she wasn’t sure she could handle a deliberate one. Reeling from the thrill of his unexpected touch, it took a second to remember his question.

      “Oh, um. For the past few years I’ve been working as a paralegal.”

      “That’s a legal assistant, right?”

      “Yes. I did most of the work for a trial, like filing documents with the court, interviewing witnesses and preparing evidence.” Meghan realized she was babbling. She smoothed a damp palm over her hair and cleared her throat. “Anyway, I’m starting at University of Miami Law this fall.”

      “So you’re going to be an attorney.” The corners of his mouth angled into a smirk. “Did you hear they’re using lawyers in lab experiments now? Apparently there are some things even rats won’t do.”

      “Gee, I never heard that one before.” She rolled her eyes and laughed along with him. “I’m going into civil law, not criminal. I want to do mediation and binding arbitration.”

      “I guess this is your last vacation for a while.” He tipped his beer bottle toward her in salute. “Here’s hoping it’s a memorable one.”

      She felt another wave of heat, and not just in her cheeks. His voice was low and smooth, as sensuous as the rasp of bodies sliding over satin sheets… The sound of laughter and applause brought her back to the present.

      “Want to see what’s going on?” Her pirate gallantly offered his arm, placing her hand in the crook of his elbow. His skin felt warm, the dark hairs silky. Her fingertips tingled at the point of contact, sending a tremor along her nerves.

      He forged a path to the pool side of the deck, made space near the railing and maneuvered her to stand in front of him. His body heat penetrated her back and she had a crazy urge to rub her tush against his zipper.

      Very subtly, she angled her head to the side. Casting a glance over one shoulder, Meghan studied her fantasy man. She mentally stripped off his garish shirt and tight jeans. His body would be perfect—she just knew it. Lean, hard, athletic. Hard.

      If she felt the stirrings of lust, this damp and quivering desire, then she couldn’t be frigid. Her reaction to this gorgeous guy proved that she was a normal, healthy woman.

      He must have sensed her ogling him, because he looked down and grinned knowingly. Busted. With a hot blush and a quiet sigh, she turned her attention to the makeshift stage below.

      The staff at Cayo Sueño introduced themselves. She listened absently to the various names, origins and job titles.

      “—happy to plan your exercise and workout schedule—”

      “—adventures await, so stop on by the tour desk—”

      “—the fairway at the Key West Golf Club—”

      She smiled when Julie grabbed the microphone. The crisp white uniform flattered her sister’s pretty bronze face and showed off her great figure. Jules enthusiastically related the activities available both on and off the island.

      “Personally, I don’t think seven days is long enough to enjoy everything we have to offer!”

      “Why do I suddenly feel like I’m on a cruise ship?” The pirate murmured the comment, his breath tickling her ear.

      She laughed and tilted her face to look up at him. “Cross your fingers we don’t have to play shuffle-board.”

      He seemed to hold her gaze, but she couldn’t be sure. She wanted him to take off the sunglasses so she could see his eyes. Would they be green, like the man in her fantasies? Please let them be green.

      Jules briefly mentioned the pre-Columbian ruins on the northeast side of the island. She went on to list some of the tours available in Key West, fifteen minutes away, as well as trips to the Lower Keys and the Dry Tortugas National Park. After wishing everyone a fabulous vacation, she said, “Oh, one last thing while I’ve got everybody’s attention. The woman on the upper deck in the beige blouse and white shorts is my sister.”

      Startled, Meghan tore her gaze away from the pirate to gape down at Julie, who waved wildly in her direction. It seemed a hundred pairs of eyes turned to stare. Her stomach clutched in dread and she stood motionless in the spotlight of sudden attention.

      “It’s Meghan’s first vacation in two years and her first ever visit to Cayo Sueño. I just know you guys are going to make sure she has some fun this week. Thanks!”

      For the millionth time in her life, she wished she were an only child. “Julie Anne Foster, I’m going to kill you.”

      “Bad idea to announce that in front of witnesses. They tend to remember it when the body is found.”

      She turned in the circle of his arm where he rested his hand on the railing. Despite her embarrassment, excitement caught fire in her belly. She was practically in his embrace. All she had to do was lean her head back to kiss him.

      “This isn’t funny. One of these guys could be a deranged ax-murdering rapist. Now, no thanks to my meddling sister, he knows my name.”

      “Al—” His voice hitched, then he straightened and offered his hand. “Nick. Nicholas Alexander. I’m not an ax murderer. I swear.”

      She snickered in appreciation of the joke and reached out. When his large palm enveloped her hand, the softness of his skin surprised her. “Nice to meet you, Nick.”

      He finally peeled his sunglasses off and she saw his eyes for the first time. Omigod. They were the light green of spring leaves with long dark lashes. Even better than her fantasy man’s.

      He continued to clasp her fingers, tilting his head as if studying her. “And you’re Meghan Elise Foster from Baltimore.”

      How did he know all that? Taken aback by the odd tone of his voice, she slipped her hand away. “Yes, I am.”

      He stared at her intently, as if he could see into her soul. No one had ever looked at her so…thoroughly. She could lose herself in his eyes. And in the slow, sexy grin unfolding on his face.

      “In that case, you’ve got real nice underwear.”

      “Excuse me?” She spread one hand over her chest, in case he could somehow see her bra.

      His tone was too intimate, his expression too knowing, as he eyed her up and down. “The red lacy ones. Very sexy.”

      How could he have seen her underwear? Only the sales clerk had seen her brand-new underwear. “What in the world are you talking about?”

      “You left them draped on my couch.”

      “Your sofa?”

      “Looks like you checked into my suite by mistake. Not that I mind СКАЧАТЬ