Blackwood's Lady. Gail Whitiker
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Название: Blackwood's Lady

Автор: Gail Whitiker

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература




СКАЧАТЬ mistake by marrying me. You will be given a free hand with regard to the running of my homes and be treated with the respect that is your due. And, in time, hopefully there will be children for you to care for.’ David stopped and glanced at her quickly. ‘You do like children, Lady Nicola?’

      Nicola’s face lit up. ‘Oh, yes, of course, I adore them. Don’t you?’

      ‘To be honest, I have never given it much thought. I’ve always considered it my duty to assure the continuation of the line, of course—’

      Nicola’s feathery brows rose in surprise. ‘Is that how you look upon children, my lord? As a duty?’

      ‘I suppose that is how I look upon a number of things,’ David replied slowly. ‘In a position such as mine, freedom of choice must often be compromised for the good of the family. Surely you understand that?’

      Nicola shifted her gaze and focused it on the painting behind Lord Blackwood’s head. ‘Yes, I understand,’ she said softly. And she did. She understood that the most important thing in Blackwood’s life was his duty. Duty to his name and to his family. He would put that before everything—including love. That explained why there had not even been a pretence of affection in his proposal. And since he had chosen her to be his wife he obviously believed that she could deal with his offer on those same terms. But could she? Hadn’t she, like most young women, harboured dreams of being loved for all the right reasons? Of being told that she was the only woman in the world who could make him happy?

      Of course she had, and Nicola knew that she would be a fool indeed if that was what she believed she was being offered here. What she was being offered was a life of supreme comfort, in exchange for her presence at the head of his table and her willingness to fill his nursery with children. That was what the Marquis of Blackwood was offering. And, just as Nicola was about to tell him that it simply wasn’t good enough, Blackwood himself threw her into confusion.

      ‘Forgive me, Lady Nicola. I don’t seem to be doing a very good job of this,’ he admitted as he sank down onto the sofa beside her. ‘Perhaps because I have always believed marriage to be such…a serious business.’

      The unexpected admission, humbly offered, caught Nicola totally unawares and she faltered. ‘Well, yes, of course marriage is a serious business. But surely there can be reasons besides duty and obligation for wishing to marry someone.’

      ‘I would like to think that there are, but I also think that you and I are mature enough to understand that none of those more…sentimental reasons come into play here,’ David said quietly. ‘Like you, I do not look for shallow declarations of love simply because they are expected. I believe that such a great depth of emotion can only develop over time, as two people come to know and to understand each other. But I would hope that we could deal intelligently with each other, and perhaps with affection. Most importantly, I will honour, respect and revere you, Lady Nicola,’ David said softly. ‘That much I can promise you, from this day forward.’

      David wasn’t sure who was more surprised by his admission—Lady Nicola, or himself. He couldn’t remember ever having spoken so openly to anyone before. But she wasn’t to know that he had been suffering pangs of conscience ever since she had asked him if he liked children, and his answer had made him sound like an insensitive boor. Of course he liked children; he always had. Why, then, had he made it sound as if it was only duty that made him consider having them?

      David studied the lovely face beside him, and offered her a game smile. ‘Well, I think that is all I have to say. Perhaps you would like some time to think it over? A few more days before I call again for your answer? Unless…you are sure of your answer now.’

      Nicola lifted her head to look at him, and marvelled at how fickle the human heart could be. She had just received a proposal of marriage from one of the most eligible gentlemen in London—one whom most would have accepted before his final words were out—and now he was offering her time to consider an answer which, until a few short moments ago, would have been the same in a week’s time as it would have been today.

      Until a few short moments ago…

      ‘No, I do not need more time, Lord Blackwood,’ Nicola replied. ‘What more could a lady ask than to be given the assurance that she will be well taken care of, and blessed with a family to love and to care for? Yes, I will marry you.’

      David stared at her. ‘You will?’

      ‘Yes. And I thank you for asking.’

      It was not until that moment that David realized how much he had been hoping that Nicola would agree to his proposal. So much so that, when he smiled, Nicola caught her breath at the change it wrought in his appearance. It made him appear younger, and so much more…approachable. She was hardly to know that it was a smile which only a few close friends and family members were ever privileged enough to see.

      ‘I think it is I who should be thanking you… Nicola,’ David whispered. He leaned forward to brush a kiss against her cheek, and noticed, for the first time, how very sweet was the fragrance that surrounded her. ‘You have made me a very happy man. And now shall we call your father back in and give him the news?’

      ‘Wait…before you do, there is…something I should like to ask you.’

      ‘You may ask of me anything you wish, my dear.’

      The endearment caused the strangest flutter in the pit of Nicola’s stomach, but she forced herself to concentrate on what she had to say. ‘My lord, I was wondering…how do you feel about…animals?’

      Chapter Two

      Animals? David glanced at Nicola sharply as a memory of her father’s earlier words about the mighty buck suddenly sprang to mind. ‘I take it you are referring to…pets.’

      Nicola paused for a moment. Was she? In truth, Alistair was as endearing as the two black puppies, so she was not telling him a complete falsehood. And Guinevere was extremely well behaved…for a falcon.

      She smiled with what she hoped was conviction. ‘Yes, I suppose I am.’

      ‘Then rest assured I have no objection to your keeping pets,’ David said as the vision of the mighty buck was replaced by that of a small, fluffy lap-dog. ‘In fact, I have several dogs of my own.’

      Nicola’s smile faded. ‘Foxhounds?’

      ‘Sheepdogs, actually. Big, lumbering brutes, but as gentle as kittens. Have you a dog of your own, perhaps, that you would like to bring to Ridley Hall?’

      ‘I recently acquired two puppies,’ Nicola told him, avoiding, for a moment, any reference to the other members of the menagerie, ‘which I believe to be about six weeks old.’

      ‘And you would prefer not to leave them here.’

      ‘I confess, I have grown rather attached to them.’

      ‘Then by all means bring them along. They will make admirable company for my own. What breed are they?’


      David began to smile. ‘Didn’t get them from old Lord Hartley by chance, did you?’

      Nicola shook her head sadly. ‘I found them down by the river. I was…too late to save the rest of the litter.’

      ‘Too СКАЧАТЬ