Blackwood's Lady. Gail Whitiker
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Название: Blackwood's Lady

Автор: Gail Whitiker

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература




СКАЧАТЬ hand and pressed his lips warmly to the back of it. ‘I am honoured to be at your side this evening, my lady.’

      Nicola blushed prettily at the charmingly old-fashioned gesture, and then withdrew her hand. ‘Thank you, my lord. I am delighted by your approval. I wonder, are you acquainted with my aunt?’

      ‘I most certainly am,’ David said, turning now to bow towards Nicola’s aunt, who was equally resplendent in a gown of emerald-green satin. ‘It is a pleasure to see you again, Lady Dorchester. And, may I say, looking every bit as radiant as your niece.’

      There was a twinkle in Lady Dorchester’s eye as she curtsied and said, ‘And you are every inch as charming as I remembered, Lord Blackwood. My niece is a lucky young lady indeed to have secured the affection of such a gentleman. But then, I believe you to be even more fortunate in having secured hers.’

      David chuckled deep in his throat. ‘Indeed I am, Lady Dorchester, and, if I may be so bold, I would like to have a few minutes alone with Nicola before the evening gets underway. There is something I should like to give her.’

      Lady Dorchester beamed. ‘I would not mind at all. As long as you promise to have her back in time to greet your guests.’

      ‘I give you my word.’

      Thus assured, David took Nicola by the hand and led her through the house to the conservatory, which was located well away from all the hustle and bustle of the festivities.

      ‘My lord, what is this all about?’ Nicola asked when they stood alone in the middle of the spacious, plant-filled room.

      About to make the formal presentation of the ring, David turned towards her, and then abruptly went silent. The room was illuminated by nothing more than the glow of the full moon shining in through the glass windows, and by the flickering light of the candles in the sconces lining the walls. Even so, it was enough to show him how truly beautiful was the woman he had asked to be his wife. In the shimmering silk gown, with the high-waisted bodice delicately beaded and hugging a creamy expanse of bosom, and the skirt falling in gentle folds to reveal tiny feet shod in dainty satin slippers, Nicola’s loveliness nearly took his breath away.

      And then there were those eyes. Deep-set and fringed with the most impossibly long, gold-tipped lashes he had ever seen, they were eyes that stirred the passion in a man’s heart and coaxed the soul from his body. Eyes which, in the soft light of the moon, glowed a deep, luminous green.

      Witch’s eyes.

      ‘My lord?’


      ‘You’re staring at me.’

      ‘Am I?’ David shook his head, wondering at the turn of his own imagination.

      Witches indeed!

      ‘Forgive me, Nicola, I fear my mind must be wandering tonight.’

      ‘Well, I think even the great Marquis of Blackwood should be allowed to daydream once in a while. Don’t you?’

      David smiled to himself. What would she say, he wondered, if she knew exactly what he had been daydreaming about? He quickly thrust such frivolous thoughts aside, and said, ‘I wanted to have a moment alone with you to give you something.’ He drew forth a small velvet bag from his breast pocket and tipped a ring with a magnificent square-cut emerald surrounded by sparkling diamonds into his hand. ‘I chose it with your eyes in mind.’

      Nicola gasped as she caught the flash of diamonds and gold in the pale moonlight. ‘Oh, my! This is…for me?’

      ‘It is.’ Slowly, Blackwood reached for her hand and reverently slid the ring onto her slender finger, knowing that it was only the first of many such heirlooms he would bestow upon his new marchioness. ‘Now we are officially betrothed.’ Then, to Nicola’s astonishment, he bent his head and kissed her full on the lips.

      Nicola had not been expecting his kiss, nor was she prepared for the devastating effect it had on her senses. As his mouth moved gently over hers, teasing her with its warmth, a strange new excitement began to stir within her body. She felt his arm close firmly around her waist and pull her close; so close that she could smell the clean masculine fragrance of his soap and feel the warmth radiating from his body. Goodness, no one had ever told her that a kiss could be like this, and, flustered, Nicola drew back.

      David drew back too, though he didn’t release her hand. He continued to gaze down into her face, committing to memory the elegant line of her nose, the feathery curve of her eyebrows and the intoxicating dimple at the left side of her mouth, and felt an inexplicable tightness in his chest. ‘Does that please you, Nicola?’ he whispered hoarsely.

      ‘Y-yes. It was…very pleasant indeed.’

      ‘Was?’ Puzzled, David paused for a moment. Then, realizing what she was saying, he began to chuckle softly in his throat. ‘I was referring to the ring, my dear.’

      Nicola was eternally grateful for the darkness which hid her blushes. What a widgeon he must think her. Of course he was referring to the ring. He would hardly need question the expertise of his kisses.

      ‘It is…truly beautiful, my lord,’ she said, glancing down at her hand to avoid the dark, probing eyes.

      ‘I am very glad to hear it. But, now that we are officially betrothed, do you think you could bring yourself to call me…David?’

      It was such a silly oversight that Nicola started to laugh. ‘Oh, dear, yes, I think I most probably could…David.’

      And so, in a spirit of mutual charity, and much pleased with the events of the last few minutes, Nicola accompanied her fiancé back to the ballroom to await the arrival of their guests.

      It did not come as any surprise to David that the evening—and Nicola—were a complete success. Chatting easily as the seemingly endless flow of people made their way down the reception line, David watched his future bride smile and greet their guests, and knew that he had not been mistaken in his assessment of her abilities. The confidence and the poise with which Nicola carried herself would have made any man proud, and, indeed, a duchess could not have been more dignified.

      ‘Well, David, I am delighted to see you looking so settled,’ the regal Duchess of Basilworth said, breaking into his reveries. ‘And not before time either. I was beginning to wonder whether the fifth Marquis of Blackwood was not destined to become the last Marquis of Blackwood.’

      ‘I assure you, Your Grace, I had no intention of allowing anything of the kind to happen,’ David said, turning to offer her a warm smile. ‘I was simply waiting until the time was right. And, of course, for the right lady to come along.’

      ‘Yes, well, I am sure you aged most of the mothers in this room waiting for just the right time and the right lady,’ the Duchess chided him affectionately. ‘I know of at least five young ladies who turned down estimable proposals on the off chance that you might favour them with yours.’

      ‘Really? I cannot think why. I am hardly such a worthy catch as all that. And I am old enough to be a father to some of these girls.’

      The Duchess tapped him lightly on the arm with her fan. ‘I assure you, there was nothing paternal in the way any of them viewed you. Still, I am glad that you have made your choice, and that you have chosen so wisely. Lady Nicola СКАЧАТЬ