Breaking Her No-Dates Rule. Emily Forbes
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Название: Breaking Her No-Dates Rule

Автор: Emily Forbes

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ in, Jess.’

      The door opened. ‘Good, you’re up. Do you want to come for a walk with me?’

      Ellie looked at her watch. Ten past eight.

      ‘Now?’ she said.

      ‘Please,’ Jess begged as she pulled Ellie’s curtains back. ‘Adam’s home again and I don’t want to be here when he gets up.’

      Now the early morning walk made sense. Ellie knew Jess wouldn’t want to confront whoever it was who had kept Adam company last night. Their house belonged to Adam and the fifth bedroom was his to use whenever he was in Sydney. His work as a surgeon with Operation New Faces had him travelling around the world but when he was home there was always an endless stream of girls in and out of his bed, and Ellie knew Jess found that upsetting. Being reminded of Adam’s casual attitude to relationships was almost more than Jess could handle and she hated having to play nice whenever her path crossed with one of his many women.

      ‘Okay,’ Ellie conceded, ‘give me a minute to get dressed.’ Her room was flooded with light. It was going to be a beautiful day and she may as well get up and enjoy it. She climbed out of bed and pulled on underwear, a sports singlet and shorts. She’d shower later. She went to the mirror to brush her hair and tied it back into a ponytail. She rubbed sunscreen over her skin and grabbed a hat and her sunglasses. She was ready.

      A light northerly breeze was blowing along the foreshore as Ellie and Jess crossed Arden Street and headed for the path that hugged the beach. The morning sun was warm on Ellie’s skin with enough heat in it to make the breeze feel pleasant instead of uncomfortable.

      A low stone wall separated the beach from the path and Ellie and Jess had to dodge joggers and dog walkers as they headed north. At this early hour the only people who were up were people who had a reason to be—people who wanted to get their morning exercise in or who had young children. The lawn area was teeming with families and there were even some keen ones on the beach, building sandcastles and swimming.

      Ellie kept her gaze averted from the young families. She didn’t need a reminder of what she was missing. Since breaking up with Rob, she’d decided she would bide her time before starting another relationship. She’d had a few intense, short-lived relationships in the past year and she’d thought having a self-enforced break would be a good idea.

      ‘Perhaps I should get a dog,’ she said to Jess.

      ‘What are you talking about?’

      Ellie waved a hand in the general direction of the other pedestrians. ‘Everyone here has either got kids or a dog. If I’m not going to have kids, maybe a dog is a good alternative. Lots of people do that.’

      ‘Since when aren’t you having kids?’ Jess asked.

      ‘Well, I won’t be having any in the near future so a dog might be a good alternative,’ she explained. ‘Besides you know how, when you want something really badly, it seems to take for ever to happen and how, if you stop wanting it, it falls into your lap? Maybe, if I decide to get a dog, I’ll meet the man who will be the father of my children just because I’ve replaced the idea of kids with the reality of a dog.’

      ‘I don’t get that logic at all,’ Jess replied, and Ellie caught her sideways look, the one that said she thought her friend might be going mad. ‘I think we need to walk a bit faster. We need to get to Bondi and see the backpackers—the young, single crowd who don’t have kids or a dog. That’s another reality, you know. Anyway, I thought you were taking a break from the dating scene.’

      ‘I am,’ Ellie replied, but even as she uttered the words she knew she could be tempted out of her self-imposed ban very quickly and it was all because of James Leonardi. Since he’d arrived at Eastern Beaches, on the orthopaedic ward, her hormones had gone into overdrive. She was overwhelmingly aware of him and his presence reminded her that she loved being in a relationship. Loved the idea of being in love. ‘I think what I’m trying to say is that perhaps if I stop trying to find my ideal man, he might find me.’

      Jess nodded. ‘That makes a bit more sense but, you know what, I think you might just need to revise your definition of your perfect man. You might not want to hear this but I think you’ve been looking at the wrong type of men.’

      ‘What do you mean?’

      ‘You’ve always gone for the guys who appeared sensible and mature, older than you, ones who you think might be ready to settle down, without really worrying about what they’re like. Maybe you should try dating someone your own age.’

      ‘What’s age got to do with it? Cort’s older than Ruby and you’re still lusting after Adam, who’s older than you too, why do I have to date the young ones?’ Ellie argued.

      ‘Maybe not too young but maybe you should look for someone who’s not so serious and staid, someone who knows how to have a good time, less of a father figure.’

      Ellie frowned. ‘Is that what you think I’ve been doing?’

      ‘I think you’re looking for someone to be the father of your children but I also think you want someone who will take care of you,’ Jess explained. ‘You don’t need that, you can take care of yourself. I think you should choose a man because he’s a good man, not because you think he’ll make a good father. Look for someone who you can have a bit of fun with. You don’t need to rush into the whole marriage and babies thing. You’re still young. Relax.’ Jess stopped talking as they walked up a steep stretch of path but as soon as they were on a downhill slope again she continued. ‘If I told you your ideal man was waiting around the corner for you, tell me what you’d want to see.’

      That was easy. ‘Taller than me,’ Ellie said, ‘maybe a bit older, fit but not with weightlifter muscles, more of a runner’s physique.’ So what if her description was an identical match to James Leonardi? Surely there were plenty of other men who could be described in the same fashion!

      ‘And what would he be like?’

      ‘What do you mean?’

      ‘Well, does he make you laugh or does he take life very seriously? Could he be divorced? Already have kids? Do you want a professional or someone who has a job where they get dirty? A dog person or a cat person? Tea or coffee drinker?’

      They’d reached Gordon’s Bay and turned for the trip home. As they walked down the hill around the northern end of Coogee Bay, past Rob’s apartment building, Ellie quickened her pace, not slowing until they’d made it back to the stone wall that signalled the beginning of the beach. A few fishing boats were being taken out from the fishing club and there were a couple of games of beach volleyball under way. Ellie’s attention was drawn to a game of two on two between four fit young guys. They were all wearing board shorts without shirts, their bodies tanned and firm in the morning sun. A few steps closer and Ellie’s heart began to race in her chest. There was something familiar about one of them.

      Olive skin, dark hair, a lithe frame. Her fictitious ideal man. James Leonardi.

      He had his back to them and his calf muscles bulged as he propelled himself off the sand and into the air to block a ball at the net. His block was successful and Ellie watched as he high-fived his partner and waited for the ball to be returned. He scooped it up and prepared to serve. He tossed the ball high and raised his arms in the air as he hit it over the net. Ellie could see the muscles of his back ripple with the movement. She’d seen his face in profile as he’d served СКАЧАТЬ